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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Just watched Inferno...
    add my love for the finishing each others' sentences scene! The way Elizabeth said "hot?" and "smitten?" was just adorable! She was having way too much fun with it. But I really love how she turned the tables and asked about their leader, "what's he like?" and John got all stammer-y.

    The stargazing scene was great! I didn't see it as flirting at all - I saw it as two leaders talking. I do wonder what all was going through her head when she was gazing up at the sky, though. That was an "I'm deep in thought" look on her face.

    As for the blonde girl stuff... well, I don't think that John ever had any real intention with her, and she really didn't seem to reciprocate the feelings anyways. I think the whole competition between John and Rodney had the potential to be hilarious, if only John hadn't been such a Sheph0r in the past. That kind of killed the funny.
    "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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      Originally posted by xfkirsten
      Just watched Inferno...


      As for the blonde girl stuff... well, I don't think that John ever had any real intention with her, and she really didn't seem to reciprocate the feelings anyways. I think the whole competition between John and Rodney had the potential to be hilarious, if only John hadn't been such a Sheph0r in the past. That kind of killed the funny.
      Yeah, if we hadn't had some certain scenes like Epiphany or The Tower I would have thought that John was just doing this to annoy Rodney and not to actually sleep with her. Although, he could have been doing both.

      He killed the funny!


        Originally posted by xfkirsten
        Just watched Inferno...
        I think the whole competition between John and Rodney had the potential to be hilarious, if only John hadn't been such a Sheph0r in the past. That kind of killed the funny.
        I disagree with this whole supposed kirking issue, for me there has been no kirking (not even getting close), but everyone has their own opinion so whatever.
        But this calling Sheppard the Sheph0r is character bashing. I'm sure if someone came here and called Weir a whore we would pretty much tear that person apart bit by bit, bacause we like her, right?. Well, i like Sheppard, and i think this whole kirking issue is a stupid exaggeration, but well, it's your right to have your own mind about it. BUT i think it's *VERY* offensive to be calling him a whore.
        Last edited by Luz; 24 January 2006, 02:53 PM.


          Originally posted by Luz
          BUT i think it's *VERY* offensive to be calling him a whore.
          You're right. Whores don't give it away for free.


            Originally posted by Luz
            I disagree with this whole supposed kirking issue, for me there has been no kirking (not even getting close), but everyone has their own opinion so whatever.
            But this calling Sheppard the Sheph0r is character bashing. I'm sure if someone came here and called Weir a whore we would pretty much tear that person apart bit by bit, bacause we like her, right?. Well, i like Sheppard, and i think this whole kirking issue is a stupid exaggeration, but well, it's your right to have your own mind about it. BUT i think it's *VERY* offensive to be calling him a whore.

            Word. And hence the double standard that makes me and others uncomfortable posting here. Very PRO Weir, Anti Sheppard. I stand by that.

            And, so it's understood, I'm not trying to start anything here. But I wanted to support this because I feel it's very true. I mean...If the roles were reversed, Weir would be excused.

            Shep isn't a whore. He's just a guy that admires pretty women and since the Shweir isn't yet canon, he's free too. And hey...looks to me like Weir's interesting in looking around.


              I'm with those who would like an intelligent, handsome alien man to flirt with our lady. Make him a diplomat like her, have them negotiate a tough peace treaty. Have the handsome alien be very impressed by her skills, attracted to her as a beautiful woman. Elizabeth deserves some flirting once in a while

              Inferno was a pretty good episode Loved Rodney and really liked Teyla in this one.


                Originally posted by Luz
                I disagree with this whole supposed kirking issue, for me there has been no kirking (not even getting close), but everyone has their own opinion so whatever.
                But this calling Sheppard the Sheph0r is character bashing. I'm sure if someone came here and called Weir a whore we would pretty much tear that person apart bit by bit, bacause we like her, right?. Well, i like Sheppard, and i think this whole kirking issue is a stupid exaggeration, but well, it's your right to have your own mind about it. BUT i think it's *VERY* offensive to be calling him a whore.
                Maybe I should clear something up here. I like Sheppard, really, I do. What I don't like is that he chases after every female that comes along. Is that just how he is? Fine. But it gets really old when we're forced to watch it all the time. I, like others, use Sheph0r as a term to refer to his actions there and my annoyance at those actions, and it is not what I call him on a regular basis.

                As for Weir... well, if she actually did anything like that, I'd agree with you for calling her a whore. But let's face it - she doesn't. She was in a full relationship with Simon. She flirts with John, and some might argue that she kinda flirted with Janus, and that's pretty much it.
                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                  Originally posted by Merlin7
                  Word. And hence the double standard that makes me and others uncomfortable posting here. Very PRO Weir, Anti Sheppard. I stand by that.

                  And, so it's understood, I'm not trying to start anything here. But I wanted to support this because I feel it's very true. I mean...If the roles were reversed, Weir would be excused.

                  Shep isn't a whore. He's just a guy that admires pretty women and since the Shweir isn't yet canon, he's free too. And hey...looks to me like Weir's interesting in looking around.
                  Yeah I guess we can get a bit negative towards Sheppard, but I personally don't hate him. I'm sure most people share this opinion; otherwise, why would we ship sparky?
                  It's just really frustratig to see a character hit on every single girl. Okay, guys do that..
                  but The Tower prom queen was just a bit too much. He was hitting on this chick in inferno too in the beginning. He was just staring at her, from top to bottom, and it was so disguisting, seriously! And that half-hug? Even more disturbing

                  Besides, shippers want to see their fave characters together, not with some hot alien guys/girls for a week.


                    Originally posted by Merlin7
                    Word. And hence the double standard that makes me and others uncomfortable posting here. Very PRO Weir, Anti Sheppard. I stand by that.

                    And, so it's understood, I'm not trying to start anything here. But I wanted to support this because I feel it's very true. I mean...If the roles were reversed, Weir would be excused.

                    Shep isn't a whore. He's just a guy that admires pretty women and since the Shweir isn't yet canon, he's free too. And hey...looks to me like Weir's interesting in looking around.
                    If Weir acted like Shep, I'd be the first one to call her a Whoier... Wior... Trampy McSlut whatever!!

                    Personally, I critisize Sheppards actions because I love him. I want so much more from his character than the writers are giving me. And it is So Frustrating when they take the low road AGAIN. The "admiring" is annoying, cliched, and gets on my nerves.

                    Man I havent even seen the latest episode.



                      If you watch each episode, in a good number of them Shep is "eyeing" some girl up and down, outright flirty verbally, kissing, or sleeping with them. Sometimes the gals come on to him. That's why he is affectionately called "Sheph0r". If Weir had lads hanging around her as much, everyone would be calling her a space 'ho' - like some folks are doing to Carter now (which I think is really silly).

                      It "would" be funny if this happened to Shep now and then, but it seems to be every episode lately, so it becomes a joke in itself, and takes away from the character.

                      No one here hates Shep, and this thread isn't a pro-Weir thread. If we hated Shep we would be in the Weir WOW thread, not the Shep/Weir thread. I complain about the "kirking" not because I dislike Shep, but because I'm concerned at how TPTB are treating him and I'm hoping they don't continue this trend in season 3.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by GateByte
                        Inferno. Just finally got to watch this ep, and all I can say is I loved
                        how Liz was finishing John's sentences. They are so in tune with each other. In fact, that whole conversation was awesome.

                        and just because i'm in an extra sparky mood, here are a couple of pics.

                        So Close to holding hands, how cute.

                        Hope you enjoy them.
                        Oh! I LOVE them!

                        Can't someone take this pic and manip it so they really are holding hands? please??


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          If we hated Shep we would be in the Weir WOW thread, not the Shep/Weir thread.
                          hey.... That thread it my second favorite after this one Doesn't mean I hate Sheppard.


                            Originally posted by Suzotchka
                            Can't someone take this pic and manip it so they really are holding hands? please??
                            I second that request!
                            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                              Originally posted by Erised
                              hey.... That thread it my second favorite after this one Doesn't mean I hate Sheppard.
                              *LOL* I was trying to say if we didn't like Sheppard, and only Weir, then we would be in the Weir only threads, and not in this one. Sometimes my tongue gets tangled when I talk.

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Originally posted by Rubicon
                                If Weir acted like Shep, I'd be the first one to call her a Whoier... Wior... Trampy McSlut whatever!!

                                Personally, I critisize Sheppards actions because I love him. I want so much more from his character than the writers are giving me. And it is So Frustrating when they take the low road AGAIN. The "admiring" is annoying, cliched, and gets on my nerves.

                                Man I havent even seen the latest episode.

                                Acted like Sheppard?, he's slept with three women in two years. He's single, he doesn't have to be faithful to anyone.
                                That's my problem with this whole "kirking" thing, people act like he's commiting a crime. If Weir was doing the same he's doing, i would celebrate it, because it would mean tptb would've finally got over the whole, men must sleep with women to prove they're machos, but if women sleep with guys then they're whores.
                                Now, i understand that as shippers some of us tend to get a little territorial, but that little Sheph0r joke is a bit too much. I like him, as a character i think he's great, i don't care who he sleeps with, if you do that's your problem.
                                Express yourselves, it's your right, but you can do it without insulting the character. Just take into account that not everyone agrees that his sleeping with a couple women, or his flirting is a capital crime.
                                And please don't call him names, it might be a joke for you, but i don't appreciate him being called that. It's really offensive to me as a fan of the character. It's character bashing.

