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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Rubicon
    Oh how the tunes have changed:

    But is a Teyla / Sheppard romance in the mix for Season Three?

    "Well, I'm not adverse to it," she said. "I would like to see some sort of love interest for Teyla, but whether or not that ends up with Sheppard, I don't know. My take on it is that although it might be hinted at and teased at, I don't think the writers are going to make anything more of it ... it might be a tricky road to go down."

    Or, boring as h*ll, whatever.
    Yeah, I'm still questioning where the T/S romance even enters into the scenerio. I'm not a shipper of any pairing, but at least I see that there's room to manuvier and growth between Sheppard and Weir. I've barely seen Sheppard and Telya talk to each other at all.

    But, then again, I haven't seen season one. Still, though, I've seen season two. I honestly don't see S/T as a major contender for ship. You're more likely to see, 1.) Sheppard/Weir 2.) Teyla/Ronon . . . and in a distant third, Teyla/Carson or Weir/Carson. Those seem to have more basis in ship and friendship than Teyla and Sheppard have been afforded this season.
    Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
    You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
    Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

    Poem by Rachel Cooper.


      Originally posted by GateByte
      Glad you liked it. I'll probably update it next week, but I will try for sooner. If I get seriously frustrated with the couple assignments I've got and need a break, it'll probably be sooner. And yeah, definitely will get some 'comforting' in there, just maybe not in the next chapter
      GateByte, I just read your fic. It was great!!!! I really liked it, but I guess I have a little more evil nature. Wait for the next chapters of my fic. Next one is coming soon. Tonight or tomorrow night at tops.
      Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


        Originally posted by Toll Verliebt
        Jist read the most adorable fic.

        Hope that works, made me squee like a stoned school girl.
        That was a way cute fic, loved the ending.
        Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
        Sparkiest Little Spanker

        Pencil Breaker and proud of it!


          Originally posted by Atlantean_Fan
          GateByte, I just read your fic. It was great!!!! I really liked it, but I guess I have a little more evil nature. Wait for the next chapters of my fic. Next one is coming soon. Tonight or tomorrow night at tops.
          Thanks glad you liked it . I think my evil nature is starting to take over a bit more lately. *though I won't allow it to totally take over, I do have some control over these things * But having creepy dreams seems to help in the Shep!angst writing department, so I guess I'll live with them if they continue to be useful.

          And glad to see you're updating your fic too. I'd like to see where you're taking it.


            Originally posted by Hatcheter
            Trying to slip a little cerebral posting in among the craziness, huh?

            By the time 'Home' filmed, it's possible that TPTB recognized that there wasn't much chemistry between Sheppard and Teyla. This very well could be a subtle hint that they decided that Sheppard wouldn't be "tied down" by a relationship; a statement accentuated by staging the scene around a conversation with his superior. Never mind the fact that said superior is an attractive woman with whom he has great chemistry.

            I think the prince's comments about the burdens of a relationship may not necessarily apply in Atlantis. At least not between these two people, who are already partners working for common goals.
            It's also possible that her page 17 isn't TPTB's page 17. Unless you got the edition that's shown in the episode, sunny?

            The flirty nature of that scene in Home has often made me wonder when TPTB decided to abandon the idea of Shep/Teyla. (Which I believe they did during the first season, as Brad Wright made comments before the show started airing that there wouldn't be a romance in the show. Obviously at least a few episodes had been filmed before they decided to abandon the angle. And strangely, I'm kind of glad that Conversion played out the way it did. It closed that door instead of just ignoring the fact that they'd played with the idea.) It's actually the rest of Home that I find really intriguing. Even though Sheppard's there with Teyla, who's literally relying on him for everything, as her reality is fabricated from his, John comes back to what's going on with Elizabeth. When Elizabeth finds herself relieved of command, the reason she knows something's wrong is the response attributed to John. It's rather interesting that this early, they were already setting up John and Elizabeth's relationship as one that they gauge everything else by.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              It's actually the rest of Home that I find really intriguing. Even though Sheppard's there with Teyla, who's literally relying on him for everything, as her reality is fabricated from his, John comes back to what's going on with Elizabeth. When Elizabeth finds herself relieved of command, the reason she knows something's wrong is the response attributed to John. It's rather interesting that this early, they were already setting up John and Elizabeth's relationship as one that they gauge everything else by.
              Yeah, it aired here last night. (oh the dancing hamsters line by Rodney, I still find it extremely hilarious ). Anyways, I love how he's all wondering about Elizabeth, and Teyla seems mildly annoyed with him about it, *shame*. But I really agree with you that it is interesting how they used their thoughts about each other to help get to the fact that something is indeed wrong. Like, that early on they already know each other that well, to be able to judge how the other would react to certain situations.


                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle

                What I want to know is, where did Teyla get that bruise on her arm, because Shep just got back, and isn't this before Ronon? Maybe a little tussle with Rodney in the closet while J/E weren't using it?
                SGA: the 3-season show...


                  Originally posted by Toll Verliebt
                  Jist read the most adorable fic.


                  Hope that works, made me squee like a stoned school girl.
                  Great fic!!!!


                    Originally posted by Ronnikins
                    John: Wow, that session with SR took a lot out of me. I can't even stand up straight!
                    He was walking just fine when he left here. Must have been the next appt that crippled him. And I don't care if he calls me Elizabeth. Just so he calls me. Hee. Oh, for the gun. I'll take the 9mm in the holster. Slung real low as requested please. BTW sorry about the torn black tee shirt. Just add it to my bill.

                    Originally posted by GateByte
                    Yeah, it aired here last night. (oh the dancing hamsters line by Rodney, I still find it extremely hilarious ). Anyways, I love how he's all wondering about Elizabeth, and Teyla seems mildly annoyed with him about it, *shame*. But I really agree with you that it is interesting how they used their thoughts about each other to help get to the fact that something is indeed wrong. Like, that early on they already know each other that well, to be able to judge how the other would react to certain situations.
                    Home has always intrigued me also. When I first saw it I was a casual Sparky shipper. Never did really see Sheyla, wondered what was going on in 38 Min and just went WTH during Home. Ignore the hot babe in the new outfit that you paid for, say you want to go out exploring rather than take advantage of the cool bachelor pad, and wonder what's going on with your bosslady? This boy has something on his mind. Needless to say it's become even more obvious that Teyla is not much more to him than one of the guys.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Fic Rec. This is one of the sweetest Sheppard centered fics i've ever read, very angsty (gotta confess that this one made me cry ) Innocence a child. It contains Shep/Weir friendship.


                        Originally posted by Luz
                        Fic Rec. This is one of the sweetest Sheppard centered fics i've ever read, very angsty (gotta confess that this one made me cry ) Innocence a child. It contains Shep/Weir friendship.
                        That was so sad , I cried too. But it was really good. Thanks for the rec.


                          Originally posted by Luz
                          Fic Rec. This is one of the sweetest Sheppard centered fics i've ever read, very angsty (gotta confess that this one made me cry ) Innocence a child. It contains Shep/Weir friendship.
                          Iread that one a while back at I nearly cried at the end!

                          Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                            Originally posted by Rubicon
                            Oh how the tunes have changed:

                            But is a Teyla / Sheppard romance in the mix for Season Three?

                            "Well, I'm not adverse to it," she said. "I would like to see some sort of love interest for Teyla, but whether or not that ends up with Sheppard, I don't know. My take on it is that although it might be hinted at and teased at, I don't think the writers are going to make anything more of it ... it might be a tricky road to go down."

                            Or, boring as h*ll, whatever.

                            LOL! Tricky? Rachel, honey, considering that John and Teyla haven't spoken over a dozen sentences directly to each other since 'Rising', I'd venture to say 'tricky', while an appropriate description for such a course, would only be the start of it. Try: irrational, illogical and dull for starters. In the dictionary under the word 'nauseous', there's a pic of me watching John and Teyla in a 'hot' scene together. I think those early scenes scarred me so badly that I still cringe when they so much as speak to each other. But seriously, the two of them probably have the least scene chem together of any pairing on the show-even in the most casual or action-packed of scenes.


                              Fic rec! I just found this at Command Dynamics and it is really funny!

                              Nail Polish

                              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                                Fic rec! I just found this at Command Dynamics and it is really funny!

                                Nail Polish

                                AWW! Cute!!

                                Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team

                                I've Been SPANKed by the Love Monkey!!

