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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by DarkLady
    Hello everybody.

    I'm a newbie and I do not speak English well, sorry.

    I just meant that I am 100 % to shweir!!!!

    I like this couple, I find that they are really together well!!!!
    I am completely under the charm of the season 2, where I find their really beautiful relation.
    And I hope that will continue in the season 3.
    Welcome here!!!! I'm sure it will continuse in season 3 What we need now is an awesome, angsty, cliff hanger for the finale, lol.

    oh noes you used a shweir term We refer to John/Elizabeth as `*.:sparky*'. Shweir sounds horrible


      Originally posted by EnfantTV
      You explain it better me
      I love your sign
      Me too!

      @Erised and SapphireJewelledQueen : Thanks you!!!!!




        Originally posted by Presley_Carter
        Ok according to USAF regulations, fraternisation between ANY team members is agasint regulations weather they are officers or not - basically if you are both on the payroll ot stops at the eyesex - my question is, would this be in effect on Atlantis? Because if it was, John/Liz Rodeny/Katie Carson/Cadman(i think it is the same for Marines) and any other pairings would not allowed.....

        Sorry if this has been answered I am just curious...
        It's been frequently discussed, but it's a topic that it never hurts to ask. Seriously. I get excited when I see this question, because I've been examining this topic for a while now.

        The regulations state (and I'm paraphrasing here) that an officer is not allowed to have an improper or overly close relationship with anyone who serves under their command. This is intended to prevent favoritism in the ranks, or the possibility that a commanding officer would do something to jerpordize a mission for the sake of certain personnel. This is what kept Jack and Sam apart the whole time they served together on SG-1.

        This regulation includes civilians who work under the supervision of a military officer. Therefore, Sheppard and Teyla cannot have a relationship while she is serving on his team. (Or with McKay, for all you dirty slashers )

        Those regulations do not, however, address the possibilty of a civilian having authority over an officer. That doesn't happen in the real world, except in very limited situations, so I have been unable to find any regualtions on a relationship between a civilian and an officer who answers to them (if they exist, give them to me, please). Therefore, a relationship between Sheppard and Weir is not in violation of the letter of the law. It would certainly be called into question by their superiors, and could pose career problems for one or both of them, but they may be able to get away with it.

        a time to mourn


          Originally Posted by alyssa
          Only one thing to say here. Grow up!
          Don't come into a thread with the intent of stirring up trouble. I presume you usually hang in the thunk thread. Well, I have issues with you guys posting pics of Joe's bare butt all the time, and talking about 'looking for ZPMs' in his pants etc etc. I don't go in there and have a go at you because it's your territory, and what you people do in there is your own business.
          Don't go coming in here and telling us we're anti Shep when you're treating Shep, and by association Joe, like he's a piece of meat to be ogled.
          If you don't like it here, you don't have to come in here

          For the record. Yes I DO hang in the JFT thread. I love Joe and Shep. I like to look at pretty pictures and your kinda proving my point for me on a level. So thanks for that. And as a poster of GW I actually DO have the right to come in here, if I choose, and post my opinion. And I knew it would be taken badly,'s still my right. I didn't post it to be taken badly, I posted that I agree that Shep gets the negative crap and I don't like him being called Shephor. Weir does alot of stuff wrong. She has no problems with Shep and his SO CALLED Women. Which is CANON. But you justify her in everyway and I never NEVER see Shep talked about in the same way. He does some wonderful things in each ep and it gets ignored. So...nope..I don't get the Shep love here. I wish I did cause I used to love to at least read this thread every day and enjoy what was posted. I stated my reservations about how Shep is treated here and you throw back.I must post in the JFT thread like an insult. Maybe you should grow up.


            Merlin, can we not start that fight again please? It was very nasty yesterday. Let's forget about it and move on!


              Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
              Welcome DarkLady! I love your name, even though it probably has nothing to do with mine?

              You speak English fine I'm sure it will continue in Season 3...there is potential for ship in anything if you just look a certain way
              Because I also use a translator. I am French.

              For the name, my real pseudo is DarkAthena, but it was already taken. This one is my pseudo 2nd.

              And the ship, I really believe in it!!!

              I always watch for the small details, for the small exchanged glances!!!!



                Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                Just a general question to anyone: Is everyone actually on the payroll of the US military though? The USAF specifically? That would be rather expensive. I think its more of a joint effort of all the countries involved. And I'm willing to bet that some of the countries represented only sent scientists Therefore, in my shippy mind, the US military regs don't apply. Afterall, the rules have to be uniform for everyone on the expedition I'm thinking that the scientists wouldn't particularly like following US frat regs. And that far away from an actual court? I think anyone would be pretty safe from a court martial

                We really have no idea what regulations (or mixture of) they are following do we? We were just assuming it was based on the US?

                ....I really have no idea where I was going with shippy mind just kind of latched onto anything and then flittered off on its own
                Apparently, there is an International Committee that has some say in the running and budget of Atlantis (as well as the SGC now), but the US Air Force is in charge. Weir answers to the generals at the SGC and the Pentagon, though she is able to use more political means to get her way from time to time (see 'Intruder').

                As for how much it would cost to pay the Atlantis personnel, well, the real-world US military budget hovers somewhere around four hundred billion dollars now, and pays millions of peoples' incomes (military personnel and all the supporting industries). I do believe that every single civilian working in Atlantis are USAF civilian contractors. That's the most reasonable way they could be working there, and be held accountable for their actions if need be.

                In regard to regualtions, the US Airmen and Marins stationed in Atlantis have to adhere to them, as do all the foreign soldiers posted there. It's part of their role as military personnel, never mind how remote the outpost may be. The civilians are under the appropriate regulations in their relationships to the military personnel, but are freer to do what they wish with each other (as I understand it).

                a time to mourn


                  Originally posted by Whistler84
                  Wow. Miss a day on this forum, and look what you have to catch up on. I realize that people have just started to move away from this "in-fighting," but I still feel like commenting on it. This is meant for discussion, not to fuel the flames that was just recently put out.

                  Luz, I understand completely about one comment ticking you off and things just going downhill from there. I actually agree with some of your points, partially. I think that the fact mere flirting right now is being considered "kirking" is a bit extreme, but I've always been quite zen about my shipper couples flirting and/or hookin' up with other people (as long as the ship isn't established, and therefore, people are cheating). In X-files, I never minded when Mulder hooked up with that vampire chick, or when Scully hooked up with that tatoo guy, and I was heavily invested in M/S. Same thing with S/W.

                  Still, John's recent forays have been getting slightly tiresome for me. (If it's not for you, that's cool. That's your opinion.) My concern (little though it is, compared to others) with Shep's so-called "Kirking" has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a S/W fan. It's because I'm a Sheppard fan. Can't I critique a character I like? Just yesterday, I posted a long response about Teyla in this thread. I said I liked her since the beginning, but ranted about her lack of development in Season One for most of the post. Should I now dare not enter the Teyla appreciation thread, in fear of being a hypocrit? - Nope, just because I'm a fan, doesn't mean I'll excuse or ignore something about a character I don't like.

                  And just so this post doesn't somehow come off as Anti-Sheppard (although, I truely don't understand where this thread got that reputation! It really boggles my mind.) and pro-Weir, let me bring this post back on track to Sheppard/Weir.

                  Sadly, I cannot comment on a happy note - a question to those who've seen Inferno.
                  Is Weir's concern in this episode on the same level we saw in the Lost Boys? Because, as a Weir fan, that's going to get annoying to me - real fast. I don't mind her concern over her people, but I just prefer that's not *all* she does. In the Lost Boys, that's what it felt like to me. I hope that "Inferno" doesn't mirror that, because I am getting a little tired of Weir always being the one to angst. Please, PTB, give her something else to do. She cares about her people, and seemingly Sheppard above all - we get that. It's old news. Give us something new, please. I can already hear the masses of anti-Weir fans spewing that's she's becoming too easily emotionally. The annoyance of that statement stings so much to me, because . . . like the most fatal of lies, there's just enough truth in it to resonate.
                  D@mn, I missed the fight!

                  Can I say "word" to this, with the amendment that actually I find Sheppard's constant flirting boring? I mean, there's so much else do with a character. Like do it PTB!


                    Thanks for clearing that up for me Hatcheter

                    Lovebar made by natz099
                    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                      Originally posted by DarkLady
                      Because I also use a translator. I am French.

                      For the name, my real pseudo is DarkAthena, but it was already taken. This one is my pseudo 2nd.

                      And the ship, I really believe in it!!!

                      I always watch for the small details, for the small exchanged glances!!!!
                      Salut... je suis Australienne, mais je parle un peu de francais!!!! Beinvenue!!!!!

                      i love all the little details too!!!!
                      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                        Originally posted by Erised
                        kirsten, OMG I could never ever bring myself to watching a video like that
                        The video that's online is 3 minutes long... I've never even been able to watch past the first 2 minutes before I can't take it anymore.
                        "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                        My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                          Originally posted by xfkirsten
                          The video that's online is 3 minutes long... I've never even been able to watch past the first 2 minutes before I can't take it anymore.
                          *looks around*... i must have missed something!!
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            Okay, I know I don’t usually post in this thread and that you’ve already discussed about this topic before (why is it that everything happens while I’m sleeping ? ) but I feel the need to say a few things. Feel free to ignore this post, I don’t expect anyone to reply, I guess you must be tired of all this… I am too.
                            Anyway, I just wanted to say a few things.

                            First, for those of you who don’t know me, I want to say that I’m a Shep thunker AND a Shep/Weir shipper. I post a lot in the Shep Thunk thread, and almost never in this thread but it doesn’t mean I’m not a Shep/Weir shipper. I’ve been a Shep/Weir shipper since the first episode and I probably will always be until the end of the show (even after… hey, I’m still a Mulder/Scully shipper and this show ended a few years ago!)
                            I don’t post in this thread for a few reasons, one of them is that I don’t have the time to catch up with everything being said in here (you all are very chatty you know!). Another reason is that I don’t want to get caught up in the shipper excitation that always happens at some time (I’ve done it with Sam/Jack, and I think it cured me…) I’m quite happy with the way Shep/Weir ship is evolving in the show and I read lots of fics to compensate all the missed opportunities.

                            Second, I wouldn’t say this thread is anti-Shep but I kinda agree it’s very pro-Weir. I know that you’ll say it’s because of the writers and how they have portrayed Sheppard and Weir in Season 2. I agree with that.
                            I’ve always thought Sheppard is a more interesting character than Weir, IMO he has a lot more to show than she has. There are many layers in his personality that we still have to find out (and I really hope we’ll get to see that in Season 3!)
                            I like Weir too, but there have been some things she did in the latest episodes that kinda disturbed me (especially her attitude in Michael). I haven’t read all the posts in this thread and I avoid spoilers before having the opportunity to watch the episode myself, so I don’t really know if you’ve discussed about that before. But from what I’ve read here and there, I have not seen a big disagreement about her actions, at least not as big as what I can read about the supposed Shep ‘kirking’.
                            Anyway, this thread is not a place to fight and discuss about which one is the best one, Sheppard or Weir. We like them both, and we like them both TOGETHER. That’s why people come in this thread.

                            Third, I agree with what Luz said a few pages ago (the post that started this whole discussion). I don’t see Shep as Kirk either. Yes, he smiles a lot, he’s nice with women… some will call it flirting, some will say it’s part of his character. I’m one of these ones. I don’t think he’s even aware of it (see what he says in The Tower :
                            “I never see it coming”
                            ). He does it because it’s the way he’s acting with people. I think it’s more a way of protecting himself than a real flirty attitude anyway.
                            I know the majority of the people in here disagree with me, but that’s the whole point of a discussion forum right ? To discuss and exchange opinions. Because that’s all it is : opinions. Not facts.
                            I know you don’t like to make comparisons between Sam/Jack and Shep/Weir (I don’t like it myself) but I’ll make one anyway. The reason I didn’t like Jack’s attitude in Hundred Days is only because of the last scene, when we see Sam being left out after everything she did to rescue him.
                            In Atlantis, we have the same kind of situation… EXCEPT that Elizabeth doesn’t seem to be affected by Shep’s attitude.
                            Did you see her smile in the last scene of The Tower ? She didn't seem to be jealous or upset IMO...
                            Why ? Probably because there's still nothing between them. By 'nothing' I mean that they are not aware of their growing mutual feelings. Not yet.
                            Another thing : I’ve seen many times people saying ‘no more hot women’, ‘stop putting Sheppard with hot women’... Does it mean you don’t want Sheppard to get with Elizabeth ? Sorry, I just had to say it once !

                            Finally, a few things about the Shep Thunk thread… I’ve read many things in the last few pages that upset me. I took the time to breathe in and breathe out… many times… but I still want to clarify a few things.
                            - Not all the people in the Shep Thunk thread think you’re all Shep haters. If you don't want people to make generalizations about shippers, then don't make generalizations about other people either.
                            I don’t think the Shep/Weir shippers hate Sheppard. IMO Shep/Weir shippers like Sheppard. If not, why would they like to see him with Weir ? But there have been a few things said here and there that could let people believe they don’t like him, especially the whole ‘Shepwh0r’ thing.

                            - No, we don’t treat Shep, and certainly not Joe Flanigan, like he’s only a piece of meat. Yes, we’re women who appreciate Joe Flanigan and Sheppard, physically speaking. We don’t deny it but that’s what a thunk thread is for.
                            But if you try to stay a little longer in the Thunk thread, you’ll see we like much more than that in Sheppard and Joe Flanigan. I can only speak for myself of course, but I love Joe Flanigan because he’s nice, sexy, smart, kind… choose one, they’re all true IMO. I think he’s a great actor (I’ve seen a few things he has done outside of SGA, and I’ve always been amazed by his acting skills. Even when he plays the bad guy, he makes you like him… at least, that’s what I felt).
                            I also love Sheppard, but I’ve already talked about it earlier in this post.
                            Sure, in the Thunk thread, we tend to talk more about the way he looks, but that’s not what we’re only talking about.

                            - I’ve seen a few people here talking about the infamous ‘butt’ pic. Let me just say this : that pic has not been posted for a while now and it’s not like it has been posted every day.
                            The rule about this kind of pic posting was clarified by the mods almost one week ago now I think. You won’t see that pic posted in the Thunk thread anymore. We won’t even post a link to the place you can find that pic. So, if people could let it go now, it would be nice.
                            Even if I’m a thunker, there are a few things in the thunk thread that I don’t like too much. I’ve already talked about it with the other thunkers (you see ? We don’t only drool on pics, we can talk too! ) and I came to the conclusion that if I see something that I’m not very at ease with, I just let it go. But if it’s something that I think is breaking the GW rules, there’s the ‘report post’ button. Mods are there to deal with this kind of things and I think they make a very good job.
                            Personally, I think there is much worse than posting butt pics (especially when you don’t really see anything in that pic, and when it’s a pic from a movie. Joe Flanigan did this movie so I think he must be aware that these pics will go around the net… Anyway, it’s not the place and time to discuss about what JF thinks or not). The minute I see someone in the Thunk thread or anywhere else discuss about his personal life, I will report that post to the mods. Even if it’s a ‘regular’ poster in the Thunk thread. (okay, I will probably PM him/her before reporting the post...). It’s against GW rules, and it’s against my personal policy. What the people do in their private life should stay private. Even if they are famous people.
                            And since I’ve joined the Thunk thread, I’ve NEVER seen ANYONE make an assumption about JF’s personal life.

                            - Finally, Shep thunkers are not shippers-haters. Do you think I would spend so much time there if it was true ?
                            I’ve already said it many times and in other places but I guess once more won’t be useless… In the Shep thunk thread, there are shippers (Shep/Weir, Shep/Teyla), non-shippers, anti-shippers, even slashers... We don’t go to the thunk thread to discuss ship, we only go there because we like Sheppard/JF and we want to look at nice pics and to talk with people who appreciate Sheppard/JF.
                            I’m a shipper and I have many friends who are non-shippers, some of them even bordering on anti-shippers. I see ship, they don’t, but we get along fine because we respect each other opinion and we won’t force our opinion on the others.
                            So yes, we have kinda established a ‘no ship discussion’ rule in the Shep Thunk thread, because we don’t want to bring a ship war in that thread.
                            Stargate is the first fandom I’ve been involved where I see so many ship fights (probably because the only other one I was involved in was XFiles, and there was not many other ships than Mulder/Scully… at least, not so obvious). I’m a Shep/Weir shipper, I’ve never seen anything between Sheppard and Teyla except mutual respect. But I won’t go nitpicking at what the Shep/Teyla shippers can say in their thread. Everyone is free of their opinion. If they see things I don’t, why not ? As long as they only discuss it in their place and they don’t try to force other people to share their view.

                            I’ll end this long post (sorry, I didn’t mean to make a post that long…) by quoting something alyssa said :
                            Originally posted by alyssa
                            Nobody's right, nobody's wrong. It's just differing opinions.
                            I entirely agree with that.

                            Okay, now you can go on with your discussions… Sorry for interrupting.

                            PS : when I started typing this post, I hadn't seen Merlin's post and Erised's reply. Sorry. My intention was not to start again this fight. Please, ignore my post if you don't want to read it.
                            Last edited by florence; 25 January 2006, 09:02 AM.
                            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                              Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                              *looks around*... i must have missed something!!
                              Yeah, it was a little mention. I'm trying to be good and not go way off topic on it, but I get really worked up about dolphins.
                              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                                thank you for your post florence... i respect your opinions!! and you have some very good points in there, but we wont go on about it now!!!!!
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

