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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised
    Yeah, where are the pics from "No Man's Land"? After teasing us so much, it's time to release them and make us all happy!
    Frankly, I thought it was insanely early last year when they released the first set of pictures, and I've wondered on occasion if it was a mistake in the press office. (There was another incident recently where a mockup of a DVD cover for a different series got released, and I'm relatively sure that was a mistake in the press office, too, because the draft looked like a ten-year-old had designed it. )

    Anyway, if I remember correctly, last year we got half a dozen pictures in April and then didn't see anything more for weeks. I'm not saying that it won't happen in an hour, but I would warn people against holding their breath. Unless we've got CPR-certified shippers around here.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      Anyway, if I remember correctly, last year we got half a dozen pictures in April and then didn't see anything more for weeks. I'm not saying that it won't happen in an hour, but I would warn people against holding their breath. Unless we've got CPR-certified shippers around here.
      Hmm, does sound like a bit of a gaff. It isn't good PR strategy to throw your audience a bone and then go silent.

      I do work in PR, but sadly not in the SGA press office *sob*
      If I did work in the press office, I would find a way to leak anything sparky.
      I guess this is where my signature should go, right?

      Visit my LJ?


        There have been pics from "Sateda" floating around:

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          Frankly, I thought it was insanely early last year when they released the first set of pictures, and I've wondered on occasion if it was a mistake in the press office. (There was another incident recently where a mockup of a DVD cover for a different series got released, and I'm relatively sure that was a mistake in the press office, too, because the draft looked like a ten-year-old had designed it. )
          Heh, well, mistake or not, as long as they stick to one particular time in April/May in the future, I'm going to be happy.
          Anyway, if I remember correctly, last year we got half a dozen pictures in April and then didn't see anything more for weeks. I'm not saying that it won't happen in an hour, but I would warn people against holding their breath. Unless we've got CPR-certified shippers around here.
          That's a bit too much for April! Well, if they are going to give us a bunch of real promo pictures and some episodic ones in a few weeks, it will be worth the wait.
          That's right about not holding your breath . And I'm not going to try and guess what the odds are of getting a sparky picture.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            There have been pics from "Sateda" floating around:

            Those came from one of the recent sneak peeks, and were the few that could be positively identified. There was also this shot that I identified as from "The Misbegotten" because that's what the clap board a second earlier said on it.

            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by mirafemina
              Loved this gwen! And you mention Ronon's pimp coat too!
              Thank but I didn't write it! I got it from the John/Elizabeth group at LJ. It was written by rhin_ariel.

              I loved the mention of Ronon's pimp coat!

              What I'm working on is a Sparky fic where John is pregnant with Lizzie's baby...Yes I am insane. Or rather, I have watched Junior too many times...

              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                Originally posted by Erised
                Heh, well, mistake or not, as long as they stick to one particular time in April/May in the future, I'm going to be happy.
                I'm hoping we get pics by the end of may, my last exam is on May 27, so by then i won't be worrying about papers, research, studying, or anything uni related, and i'll be able to focus entirely on sparky, and the show yeah .


                  Originally posted by Melyanna

                  Anyway, if I remember correctly, last year we got half a dozen pictures in April and then didn't see anything more for weeks. I'm not saying that it won't happen in an hour, but I would warn people against holding their breath. Unless we've got CPR-certified shippers around here.
                  Wouldn't Nurse John fall into that category? Just sayin'. Is there a Nurse Rodney? He is definitely a Sparky shipper.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Stepping on Sal's toes to bring you sparky fic:


                      *Sneaks in*

                      Hello, this is rhin_ariel from LJ again. I usually just lurk around this place, but I have come out of lurking due to the fact I am going to LFCC in July and wanted to see about meet-ups, etc.

                      I thought I'd sneak in here and say a very, very big thank you! to everyone who's said nice things about fic I've written and to say that all the stuff in here, be it fic or graphics, is always wonderful.

                      Therefore, I shall probably leave now and go back to lurking for a while.

                      *Sneaks out*

                      *Sneaks back in*

                      Oh yeah, Sparky rules!!

                      *Sneaks out again*
                      AKA Rhin Ariel...or something along those lines.

                      This sig is extremely dangerous and highly volatile. It may explode at any moment. The only way to keep it under control is to click the following links. Thank you.

                      My LJ
                      My Fanfic LJ
                      My stories on


                        Originally posted by moonfly
                        *Sneaks in*

                        Hello, this is rhin_ariel from LJ again. I usually just lurk around this place, but I have come out of lurking due to the fact I am going to LFCC in July and wanted to see about meet-ups, etc.

                        I thought I'd sneak in here and say a very, very big thank you! to everyone who's said nice things about fic I've written and to say that all the stuff in here, be it fic or graphics, is always wonderful.

                        Therefore, I shall probably leave now and go back to lurking for a while.

                        *Sneaks out*

                        *Sneaks back in*

                        Oh yeah, Sparky rules!!

                        *Sneaks out again*
                        *grabs moonfly*
                        Okay, what did we do? Because every new member of this thread seems to run away everytime they come?

                        And I've read the fic alyssa rec, this is great!!


                          Originally posted by Vicky
                          *grabs moonfly*
                          Okay, what did we do? Because every new member of this thread seems to run away everytime they come?

                          And I've read the fic alyssa rec, this is great!!
                          I think lurking here is great
                          I follow your very interesting conversations and someone always says what I'm thinking so...

                          *back in lurking mode*


                            Originally posted by alyssa
                            Stepping on Sal's toes to bring you sparky fic:
                            Thanks for the rec, i love reading post ep fanfiction, and
                            The explanation for Sheppard's 'declaration was dead on, IMO it was just a desperate move by a dying guy who was desperatly trying to save his skin.


                              Originally posted by Luz
                              Thanks for the rec, i love reading post ep fanfiction, and
                              The explanation for Sheppard's 'declaration was dead on, IMO it was just a desperate move by a dying guy who was desperatly trying to save his skin.
                              You mean about his declaration for Teyla? For me it was still meant in a brotherly way. And besides, he cares more then he lets on about all of his team. He just wanted to let her know that even if he can be a real pain in the mikta, he still has affection and cares deeply for his team. Because lets be honest, he can be pretty harsh and malicious *sometimes unintentionally*.


                                Ok here's a thought I had while thinking about John/Liz and Caldwell. I'm going to put that under a spoiler-cut 'cos I'll talk about Conversion, CM and TLG.

                                Ok, here's what I thought. Remember that scene in Conversion when he told, rather than asked, Liz that she and Shep were close? and then there's that talk in the infirmary at the end of TLG when he talked about the kiss. I'm a little confused at him. He is obviously aware that they might have feelings for each other. At least in Conversion, I'm pretty sure he was testing Liz, trying to see if he was right or wrong.
                                What I don't understand is that: he wanted Sheppard's position, so why hadn't he written a report where he could say he assume that something mught be going one between those two? I know he only had assumptions but if PTB on Earth wanted to investigate he could have had control over Atlantis.
                                But when he returns in TLG, he changed. He was actually the one who mentionned the kiss, even though it wasn't really them. That made me thinks that the Goa'uld may have had controlled him since Intruder 'cos his attitude towards Shep, Liz and other Atlantis personnel changed after the Goa'uld was removed in Critical Mass.

