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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Whistler84
    My friend, welcome to my world.


    Whose with me?
    Down with ship wars!!!!


      Originally posted by xkawaiix
      Down with ship wars!!!!
      I need to make a sig. Get a campaign goin . . .

      Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
      I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
      Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


        Originally posted by Whistler84
        My friend, welcome to my world.


        Whose with me?
        War? Don't see one Whis. Just opinions and someone asked why we could see S/W when we can't S/T and we'll certainly give em one. This is a S/W thread. Though I don't venture out much, I don't mind 'other' minded people posting here and asking questions or stating opinions but how can people then be offended when we tell you implicitly what we think? That's *not* impolite imho as long as there's no personal or character attacks made and I've not seen any today-just simple personal opinions and insights. I've had a ball today frankly on here! Great posts all around and great conversations. I still think this thread ROCKS the HOUSE!!


          Originally posted by Whistler84
          *looks surprised*

          Whatcha doin' here, Willis?
          Sneakin' around! You guys have some great conversation going here...I think I'll comment later -- I'm trying to split myself between here and a lab report. ::hugs again:: I'll just follow you around.

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            Originally posted by MacGyver`
            Ok, this initial rivalry between the 'sheyla' people and with the people here is just redicolous.

            To be quite honest, I really don't care about the show that much.
            Don't try to make it into something it's not, you're are in no way a representative of the Shep/Teyla shippers. Actually most of them (the well meant ones) are wellcome to come here and say hi. A ship war won't be declared just because a few provoking posts by only *one* individual.
            There is no such rivalry, we get along pretty well, and a few socks won't change that.


              Calling this a shipper war is extreme. I was kinda joking around with that. But I was commenting on the fact that there is such sour feelings between so many S/T and S/W fans (and there *really* are), and I find this, with some exceptions . . . just kinda absurd.

              So, we're rival ships? So what? The S/T and R/T people never have this problem. Neither do the S/W and M/W people.

              Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
              I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
              Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                Originally posted by Whistler84
                My friend, welcome to my world.

                DOWN WITH SHIPPER WARS!

                Whose with me?
                Amen! *joins* I should convert you all to Beckett/Weir, where you know it won't happen, but you'll live in a happy, wonderful, fic-driven world.

                Newbies make mistakes, and just so people know, we're starting to get a reputation in this thread for being newbie-bashers.
                Um, yeah. From first-hand experience, please, please lighten up on us newbies. You don't have to like or accept us, but really, the "sock"ing of every newbie is ridiculous. Just because we're new doesn't mean we're someone else.

                -in multi-shipper limbo, and gosh is it fun!-

                Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


                  Originally posted by Whistler84
                  Calling this a shipper war is extreme. I was kinda joking around with that. But I was commenting on the fact that there is such sour feelings between so many S/T and S/W fans (and there *really* are), and I find this, with some exceptions . . . just kinda absurd.

                  So, we're rival ships? So what? The S/T and R/T people never have this problem. Neither do the S/W and M/W people.
                  I think it's pretty limited actually Whis to a few pot-stirrers on both sides. I've never had cross words with a sheyla supporter other than a time or two where some lame attack happened in this thread. Usually if you go looking for trouble you find it. Most of us are pretty nice folks I think but we are very heavily *sold* on Elizabeth and John as an eventual all-encompassing couple or we wouldn't post here so much. People should keep the topic in mind when coming into any thread-here or elsewhere. I don't mind conversation about anything with a sheyla supporter and can be very civil and downright friendly. However, if someone is looking for me to pull my opinion punches on sheyla's legitimacy, then no.

                  That opinion said- You're terrific Whis I certainly don't want you to take an opinion personally either.


                    Originally posted by Weir'sRedShirt
                    Um, yeah. From first-hand experience, please, please lighten up on us newbies. You don't have to like or accept us, but really, the "sock"ing of every newbie is ridiculous. Just because we're new doesn't mean we're someone else.

                    -in multi-shipper limbo, and gosh is it fun!-
                    Agreed, we can't expect everyone to be *her*.


                      Originally posted by Whistler84
                      Calling this a shipper war is extreme. I was kinda joking around with that. But I was commenting on the fact that there is such sour feelings between so many S/T and S/W fans (and there *really* are), and I find this, with some exceptions . . . just kinda absurd.

                      So, we're rival ships? So what? The S/T and R/T people never have this problem. Neither do the S/W and M/W people.

                      There's one person to blame for the S/W S/T rivalry. Along with that person's socks. The reason the other ships have no issues is that there's nobody in any of those ships denegrating others for their views or insulting actors because they think that by doing that they'll further their own ship of choice.

                      johnandteylaalltheway started this with nasty, nasty, nasty comments about Torri. There, I've said the name, but since the person doesn't post under that name anymore, I don't see any problem with that.

                      The McKay/Weir people are nice people. I post in there every now and then. I'm not into Teyla/Ronon because I haven't seen Ronon's character yet.


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        I think it's pretty limited actually Whis to a few pot-stirrers on both sides. I've never had cross words with a sheyla supporter other than a time or two where some lame attack happened in this thread. Usually if you go looking for trouble you find it. Most of us are pretty nice folks I think but we are very heavily *sold* on Elizabeth and John as an eventual all-encompassing couple or we wouldn't post here so much. People should keep the topic in mind when coming into any thread-here or elsewhere. I don't mind conversation about anything with a sheyla supporter and can be very civil and downright friendly. However, if someone is looking for me to pull my opinion punches on sheyla's legitimacy, then no.

                        That opinion said- You're terrific Whis I certainly don't want you to take an opinion personally either.
                        Bama, of course I would never think ill of you! Differing opinions, that's what I'm all about! I just wish we could do that without frightening the newbies.

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Originally posted by Weir'sRedShirt
                          Um, yeah. From first-hand experience, please, please lighten up on us newbies. You don't have to like or accept us, but really, the "sock"ing of every newbie is ridiculous. Just because we're new doesn't mean we're someone else.
                          What? Where is this 'newbie bashing' stuff? In my experience, most of us go out of our way to welcome newbies and encourage 'jumping in'! However, the topic of this thread is pro-shep/weir ship and there are indeed some who come in with pot-stirring in mind which perhaps make more long term posters more wary. However, if someone has noticed such, then perhaps we all should be a bit more patient. I agree-people are human and mistakes are made both ways.


                            Originally posted by Whistler84
                            Calling this a shipper war is extreme. I was kinda joking around with that. But I was commenting on the fact that there is such sour feelings between so many S/T and S/W fans (and there *really* are), and I find this, with some exceptions . . . just kinda absurd.
                            I know, believe me, *i* *know*, i've been on the recipient end. But i hold no hard feelings to the Shep/Teyla shippers in anyway, i know they are not the ones trying to stir havoc.
                            It's not one sided, i don't know about anybody else, but the first times i tried to fix things nicely through PMs and got attacked, someone practicaly told me to drop death. So it's not some innocent newbies trying to say hi, i think someone is trying to intentionally create bad blood amongst all of us. And we all know who that someone might be . What i'm saying is that if they really were poor lost newbies, their posts wouldn't be so similar, it's uncanny how it feels like were "reading" the same poster over and over again. It's become a rite of passage, first go taunt the Sparky thread, then go to the Shep/Teyla thread. Honestly, think about all of them, one of them even pretended to be Shep/Weir shipper, but couldn't stop him/herself from sputtering about Shep/Teyla's babies. I'm just tired of them, next time one of these drops by i'll try to ignore them, but if they begin *again* with the Weir bashing, so help me...
                            Last edited by Luz; 18 February 2006, 03:27 PM.


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              There's one person to blame for the S/W S/T rivalry. Along with that person's socks. The reason the other ships have no issues is that there's nobody in any of those ships denegrating others for their views or insulting actors because they think that by doing that they'll further their own ship of choice.

                              johnandteylaalltheway started this with nasty, nasty, nasty comments about Torri. There, I've said the name, but since the person doesn't post under that name anymore, I don't see any problem with that.

                              The McKay/Weir people are nice people. I post in there every now and then. I'm not into Teyla/Ronon because I haven't seen Ronon's character yet.
                              And that person is the exception I was referring to. Let's not make the exception the rule, shall we? I see your point Alyssa, but I still respectfully disagree. I hope we can settle on that.

                              Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                              I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                              Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                                yeah as a newbie I agree with ya RedShirt..but
                                most newbies don't say .... negative stuff like that. Obviously it would have everyone concerned...

