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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Luz
    *Not* everyone else feels there is a hot babe every week, and *not* everyone is against the idea of bringing a hot babe every once in a while (and that doesn't make us sexist, hormonal, airheaded, teenagers). This is the problem i'm having with this thread lately. People spend a lot of time complaining about Sheppard, and it has stopped feeling like the Shep/Weir thread, now it feels more like the Shep bashing thread in disguise.
    I didn't know this before i found out on the thunk thread, but some people have the idea that Shep/Weir shippers hate sheppard.
    Now, when i found out about this i laughed it off, but now it's becoming true. A couple weeks ago there were some negative comments about Joe, 'cause he's not precisely a sparky. Then some comments comparing his acting skills to Torri's. And before, in-between, and still going on this kirking thing, this thread sounds lately like the anti-Shep thread, the anti kirking thread.
    I used to lurk on the thunk thread, but i don't go there anymore because i felt we were being falsely accused of being anti-Sheppard.
    But now i see we really are, i have a pretty thick head, and i understand not all of us must love the same characters, and that sometimes even though you love a character there are some things you can't just let go of. But even those of you who insist that you go on and on about the kirking because you love Sheppard, sorry guys, but i'm starting to doubt you, because you sound like you *really* hate him.
    Woooooow, okay. Since you were quoting my post, I'm going to take this a little personally.

    I haven't been hanging around too much on this thread, but I'm sure we don't mean to be anti-shep. You've obviously noticed, and you're taking a stand, and that's all good and right. I think you're being a tad bit hypocritical, though, because I'm starting to feel like I'm being bashed.

    I'd have to agree with grasshopper on everything. The whole point of this thread is to discuss, and if we were just posting pics and frivolous squeeing all the time, I wouldn't want to be here. I come for the discussion, if you want to call that bashing... I'm done arguing.
    Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
    Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


      OMG, YAY!

      That is a thing of beauty, right there.

      Unfortunately, the forum won't let me green you. This is getting quite frustrating.
      Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
      Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


        Originally posted by Erised
        lol, it's ok I got it

        You requested?
        *wheeeeeeeeeee* That's soo sweet and it looks common like they're doin' it the whole time. Great work, hon! But unfortunately I can't green you... *pouts*


          Originally posted by grasshopper
          I feel the need to jump in here. I told myself I wouldn’t feed the madness, but here I am posting anyway, go figure.
          I do not post here a lot, because others say what I am thinking much better than I, but I am a frequent flyer. And I just don’t get how some people get so wrapped up in a character/actor that they feel the need to rant about how awful we treat them. Saying you dislike how a character is portrayed is not bashing, it is criticism. There is a difference, ask any of the many fanfic writers around here.
          And just as a side note, if Weir were doing the same thing, I believe real character bashing would go on. She is probably the second most bashed character/actor on the show, without the tramping around. (Ronon I think is at the top right now.) If she were to be with even one guy off world, she would probably be burned in effigy. You see there is a true double standard, especially in sci-fi about women. Does that mean I want to see that portrayed, just to be equal? Hell no. I want equality, but not at the expense of the characters.
          Most people in this thread love Shep; we love him enough to complain when we see his character turning into nothing more than the resident stud muffin. And while he isn’t there yet, he is well on his way. I mean in Epiphany there was a wonderful chance to learn so much about him; instead we get a half-assed remake of a couple old SG1 episodes. Forgive me if I do not get up and applaud. I can love a character without out rose colored glasses, and see they have faults and hope these faults are corrected.
          Maybe we do complain about Shep more than Weir, but take it up with the writers not us. She has shown a depth this season that he has not, and I for one have been pleased with her growth. What have we really gotten from Shep? I mean aside from him saving the day each week? (And I do love that!) We have gotten no inner look at what is going on with him. Maybe a little bit here or there, but primarily we have learned he loves to flirt and hit on attractive females. So yeah, we complain about his behavior because there is so much potential that is being wasted. And it is a waste to spend as much time on Shep’s sexing (is that a verb?) that has been done this season, especially when we have gotten little else from him. Perhaps if the girl of the week episodes had been spaced further apart, it wouldn’t be quite so blatant.
          Thank you from being the voice of reason!
          I agree with you completely!
          The other thing is that it annoys me that the Thunk people think that we're Shep-bashing. It'd be just as easy for us to say that the people in that thread are abnormally obsessed with him! And the constant posting of his butt in that thread. THAT's not respecting the actor. I don't care if he bared his arse in a movie. That's his business. But for people to be putting it all over GW is just really not cool.
          The Weir character is WAY more bashed than Shep. And you're right, so is Ronon. Most of the time, those two are demonised by people who ship in a certain direction, if you know what I mean. Shep comes out of this whole generalised "character bashing" business pretty well, if you ask me.


            Buggy and Anka, OH NOES!
            forum can be so stupid sometimes


              Originally posted by Luz
              I disagree with this whole supposed kirking issue, for me there has been no kirking (not even getting close), but everyone has their own opinion so whatever.
              But this calling Sheppard the Sheph0r is character bashing. I'm sure if someone came here and called Weir a whore we would pretty much tear that person apart bit by bit, bacause we like her, right?. Well, i like Sheppard, and i think this whole kirking issue is a stupid exaggeration, but well, it's your right to have your own mind about it. BUT i think it's *VERY* offensive to be calling him a whore.
              I'm pretty sure the whole "Sheph0r" thing started as a play on his name, as I saw it well before Sanctuary aired. That was when the complaints about Kirk-esque behavior started (and frankly, it didn't help that that episode was calling him Kirk). The name well out-dated the behavior, which is why I think it was a joke.

              I don't mind that Sheppard flirts. As I've said before, it's part of his MO. He's a charming guy, and he uses that talent to make people comfortable. I'd argue that he's used it on Weir more than once. My main objection comes when one of two things happens – either the romance is a major part of the plot, or the object of affections looks like she's a teenager.

              I didn't enjoy Sanctuary. I thought it was an interesting idea gone terribly, terribly wrong, because it was just so predictable. I kept waiting for Chaya to tell them that she was using Sheppard to get access to the city. Not maliciously, but it would have been nice if our first real look at an Ancient would have been in some role other than lovesick. But at least she looked like an adult.

              I was pretty apathetic toward Teer. The weird thing, I thought, was that Sheppard seemed to make more of a connection with the little girl than with Teer. That scenario really came out of nowhere, was mostly unrelated to the plot, and was replacing, apparently, other things that were a lot more interesting, according to the original concept that Joe Flanigan talked about over the summer.

              And in The Tower,
              I really hated that they cut the lines where Sheppard flat-out denied having slept with Mara. I still don't think he did, but that's another matter that I've addressed quite a lot, here and in other threads No need to rehash it. However, it would have been nice if she hadn't seemed like a brainless teenager.

              You're right, though, that it's not like he's cheating on someone. I just find it annoying when large portions of an episode are devoted to it, because that's not why I watch sci-fi.

              ...And yes, I'm still mildly irritated that for the most part, the galaxy is populated by attractive young women and men who might as well be their fathers.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Originally posted by Luz
                *Not* everyone else feels there is a hot babe every week, and *not* everyone is against the idea of bringing a hot babe every once in a while (and that doesn't make us sexist, hormonal, airheaded, teenagers). This is the problem i'm having with this thread lately. People spend a lot of time complaining about Sheppard, and it has stopped feeling like the Shep/Weir thread, now it feels more like the Shep bashing thread in disguise.
                *Some* feel there is a hot babe every week, and yes, *some* feel it happens way too often.....and some feel the need to discuss it.

                If people are complaining about Sheppard in the "Sheppard/Weir Ship" thread because he seems to have a new alien girl in most episodes it is only because he is suppose to be with Weir (my personal view, not *everyones* view)

                I would hardly call this thread a "Shep bashing" thread. Why would anyone root for a couple when they can't stand one of the parts of the couple? Perhaps it's just dissapointment because as a Shep/Weir shipper, I don't want to see him flirt with anyone but Lizzie....doesn't mean I don't like Shep.


                  Originally posted by grasshopper
                  Maybe we do complain about Shep more than Weir, but take it up with the writers not us. She has shown a depth this season that he has not, and I for one have been pleased with her growth. What have we really gotten from Shep? I mean aside from him saving the day each week? (And I do love that!) We have gotten no inner look at what is going on with him. Maybe a little bit here or there, but primarily we have learned he loves to flirt and hit on attractive females. So yeah, we complain about his behavior because there is so much potential that is being wasted. And it is a waste to spend as much time on Shep’s sexing (is that a verb?) that has been done this season, especially when we have gotten little else from him. Perhaps if the girl of the week episodes had been spaced further apart, it wouldn’t be quite so blatant.
                  I think grasshopper's hit the nail on the head here. He's kissed or flirted with a woman in Conversion, Aurora (well, I think that's one's a stretch, but some people include it), Epiphany, The Tower, The Long Goodbye, and Inferno. That's six of eleven straight episodes, slightly over half. Sure, some of it was alien-influenced, but it doesn't help the perception of the character. And since we were told by more than one person that this season would show a lot of development for Sheppard, I for one am feeling gypped. When I think about Weir in Season 2, I think of an incredibly strong woman, and how much she's grown since the beginning of the series. I think of a woman with many talents. When I think about Sheppard in Season 2, I'm afraid to say that my first thought is usually of him with some girl. How much do we know about him beyond what we learned in the pilot? We've gotten tremendous development for the other members of the cast, but Sheppard's just stuck in the same place. All we seem to have learned about him since the pilot is that he's alarmingly willing to go off on suicide missions.

                  I don't hate Sheppard – far from it. I'm just frustrated with the lack of development. I'm beginning to feel rather like Teyla's fans must have felt like last season. It's an issue with the writing. After all, the unknown will only hold an audience's attention for so long. Kind of like sexual tension going unresolved for nine years or so.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Erised
                    lol, it's ok I got it

                    You requested?

                    Great manip on my pic! It looks so much cuter than the original.


                      Originally posted by Luz
                      Here is an idea, since it seems now this thread is more about how shallow Sheppard is, and kirking this, kirking that, yakkity yak, yadda yadda yadda, and about what a manwhore Sheppard is, and how he can't do anything right, than about Sparky.
                      Let's stop the charade and change the name once and for all. Or just plain close it, i mean we don't need two STAKS threads do we?. On the other hand, this can be used *officially* as the anti-Sheppard thread, i mean it's been used for that for a while, let's make it official.
                      At the risk of being splatted with red jello (and I really don't mind red jello, actually find it quite tasty). . . if you don't like what you see in this thread, then don't read it.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        I come here to talk about Sparky and not all the rest of this stuff.

                        Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You can't force someone else into changing their mind or opinions. If you don't like it, don't read it.

                        Can we please get back to Sparky?


                          You know, there is something to be said when it has been mentioned as a anti-Shep thread on more than one occasion...


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            At the risk of being splatted with red jello (and I really don't mind red jello, actually find it quite tasty). . . if you don't like what you see in this thread, then don't read it.
                            You beat me to it! I guess I'll be splattered with the blue jello, then.


                              Originally posted by Luz
                              Here is an idea, since it seems now this thread is more about how shallow Sheppard is, and kirking this, kirking that, yakkity yak, yadda yadda yadda, and about what a manwhore Sheppard is, and how he can't do anything right, than about Sparky.
                              Let's stop the charade and change the name once and for all. Or just plain close it, i mean we don't need two STAKS threads do we?. On the other hand, this can be used *officially* as the anti-Sheppard thread, i mean it's been used for that for a while, let's make it official.
                              The only thing this thread *officially* anything, is John/Elizabeth ship. So please don't call us Sheppard haters. All the responces I've read so far clearly state that people here don't hate Sheppard, they're annoyed by too many hot alien chicks. What do we have to say to point get the point across??
                              We don't hate Sheppard!
                              Anyone mind that I said it for everyone?


                                Originally posted by Dorka
                                Lizzie: John, why are our shippers arguing so?

                                John: Gotta be McKay's doing. You know how jealous he is.

                                When all else fails, change channels.

