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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised
    Hey Bama! I second your request! John being tied to Elizabeth would be soo darn sparky! .... eh and then someone will have to untie them and drag Liz away but shoot John in the leg..
    um yeah
    Oh yes!, can i have it acompanied by a good dose of Shep angst, and a bit of Weir whumpin'?, delicious .


      Originally posted by GateByte
      That's such an awesome idea. Shep and Weir tied up together, definitely hot. Maybe captured by some alien race or something, yeah that would do it.

      I think I would also like to see them, say, stuck in a Jumper, sorta lost in space. Only each other to keep them company, until they are finally rescued. But I agree, shouldn't have any 'special dialogue or make them admit anything momenteous', just being there to comfort each other when it seems as if they might never be able to find their way back to Atlantis. Heck, it doesn't even need to be a Jumper. They could be stranded on some planet or something sorta like Solitudes, only J/E instead of S/J.
      You guys notice the writers reluctancy to put Elizabeth in dire situations like we had 'The Eye/Storm'? I wonder if the on-screen effect was greater than what they'd expected from that? I know it was an episode that opened many a Sparky 'eye'. It would seem to me that if the writers hesitate to do something that they must sense something chem-wise going on. It's as if they don't want to show their 'hand' or blow their gasket too quickly because they know if we get Elizabeth in any kind of dire trouble with John around-be it emotional or physical-that his response to her is going to tip the scales perception shipwise beyond the point of no return.

      I remember being 'concerned' early on in the year a little about that whole 'tied' up scene with John/Teyla and how it might offer a chance for something but watch it and it's acts as if he'd rather be fishin than rubbin cheeks with Teyla. No cutesy comments or geniuine 'extra' concern for her...just...nothin'.

      P.S...Here, on the even of 'Valentine's Day' what do you guys think our Sparky duo will get each other?

      I'm goin with twin copies of all the Atlantis security camera footage they can find from TLG. *grin*

      John: "Hey, grab us some popcorn, I've got this great new video tape we need to watch."

      'Lizabeth: Football again John?

      John: Nope...Better.
      Last edited by Bama; 13 February 2006, 05:42 PM.


        I'm not sure if this is known on here or not, but the people on the Teyla/Dex forum are celebrating about an interview Rachel Luttrel had. When asked about Sheyla Rachel said that they did hint at it this season, but she feels certain that the writers aren't going to do anything about it anymore. She said that they were going to focus on Ronon Teyla, whether that meant ship wise or character wise she didn't know.

        As I tell my sister if they do Ronon/Teyla, the have to do Shweir, they just go hand in hand.

        I have seen all the episodes this season, including Allies so all I can say is I think Sheyla was clobbered this season by Shweir. Sure they had some hints, but thye didn't go any where. John and Teyla lost all of the chemistry they had in the beginning of Season One this season. In fact they lost it during season one. But Shweir is still going strong.

        When I saw the Tower, I was fully prepared to hate the episode. But when that scene premeired I actually started laughing. It's a joke between my sister and me that Mora has the IQ of an orange. Honestly she wasn't a threat. At the end of the episode, the words I FEEL GUILTY was clearly written on John's forehead. He seemed to feel horrible for sleeping wiht Mora,a nd you could see that in the episode. BUt who was standing on the balcony? it wasn't Teyla, it was ELizabeth. In other words, he felt like he had cheated on Elizabeth.

        I think next season we'll see more Shweir and more Teyla/Dex. I doubt much SHeyla will be shown, if any at all. But the Sheyla fans will see what they want to see no matter how dumb it is.

        SHWEIR EPISODES: 38 Minutes, The Storm, The Eye, Hot Zone, Seige Part 1,2 and 3, The Intruder, Conversion, The Lost Boys, The Hive, The Long Goodbye, Coup D'Etat, No Man's Land,The Misbegotten, Irresistable, Progeny, The Real World, Common Ground, The Return Part 1, Echoes, Tao of Rodney and many more to come!!!

        Oh yeah, Shweir rules!:


          Originally posted by Bama
          I remember being 'concerned' early on in the year a little about that whole 'tied' up scene with John/Teyla and how it might offer a chance for something but watch it and it's acts as if he'd rather be fishin than rubbin cheeks with Teyla. No cutesy comments or geniuine 'extra' concern for her...just...nothin'.
          Teyla/Sheppard scenes are of no concern for me 'cause what's there to fear?, nothing, nada. If there was the slightest possibility that Sheyla could ever represent a threat to Sparky maybe i would be preocupied, but all any of those attempts cause is my cringing internally for the writers. I mean they *do* realize how embarrassing it looks to try to force two people who have zero chemistry into those situations, right?. You're right Bama, Sheppard and Teyla look most of all uncomfortable, heck, i feel uncomfortable for them, and i feel a bit of pity for the writers, 'cause they keep trying and failing miserably with these two, lol.
          And i'm going to repeat something i said a couple days ago at the spanky thread. The only remarkable thing about Sheppard/Teyla is how they seem to have good chemistry with everyone but eachother, lol.
          The putting Elizabeth in danger, they must know it'll drive Sheppard and us insane. Which is exactly why they aren't giving it to us any time soon, they'll take their sweet time, but i'm hoping that when it comes it's gonna be *SO* good .


            Originally posted by Luz
            Teyla/Sheppard scenes are of no concern for me 'cause what's there to fear?, nothing, nada. If there was the slightest possibility that Sheyla could ever represent a threat to Sparky maybe i would be preocupied, but all any of those attempts cause is my cringing internally for the writers. I mean they *do* realize how embarrassing it looks to try to force two people who have zero chemistry into those situations, right?. You're right Bama, Sheppard and Teyla look most of all uncomfortable, heck, i feel uncomfortable for them, and i feel a bit of pity for the writers, 'cause they keep trying and failing miserably with these two, lol.
            And i'm going to repeat something i said a couple days ago at the spanky thread. The only remarkable thing about Sheppard/Teyla is how they seem to have good chemistry with everyone but eachother, lol.The putting Elizabeth in danger, they must know it'll drive Sheppard and us insane. Which is exactly why they aren't giving it to us any time soon, they'll take their sweet time, but i'm hoping that when it comes it's gonna be *SO* good .

            LOL!! I love you for that!! It's true..I mean you cant keep forcing two people together..whhoooo obviously just can't work...Its impossible...@_@ Sheppard Weir have more Shipping going on it NONe Shippy moments then Teyla and Sheppard have in Force Shippy moments... :/ They can try all they want ..but the whole..Teyla/Sheppard do I put this..DEAD.... lol

            icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


              Originally posted by Luz
              Teyla/Sheppard scenes are of no concern for me 'cause what's there to fear?, nothing, nada. If there was the slightest possibility that Sheyla could ever represent a threat to Sparky maybe i would be preocupied, but all any of those attempts cause is my cringing internally for the writers. I mean they *do* realize how embarrassing it looks to try to force two people who have zero chemistry into those situations, right?. You're right Bama, Sheppard and Teyla look most of all uncomfortable, heck, i feel uncomfortable for them, and i feel a bit of pity for the writers, 'cause they keep trying and failing miserably with these two, lol.
              And i'm going to repeat something i said a couple days ago at the spanky thread. The only remarkable thing about Sheppard/Teyla is how they seem to have good chemistry with everyone but eachother, lol.
              The putting Elizabeth in danger, they must know it'll drive Sheppard and us insane. Which is exactly why they aren't giving it to us any time soon, they'll take their sweet time, but i'm hoping that when it comes it's gonna be *SO* good .
              I gotcha Luz and now I feel honestly the same. However, you must understand that early in the season I was pretty new to Sparky and certainly new here and imagine my surprise when I found that sparky wasn't the original 'intended' ship as I had thought. I had not even yet seen most of season one. Then, I hear of the tie-up scene and I'm thinkin to myself, 'oh, no! could there be more to shep/teyla than I first originally thought?!' And then, I caught the scene, caught all the season one eps and watched the rest of season two and now, I'm right there with ya. Imo, you'd have to be no too logical to deny this one.

              And honey, I'm with ya on the uncomfortable when I watch them trying so hard. I feel sorry for the actors, director and writer. My lip puckers like I'm suckin on a sour pop, my eyes narrow and my teeth grind and I exhale a breath of relief that it's mercifully over when it ends. It's *that* bad.


                Originally posted by Tinuviel Undomiel
                Mora has the IQ of an orange.

                In other words, he felt like he had cheated on Elizabeth.
                ROTFLMAO!!!! An orange!? You're givin her too much credit!

                "Whoopsie! Sheppy!? What *is* this?"

                As far as the 'cheating''...well...great minds...I got the exact SAME VIBE.


                  Whistler, great list. I'm back on my computer now, so I'll give you the list of stuff I've got in my file now. Again, this is stuff that I've found will work visually in vids.

                  Rising: Their little moment right after the city's come up out of the water. I love the way they look to each other then as they've gotten their second chance. There's Elizabeth raising the bottle of champagne to him, and John waving to her as he leaves. There's the argument on the balcony, and then the end of the episode.

                  Hide and Seek: Both the "I shot him" scene and the popcorn scene are cute.

                  Thirty-Eight Minutes: Hmm, the scenes I've got are the "last words" scene (no matter what he was going to say, Elizabeth's angst works great), John being resuscitated, and of course, the infirmary scene.

                  Suspicion: One of the first major eye contact scenes, I think, was at the very beginning, when they're standing at the bottom of the stairs. They have a couple really passionate arguments in this episode too. And then he offers to buy her clothes.

                  Underground: This episode just had some terrific private scenes for them, figuring out how they're going to really work together. Also, we got a peek at Elizabeth's snarky side. And then I love the balcony scene at the end.

                  Home: The War and Peace scene, along with the final scene in the wacky reality, are the only two that work visually, but I love how John's biggest concern was Elizabeth, and how Elizabeth's certainty that something was wrong was because John's reported actions weren't right.

                  The Storm/The Eye: Do I really need to go there?

                  Hot Zone: I don't know what it is about this episode that makes me love it so much. Maybe the fact that they pull off tension while not in the same room.

                  Before I Sleep: We got two balcony scenes, plus reassurance that when something weird is going on, John's first concern is Elizabeth's well-being.

                  Letters from Pegasus: The episode is bookended neatly with a pair of scenes with Sheppard and Weir as leaders of the city.

                  The Gift: For some reason I don't have anything from this episode, but there were quite a lot of scenes with the two of them running after each other or just standing by each other as they made the tough decisions.

                  The Siege Part II: John standing up to his superior on Elizabeth's behalf, and then 39:30... those are the big moments in this episode.

                  And on Season 2, Whistler covered the first sixteen episodes pretty thoroughly, and I haven't done this for the final four episodes. But suffice it to say... there's been a lot. And when I looked through my file just now, I discovered that I'd skipped episodes for no apparent reason, so my hour-and-a-half estimate is probably low.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    ROTFLMAO!!!! An orange!? You're givin her too much credit!

                    "Whoopsie! Sheppy!? What *is* this?"

                    As far as the 'cheating''...well...great minds...I got the exact SAME VIBE.
                    I second that. Nearly died when I read the 'IQ of an orange' thing. That's just hilarious. But, yeah, I think an orange is way smarter than her, or at least the way she was acting. Puh-lease.

                    Edit: Oh yeah, and I totally second the cheating vibe thing too. Poor Shep, trying to show Lizzie that in spite of what happened, he'd rather be on Atlantis with her, *sigh*.
                    Last edited by GateByte; 13 February 2006, 06:15 PM.


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      I gotcha Luz and now I feel honestly the same. However, you must understand that early in the season I was pretty new to Sparky and certainly new here and imagine my surprise when I found that sparky wasn't the original 'intended' ship as I had thought. I had not even yet seen most of season one. Then, I hear of the tie-up scene and I'm thinkin to myself, 'oh, no! could there be more to shep/teyla than I first originally thought?!' And then, I caught the scene, caught all the season one eps and watched the rest of season two and now, I'm right there with ya. Imo, you'd have to be no too logical to deny this one.

                      And honey, I'm with ya on the uncomfortable when I watch them trying so hard. I feel sorry for the actors, director and writer. My lip puckers like I'm suckin on a sour pop, my eyes narrow and my teeth grind and I exhale a breath of relief that it's mercifully over when it ends. It's *that* bad.
                      I remember clearly when i first saw the Atlantis teasers, here Teyla/Sheppard was pushed *really* hard. Elizabeth only appeared in some of the teasers, but it was very little (i thought she was a secondary character). It seemed like it was goign to be some sort of X-File-ish thingy, with only two characters in the forefront, and they (whoever made the teasers), made it look like it was all about Shep/Teyla. I thought it was a waste 'cause the brunette lady with short hair looked very *HOT*, lol.
                      Imagine my surprise when i sat to watch the Rising, and Elizabeth not only figured prominently on the episode, but she was *the* leader of the expedition. And then i was hit hard by the hottiness that was Sheppard (he looked good in the teasers, but he looked better in action ). And then when they arrived at the city it happened before they even said anything, she just looked up at him with the champagne bottle, and smiled, and his little nod. They just looked so good together, and he was so sweet following her everywhere. And her "i want you to go", and his "yes, madam", and he waved at her, and i fell in love with them right then and there and melted a thousand times just during that two parter alone, LOL.
                      By the time that locket scene came i was so lost in the wonderfulness that was Sheppard/Weir that i was like "oh, yeah!, it was supposed to be about these two, right?. Well, though".


                        Originally posted by Tinuviel Undomiel
                        I have seen all the episodes this season, including Allies so all I can say is I think Sheyla was clobbered this season by Shweir. Sure they had some hints, but thye didn't go any where. John and Teyla lost all of the chemistry they had in the beginning of Season One this season. In fact they lost it during season one. But Shweir is still going strong.
               they had chemistry? ...


                          Originally posted by Erised
                 they had chemistry? ...
                          maybe if you squint reeeaaally hard you can see it. oh wait, no you can't.

                          if chemistry means the ptb forcing us to look at them being all awkward trying to force some chemistry then yes, otherwise didn't see any either.


                            Originally posted by Erised
                   they had chemistry? ...
                            I was about to say that. When I first watch the pilot I was waiting for Teyla/Sheppard ship 'cause TPTB announced there would be some 'romantic interest'. But I saw nothing. Really nothing, no UST, no romance, no chemistry as a couple... nope. But I instantly fall in love with the Sparky! Tension, tension, tension, waving, fighting, smilling... seriously Weir and Shepp were just so doing it! When I finished the pilot I thought I was crazy and I would ship yet another non existant ship. And then I came on internet and a huge fandom appeared from the shepp/Weir ship. YAY
                            *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*
                            Je me souviens


                              Originally posted by Erised
                     they had chemistry? ...
                              Personally, I think there was some potential chemistry in the beginning. But I don't think it was really focused on in the right way for it to develop a life of its own and it faded before the wonderfulness that is Sparky.

                              About The Tower, I have a question.
                              Did John and Mara really end up in bed together at some point, or did I just miss something? Because, I don't remember ever getting the impression that they actually made it that far. Just the scene where she stripped for him and practically sucked his tongue out of his head (I hated her for that, both because of Lizzie and because I wished it was ME!!!). That and he was offered both the girl and the throne, both of which he turned down because he's already got himself a Queen that he's devoted himself to, and her seat of power's a lot nicer!


                              *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                              In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                                Melyanna, now that you've confessed to starting a music vid, when will we be seeing it? And don't tell us you've been too busy staring at the pretty scenes of sparky hotness to get down to work!

                                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!

