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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Well, getting away from the fun we've been having at Chaya's expense, can I start a mildly serious topic?

    I adore the discussion that goes on in this thread. There have been times when I've come back to reread posts from all of you. But this Friday the final episode of the season airs here in the US, and after a little while we won't have a steady stream of new material to talk about.

    So I'd like to know if anyone else would be interested in doing a kind of group viewing or "episode club", if you will. Each week, we could have a discussion leader/moderator pose a few questions about a given episode, to start up some discussion directed at Sheppard and Weir (together or not) in that episode. I find these incredibly useful after an entire season has aired, because we can look back at the early episodes and see how things were foreshadowed and how characters developed over the course of several episodes.

    Would anyone be interested? Obviously we wouldn't start it for another week or two, but I'd like to see if we could get through the whole season before Siege III airs in July. I'm willing to lead the discussion for the first few episodes until others want to jump in to lead it. This thread has gotten itself a reputation for thought-provoking discussion, and I'd love to see it continue through the summer.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Good idea Melyanna
      I want to stay unspoiled for Atlantis, so it would be a nice way to wait for S2 without being too tempted by spoilers
      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


        Yes, that too is why I love Weir because she is smart and sexy in a non skanky (a very good word, indeed!) way. She respects herself so therefor all others do too.

        Yes, Carter had many suitors but besides Martouf (sp?) they weren't really all that gorgeous. WHICH IS NOT EVERYTHING! But to be fully equal, if they have Victoria Secret models running around in little tanktops and bikinis then I fully expect to see a man in a loincloth!

        Meylanna- That sounds like an excellent idea!! Unfortunatly none of my friends like stargate as much as I do and they don't really get my obsession so besides my sister who is off at college busy not doing work and you all here, I have no one to really discuss it with! Hopefully discussion will keep me off spoilers too!!
        Citizen of Braneville


          Originally posted by wizengamot
          But to be fully equal, if they have Victoria Secret models running around in little tanktops and bikinis then I fully expect to see a man in a loincloth!

          That sounds like a good idea, Mel. I'm certainly game.

          a time to mourn


            I'd join the discussion, Melyanna.

            It would be a great way to stay spoiler free, and avoid either putting my friends to sleep and/or driving them nuts with Atlantis rants.
            Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
            Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Well, getting away from the fun we've been having at Chaya's expense, can I start a mildly serious topic?

              I adore the discussion that goes on in this thread. There have been times when I've come back to reread posts from all of you. But this Friday the final episode of the season airs here in the US, and after a little while we won't have a steady stream of new material to talk about.

              So I'd like to know if anyone else would be interested in doing a kind of group viewing or "episode club", if you will. Each week, we could have a discussion leader/moderator pose a few questions about a given episode, to start up some discussion directed at Sheppard and Weir (together or not) in that episode. I find these incredibly useful after an entire season has aired, because we can look back at the early episodes and see how things were foreshadowed and how characters developed over the course of several episodes.

              Would anyone be interested? Obviously we wouldn't start it for another week or two, but I'd like to see if we could get through the whole season before Siege III airs in July. I'm willing to lead the discussion for the first few episodes until others want to jump in to lead it. This thread has gotten itself a reputation for thought-provoking discussion, and I'd love to see it continue through the summer.

              Sounds great to me. I recently "joined" this happy group so I'll love going back and talking about the beginning of the Shepperd/Weir ship. Wonder if Sci-Fi is going to run the episodes again?


                Oh, good, I won't be Miss English Nerd and babbling to myself about the episodes. I admit that I hadn't thought of it as a way to help people stay spoiler-free, as I somtimes end up with more spoiler information than you can find here on GW, but that's a good point. Also, we could do group reads of fics and discuss them — maybe even inviting the authors in to talk about their fics.

                (I really, really want to keep discussion alive in here. Can you tell? )

                girlgater, SciFi has traditionally reaired seasons of SG-1 after the first run, but before syndication. (That's actually how I saw a lot of Season 7, come to think of it.) Hopefully we'll get the same for Atlantis!

                Also, there's a full (or nearly full — might still be missing Sanctuary) set of Atlantis transcripts floating around the internet if people want to use those to brush up.
                Last edited by Melyanna; 23 March 2005, 04:03 PM. Reason: Because I can never remember everything I mean to say.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Ah! That's how I was for Alias 2nd season. I moderate a group that does a lot of spoiler stuff so I knew all the stuff that the owners didn't post and then i got sad b.c it ruined the fun!!!!

                  I know you can join one yahoogroup that has all SGA and SG1 Transcripts (plus some specials) You should be able to join there.
                  Citizen of Braneville


                    Sounds like a great idea Mel!!!

                    Sorry I haven't been around much lately - been SOO busy!! But now I got a long weekend!! So plenty of time to do Atlantis discussion!!!

                    *grins* Atlantis starts here (Australia) on Sunday!! But according to channel 7...its a movie *raises eyebrow* Rising is now a movie premier lol

                    *shrugs* Can't wait!!! Get to see all the lovely stares in proper quality now


                      That is definately a good idea Mel! I would totally love for us to continue our discussions. It's nice to come into a thread have have some fun moments and have great discussions.

                      And now that the first season has aired, and some of us are actually watching some of the eariler episodes again, I'm sure we can pick up on more little moments we could squee at and back up our ship.

                      Originally posted by girlgater
                      Sounds great to me. I recently "joined" this happy group so I'll love going back and talking about the beginning of the Shepperd/Weir ship. Wonder if Sci-Fi is going to run the episodes again?
                      I believe Scifi will be airing the episodes again, I remember looking at the schedule over at Scifi the other day, and if i'm correct they are airing "Rising" next Friday. But I'll check again.


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        I believe Scifi will be airing the episodes again, I remember looking at the schedule over at Scifi the other day, and if i'm correct they are airing "Rising" next Friday. But I'll check again.
                        According to my TV GUIDE, next friday is Battlestar Galactica Friday ::barfs::


                          Originally posted by Merlin7
                          According to my TV GUIDE, next friday is Battlestar Galactica Friday ::barfs::
                          *barfs with you* I got lost during the credits of that show...
                          Citizen of Braneville


                            Originally posted by Merlin7
                            According to my TV GUIDE, next friday is Battlestar Galactica Friday ::barfs::
                   offense to BSG fans...but I tried watching the show, and ended up hating it.

                            Yeah next week is all BSG...ick

                            But the week after that (April 8 )They are playing "Rising part 1".


                              and it looks like SciFi will be airing all eps in order starting April 8th.
                              Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                                YAY..I'm taping them all again. HEEE

                                ::forgives Sci Fi channel for BSG::

                                To go OT for a sec. Nothing against those who like/love the show but GOD I HATE IT! I hated the very idea of it the moment they made Starbuck a woman. But I watched it anyway...just to see if it was good enough to change my mind. NOT! My poor eyes keep popping out of my head from rolling so much. And CURSES to TV GUIDE! They put BSG on the cover and did an article but NOT SGA? I really don't get them or SCI FI channel.

                                Really. I mean. SGA is now beating out BSG. It's was number one for SFchannel since July. It's taking back it's title. But SF promotes SG1 and BSG more. Why is that? Anyone know?

                                To get back on topic. I really that first Shep/Weir balcony scene from Rising. Where she's all geared up to argue her point to Shep, knowing it's going to be a battle. And then, ulimtimately, he just goes to her "Okay" And walks off. That scene was just precious ::hugs scene::

