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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mentalmichael
    Oh my God. You people are scary, I did that like 4 minutes ago!!!!

    (I'm blaming all of you for making me write so fast )
    OMFG!!!! Mental... that is a greast ending!!!!!!!!

    wooohhhoooooo!!!!!!!!! go SPARKY!!!!

    Skyler... that is great!!!!


      ^^ROFL Love it Skyler! Poor Caldwell!


        Originally posted by Southern Red
        I did, but I got distracted by Bama's PTB conversation and lost my train of thought.
        Let's see: Symptoms of Sparky Obsessive Syndrome

        1. You hear a song on the radio and think it will make a good vid for Sparky.
        2. You fantasize about Elizabeth and John more than you and John. Or Elizabeth.
        3. You use the words "That reminds me of something I saw on Stargate Atlantis" in conversation.
        4. Seeing sparks or hearing the word Sparky makes you grin.
        5. You have a pet named Sparky.
        6. You have no idea what's happening on the show when John and Elizabeth aren't on screen.
        7. You can look at a picture of Sparky and tell which episode it is from.
        8. You know exactly how many days, hours or minutes until the next episode.
        9. You've stopped reading anything but Sparky fanfic.
        10. You see every moment they are on screen together as a shippy moment.

        I'm sure there are more. There are probably phases of obsessiveness until you get to the point where you never leave the house. But none of us are like that.
        Let me see... I have numbers 1, 3, 4, 7... I'm Doomed!!!

        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
          ^^ROFL Love it Skyler! Poor Caldwell!
          Yeah.. cause Weir has kicked his *explicit word* before.. wait.. that wasn't a real episode.. that was a vid. Whoops..

          Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

          *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*


            Originally posted by Skyler
            Yeah.. cause Weir has kicked his *explicit word* before.. wait.. that wasn't a real episode.. that was a vid. Whoops..
            A very good vid btw. *hint hint*

            Edit: You are doomed, gwenhwyfar? Lets see, I have 1, 2, 3... well, all except 5. I should see docter. Where is my life?


              Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
              Let me see... I have numbers 1, 3, 4, 7... I'm Doomed!!!
              not at all!!! LOL

              i have all bar 5 and 6!!!!!! hehe
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                Personally, I think that the PTB put Sheppard with every chick because they over-identify with him, he is what they'd love to be.
                Smartest comment I've read all day! I absolutely agree with that. I think that he's the hero a lot of tptb would have imagined themselves being as kids. He's good looking, he can pick up 'excellent' space chicks, and still have one (or two) girl(s) at home. (depending on whether you see Sheyla, Sparky or you're open to both)


                  Originally posted by alyssa
                  Smartest comment I've read all day! I absolutely agree with that. I think that he's the hero a lot of tptb would have imagined themselves being as kids. He's good looking, he can pick up 'excellent' space chicks, and still have one (or two) girl(s) at home. (depending on whether you see Sheyla, Sparky or you're open to both)
                  so so true!!!!!!!
                  ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    I'm not sure they came across as gullible, just out of options.
                    How many times in the briefing room scene was it reiterated that they really had no choice but to play along? Damned if they do, damned if they don't, but Elizabeth had them take extraordinary security measures. It just wasn't enough.

                    I guess what I mean by gullible is
                    that they didn't second-guess the Wraith. They believed all the jamming codes were real and they believed the Wraith "encyclopedia" and just trusted the Wraith without reservation. At least that's what I saw. Were they wary of them? Sure, but not nearly enough. Did they have any other choice? No, I'm not saying that they did.

                    All I'm saying is that in typical Human fashion, they were just too passive. Unless Rodney and Sheppard have come up with an off-screen Plan B, the Atlantis crew just looks a bit silly to me right now. How could they not have expected the Wraith to double-cross them? They all looked so taken by surprise. Hello? Wraith! They should have expected it and it looked to me like Teyla was the only one that thought that far ahead.

                    Anyway, just my two cent.
                    I put the "M" in stupid.


                      Originally posted by stubadingdong
                      I guess what I mean by gullible is
                      that they didn't second-guess the Wraith. They believed all the jamming codes were real and they believed the Wraith "encyclopedia" and just trusted the Wraith without reservation. At least that's what I saw. Were they wary of them? Sure, but not nearly enough. Did they have any other choice? No, I'm not saying that they did.

                      All I'm saying is that in typical Human fashion, they were just too passive. Unless Rodney and Sheppard have come up with an off-screen Plan B, the Atlantis crew just looks a bit silly to me right now. How could they not have expected the Wraith to double-cross them? They all looked so taken by surprise. Hello? Wraith! They should have expected it and it looked to me like Teyla was the only one that thought that far ahead.

                      Anyway, just my two cent.
                      and a much appreciated 2 cents!!! LOL i agree with you on some points there!!!!! i mean... how in the universe did they not see that coming!!!!
                      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                        I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but when Sheppard was talking to Zelenka in 'Allies'(the scene with the 's' word comment). When he brings him and his team the coffee, did you notice when the attractive blonde takes one of the cups, she says thank you and is trying to look at his face to get his attention, but he completely ignores her. I found it to be a very odd thing, considering she was pretty much an extra. Maybe there is hope for Shep yet.


                          Originally posted by gambit
                          I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but when Sheppard was talking to Zelenka in 'Allies'(the scene with the 's' word comment). When he brings him and his team the coffee, did you notice when the attractive blonde takes one of the cups, she says thank you and is trying to look at his face to get his attention, but he completely ignores her. I found it to be a very odd thing, considering she was pretty much an extra. Maybe there is hope for Shep yet.
                          I saw that too! I was thinking exactly the same!


                            Welcome all newbies!!

                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            I did, but I got distracted by Bama's PTB conversation and lost my train of thought.
                            Let's see: Symptoms of Sparky Obsessive Syndrome

                            1. You hear a song on the radio and think it will make a good vid for Sparky.
                            2. You fantasize about Elizabeth and John more than you and John. Or Elizabeth.
                            3. You use the words "That reminds me of something I saw on Stargate Atlantis" in conversation.
                            4. Seeing sparks or hearing the word Sparky makes you grin.
                            5. You have a pet named Sparky.
                            6. You have no idea what's happening on the show when John and Elizabeth aren't on screen.
                            7. You can look at a picture of Sparky and tell which episode it is from.
                            8. You know exactly how many days, hours or minutes until the next episode.
                            9. You've stopped reading anything but Sparky fanfic.
                            10. You see every moment they are on screen together as a shippy moment.

                            I'm sure there are more. There are probably phases of obsessiveness until you get to the point where you never leave the house. But none of us are like that.
                            Hmm, let's see ... I've got quite a few of those symptoms. Guess there's a good chance I'm becoming obsessed. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

                            Oh, and Bama that PTB conversation you posted was absolutely hilarious Awesome job!


                              Originally posted by oneoverbeta
                              All the great discussion on this thread has sucked me in so much that I just went out and bought Season 1 on DVD (first TV on DVD purchase ever, actually) to re-watch everything from a Sparky point of view. I'm not sure whether to go in order or jump around... Anyone have recommendations for their favorite Sparky eps from the first season?
                              Hi! I actually did the same thing. Had watched SGA on/off, found GW and learnt all about on-line fandoms, went out and bought the DVDs to make sure I hadn't missed any shippy bits

                              Nearly every S1 episode has a shippy moment in it, whether it be cute, funny or meaningful. My personal faves are:

                              Hide and Seek,
                              The Storm/The Eye,
                              Hot Zone,
                              Before I Sleep,
                              The Seige 1+2.

                              Personally I would watch them in order and then go back and rewatch your faves


                                Originally posted by gambit
                                I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but when Sheppard was talking to Zelenka in 'Allies'(the scene with the 's' word comment). When he brings him and his team the coffee, did you notice when the attractive blonde takes one of the cups, she says thank you and is trying to look at his face to get his attention, but he completely ignores her. I found it to be a very odd thing, considering she was pretty much an extra. Maybe there is hope for Shep yet.
                                I noticed that too and was glad Shep didn't pay attention to her. The fact that TPTB even put that in was irritating though.

                                When all else fails, change channels.

