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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised
    if it's going to be Elizabeth that hugs him again, I quit sparky. I don't want a ship that it obvious on one side and barely noticable on the other. I hope it's either John that will hug her or there will be no hug at all! *sigh*
    yeah, but i think he's nervous about making the first move. watch him. he has this habit of looking towards her, with this longing look in his eye, or flirting with her, then looking away agan before she fully catches him at it. like in the tower
    he says 'i could have got the girl but turned her down' or something like that..he's obviously sayng to elizabeth to let her know that nothing went on, but he only glances at her briefly, then looks away again, as if embaressed.

    i think the ship's blindingly obvious on his side, it's clear that he loves her everytime he looks at her, and all those little touches, and everytime he says 'elizabeth' his voice just caresses her name...but i think she's the one that'll make a move because she's more secure than he is, and he thinks he's going to muck it up somehow. and he certainly reacts when she does make the first move. i loved his response to her hug...he hugged he back,and looked obviously stunned, and touched, and like he was going to kiss her. i think he just needs a tiny push from her side so that he knows she loves him too.

    some sheppard angst might do it too...if she went missing ..then when she came back he could run down the stairs and hug her...
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      Originally posted by michelleb
      yeah, but i think he's nervous about making the first move. watch him. he has this habit of looking towards her, with this longing look in his eye, or flirting with her, then looking away agan before she fully catches him at it. like in the tower
      he says 'i could have got the girl but turned her down' or something like that..he's obviously sayng to elizabeth to let her know that nothing went on, but he only glances at her briefly, then looks away again, as if embaressed.

      i think the ship's blindingly obvious on his side, it's clear that he loves her everytime he looks at her, and all those little touches, and everytime he says 'elizabeth' his voice just caresses her name...but i think she's the one that'll make a move because she's more secure than he is, and he thinks he's going to muck it up somehow. and he certainly reacts when she does make the first move. i loved his response to her hug...he hugged he back,and looked obviously stunned, and touched, and like he was going to kiss her.
      I know it's obvious on his side I just hate it that only Elizabeth kind of...expresses her feelings more. I don't care how shy he is it just seems to me that doing the first move is his kind of character, not Elizabeth's.


        Originally posted by Erised
        I know it's obvious on his side I just hate it that only Elizabeth kind of...expresses her feelings more. I don't care how shy he is it just seems to me that doing the first move is his kind of character, not Elizabeth's.
        maybe they could sort of synchronise their first moves..... . Hey, with those two, anything's possible..
        Like i said, angst could do it. if he thought he'd lost her, it might push him beyond awkwardness and nervousness into just grabbing her and giving her the kiss of her life
        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


          Originally posted by LurkerLa
          *looks shifty*

          I've got, uh, close to two pages... Of course, I've had close to two pages for nearly a week now.

          *joins Blue in eyeing Mel* Yeah, I'd love to read something about Elizabeth in Europe... *whistles innocently*
          Lol, divert attention away from yourself. Sneaky

          *sends La's muse some chocolate mudcake for inspiration*


            Originally posted by michelleb
            maybe they could sort of synchronise their first moves..... . Hey, with those two, anything's possible..
            Like i said, angst could do it. if he thought he'd lost her, it might push him beyond awkwardness and nervousness into just grabbing her and giving her the kiss of her life
            that's the problem..
            Sheppard is "probably dead" in Allies, not Elizabeth. And the wraith hive ship isn't hovering above Atlantis either.. as far as I remember anyway. So they better come up with Sheppard angst in the premiere..
            The only other angst I can think of is "poor Weir" episode...which is a two-parter. My guess it's going to be on the like Instinct/Conversion episode number
            and that's a long time!


              Originally posted by Erised
              that's the problem..
              Sheppard is "probably dead" in Allies, not Elizabeth. And the wraith hive ship isn't hovering above Atlantis either.. as far as I remember anyway. So they better come up with Sheppard angst in the premiere..
              The only other angst I can think of is "poor Weir" episode...which is a two-parter. My guess it's going to be on the like Instinct/Conversion episode number
              and that's a long time!
              But it's coming. That's the important thing. We know it is actually coming!
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Originally posted by michelleb
                But it's coming. That's the important thing. We know it is actually coming!
                yep! so excited! Finally some
                possible Lizzie whumping!! ........arrggghh I feel mean again! But with Elizabeth whumping, we will get
                angst, character development (maybe Liz's and John's), see more of Torri's amazing acting skills , see more of the other side of both characters, a fabulous episode..
                er.. have I missed anything?


                  I seem to recall a time when he thought he'd lost her.
                  Back during The Eye, Koyla informed John that he had killed Elizabeth and that if he didn't back off, McKay would join her. His response was something like this:

                  "I am going to kill you."

                  And then we were all treated to several scenes of DeathCommando!John and he wipes out a good chunk of the Genii team.

                  Now, granted, he did it to save the city (he would know that Elizabeth would have wanted him to do that), but I also think there was a bit of revenge for Elizabeth's 'death' as well.

                  So, we have some idea as to how he'd react if he lost her. But what would her reaction be if she lost him? Hmm...


                  *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                  In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                    Originally posted by AngelQueen
                    I seem to recall a time when he thought he'd lost her.
                    Back during The Eye, Koyla informed John that he had killed Elizabeth and that if he didn't back off, McKay would join her. His response was something like this:

                    "I am going to kill you."

                    And then we were all treated to several scenes of DeathCommando!John and he wipes out a good chunk of the Genii team.

                    Now, granted, he did it to save the city (he would know that Elizabeth would have wanted him to do that), but I also think there was a bit of revenge for Elizabeth's 'death' as well.

                    So, we have some idea as to how he'd react if he lost her. But what would her reaction be if she lost him? Hmm...

                    ...and that is exactly why that is my favorite sparky episode. However, it was only like... one Shappard angst episode.


                      Somehow, on the weir/torri list, we got round to talkng about what john would play on his guitar (singing faith at the top of the stairs seemes a very good idea to me...especially if he wears those jeans...)

                      maybe john could sing to elizabeth?
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by Erised
                        ...and that is exactly why that is my favorite sparky episode. However, it was only like... one Shappard angst episode.
                        yeah, but he angsted. he really angsted. the guy needs a bit of a rest after that. besides, he angsted a little in sege 3 when elizabeth wasn't answering her radio...
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by michelleb
                          yeah, but he angsted. he really angsted. the guy needs a bit of a rest after that. besides, he angsted a little in sege 3 when elizabeth wasn't answering her radio...
                          yep! a little bit hey that little bit still keeps my hopes up for season 3 TPTB got a little carried away with kirking for some reason... Did you know that review for The Tower was removed from GW main page? [sarcasm] I wonder why![/sarcasm] I hope TPTB have read it.


                            Originally posted by michelleb
                            yeah, but he angsted. he really angsted. the guy needs a bit of a rest after that. besides, he angsted a little in sege 3 when elizabeth wasn't answering her radio...
                            Oh yes, and he angsted in Epiphany when
                            he thought that everyone had abandoned him for a good six months. Heck, he was even rather cranky with Elizabeth until he found out about the time difference thingy. But he should have faith. When he lands himself into trouble, she'll do whatever she can to drag him back out!

                            And then there's the angst of Conversion
                            when he told her to get away from him, that he was fast losing control himself. He didn't like it that she was coming to see him alone when he was in such a state.

                            And let's not forget the whole 'knocking her against the wall and trying to strangle her' thing. I can totally imagine him angsting over that when he recalled doing that.

                            He's whumped on so much, even if a lot of it is very subtle. *huggles John*


                            *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                            In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                              Originally posted by AngelQueen
                              Oh yes, and he angsted in Epiphany when
                              he thought that everyone had abandoned him for a good six months. Heck, he was even rather cranky with Elizabeth until he found out about the time difference thingy. But he should have faith. When he lands himself into trouble, she'll do whatever she can to drag him back out!

                              And then there's the angst of Conversion
                              when he told her to get away from him, that he was fast losing control himself. He didn't like it that she was coming to see him alone when he was in such a state.

                              And let's not forget the whole 'knocking her against the wall and trying to strangle her' thing. I can totally imagine him angsting over that when he recalled doing that.

                              He's whumped on so much, even if a lot of it is very subtle. *huggles John*

                              ...yeah because those moments were sooo angsty, it made me squee..
                              not really.


                                Originally posted by Erised
                                yep! a little bit hey that little bit still keeps my hopes up for season 3 TPTB got a little carried away with kirking for some reason... Did you know that review for The Tower was removed from GW main page? [sarcasm] I wonder why![/sarcasm] I hope TPTB have read it.
                                I never read that review everyone was talking about, never got around to it. Do you think it was retired because tptb asked for it?. In that case i think it's unfair, that fans can't say what they think for fear of upsetting tptb.
                                I was on a list for a t.v show once, it was like that, there were people on the list that worked for the show, they gave us info, but the downside was, if you didn't like something about the characters, or some episode, or how the show was going, you couldn't say anything. Everything you said about the show had to be possitive. Nuff said, i couldn't take it and left.

