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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    Good to have another newbie!
    Interesting point on things not being scripted. I think I remember Amanda saying that when where wasn't really anything 'exciting' going on with Sam and Jack in scenes, she and RDA would throw in these extra looks, and make it into something.
    Maybe Joe and Torri are doing the same thing. They must know how good they look on screen together. You'd have to be blind not to see it!
    Didn't someone mention a little while ago that Torri said she and Joe often look for places to get in a little more interaction with each other, just to keep things visually interesting?

    Sometimes those looks are scripted. More than once, I've seen lines like "Weir looks at Sheppard" or "Sheppard and Weir exchange a glance" in the sides. Mind you, "exchange a glance" seems to mean "stare at each other intensely" to someone. I get the feeling that the little moment in Instinct, when Elizabeth turned to react to his joke, was probably Torri, while the moment in Critical Mass,
    when John looks at Elizabeth and she knows he wants her to leave the room,
    was probably scripted. And of course, some of it's probably the directors' choices too.

    Works for me either way, really. I'm with FP, though – this was yet another example of an episode that could have developed Shep/Teyla without much trouble. Instead, we got more of Sheppard and Weir strengthening their relationship as leaders of the city, from beginning to end.
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      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      Just saw "Critical Mass" and thought it was a well done episode. Big improvement over last week! One thing I noticed -
      lots of scenes with Shep and Weir discussing the situation, but with Teyla losing someone she considers the last of her family (and the "ceremony" did take place in Atlantis), there is no Shep around to give any words of encouragement, even at the end when the "event" had concluded (he was in Weir's office instead. .muahaha). As for the sad Celtic music played over serious scenes (Teyla's song). .um, BSG has done that several times, and done it much better.

      Just my thoughts.
      It was definately an improvement compared to last week's. And I agree.
      If they were still persuing the Sheyla ship then why was there no scene with John by Teyla's side when Charin was dying or at least a scene with them both in it? It could be that he was too busy... but then why didn't they fit it at the end? They could have replaced the office scene with John talking with her about her lost, but instead they left it to the imagination of the fic writers and Shep/Teyla shippers of what it might have been like if it was John instead of Beckett with her.

      Over all, ship and non ship wise, I really liked the episode.

      And Welcom GateByte!


        Originally posted by xkawaiix
        It was definately an improvement compared to last week's. And I agree.
        If they were still persuing the Sheyla ship then why was there no scene with John by Teyla's side when Charin was dying or at least a scene with them both in it? It could be that he was too busy... but then why didn't they fit it at the end? They could have replaced the office scene with John talking with her about her lost, but instead they left it to the imagination of the fic writers and Shep/Teyla shippers of what it might have been like if it was John instead of Beckett with her.

        Over all, ship and non ship wise, I really liked the episode.

        And Welcom GateByte!

        oh yeah, definately. John went to Elizabeth's office even before he knew she felt really guilty. Teyla's loss could seem more significan then, but he went to Lizzie's office! *squee* and Carson stayed with Teyla, which I saw as a new ship, but then they showed him with Cadman and the new ship theory died

        Welcome GateByte!


          I have never been a Sheppard/Weir shipper, I was Sheppard/Teyla. However, this season I see Teyla more with Ronon. I'm not on board this S/W ship yet, but I am definately approaching the dock.

          They are kinda cute together.
          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


            Originally posted by blueiris
            I have never been a Sheppard/Weir shipper, I was Sheppard/Teyla. However, this season I see Teyla more with Ronon. I'm not on board this S/W ship yet, but I am definately approaching the dock.

            They are kinda cute together.
            Hey welcome! I'm glad you're starting to see the light! They are way too cute together. Now convert to sparky faster so we can hear your lovely comments about eppys


              One thing that has lead me away from Sheppard/Teyla, is that Teyla is somewhat condescending of "earthlings". While Sheppard and Weir have somewhat opposing views on how things should be run as a result of their military/civilian relationship, they seem to have found a common ground in most cases, and when the common ground is not found, one is able to command the situation without alienating the other. I like this.

              And thanks for the welcome.
              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Didn't someone mention a little while ago that Torri said she and Joe often look for places to get in a little more interaction with each other, just to keep things visually interesting?

                Sometimes those looks are scripted. More than once, I've seen lines like "Weir looks at Sheppard" or "Sheppard and Weir exchange a glance" in the sides. Mind you, "exchange a glance" seems to mean "stare at each other intensely" to someone. I get the feeling that the little moment in Instinct, when Elizabeth turned to react to his joke, was probably Torri, while the moment in Critical Mass,
                when John looks at Elizabeth and she knows he wants her to leave the room,
                was probably scripted. And of course, some of it's probably the directors' choices too.

                Works for me either way, really. I'm with FP, though – this was yet another example of an episode that could have developed Shep/Teyla without much trouble. Instead, we got more of Sheppard and Weir strengthening their relationship as leaders of the city, from beginning to end.
                Works for me too. For me whether it's writer/director or the actors it comes through naturally. If it's directed it doesn't feel directed to me when it comes to Shep/Weir.

                As for Critical Mass.
                I can understand the comments now about Teyla's song. I actually really liked the song. I love Celtic music. And as background music I liked how it worked in the scenes. But as I said I can understand some of the comments that were made about it. It isn't believable that Teyla is actually singing it. It sounds quite obviously pre-recorded and tweaked and perfected.

                That scene you mention Mel,
                where Shep looks at Liz and she nods knowing he wants her to leave the room stood out for me in a very sparky way.

                I liked how it ended with a feeling of uncomfortableness (is that a word? ) over the whole situation. For all of John's assurances to Elizabeth that she did the right thing even he looked to have a moment of doubt in the end.


                  I liked Beckett and Teyla together, but Carson belongs with Cadman.

                  Ronon will break anyone's neck if they try to touch Teyla.

                  And the rest is just "Sparky".

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by Mann One
                    Well that’s my over analysing type rambling done for another five/six months and from this point on I’ll leave that up to more articulate over analysers like Bama, Southern Red and other's as im not very good and they analyse this ship far better than I ever could.
                    Welcome to articulate overanalyzers anonymous, AOA for short. You're pretty good at that yourself. Overanalyzation goes back to my college days when I was taking Lit courses. After being asked to analyze the use of the color white in The Great Gatsby and the supernatural elements of The Scarlet Letter, I had a sudden epiphany. You can look beyond what is actually written in the text. This reached its zenith in a SciFi/Fantasy course when we read Lord of the Rings. The professor said I think like an elf. He didn't mean it as a complement, but I took it as one. So all these years later a tendency toward convoluted logic has turned me into a Sparky shipper. Who knew?

                    Originally posted by xkawaiix
                    It was definately an improvement compared to last week's. And I agree.
                    If they were still persuing the Sheyla ship then why was there no scene with John by Teyla's side when Charin was dying or at least a scene with them both in it? It could be that he was too busy... but then why didn't they fit it at the end? They could have replaced the office scene with John talking with her about her lost, but instead they left it to the imagination of the fic writers and Shep/Teyla shippers of what it might have been like if it was John instead of Beckett with her.

                    Over all, ship and non ship wise, I really liked the episode.

                    And Welcom GateByte!
                    My husband and I both enjoyed Critical Mass. He in particular because he was spoiler free.
                    He thought it was Kavanaugh all along. I also noticed the lack of Shep interaction with Teyla. Here she was in one of the most emotional moments of her life, and he didn't even take a moment to go by and lend her a shoulder. My heart just broke when she said she had noone left. That's noone, nada, not a soul to comfort her. Ok, she meant family, but it still sounded odd. And we all know Shep was busy saving the city. Though he didn't seem to have much to actually do while Rodney and Cadman were finding the "bomb." But anyway, he had to follow Dr Weir around in case she needed him to run an errand. Seriously though I didn't see much shippiness in this. Even the final scene needed those special glasses. Though the sitting on the desk part was interesting. I thought they seemed a bit stiff with each other until that last scene. Maybe she's still a little ticked about the glowy hippie chick. And overall it was nice to get some continuity. Love Radek. If John continues to be so annoying, I may start shipping Radek and Elizabeth.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by blueiris
                      One thing that has lead me away from Sheppard/Teyla, is that Teyla is somewhat condescending of "earthlings". While Sheppard and Weir have somewhat opposing views on how things should be run as a result of their military/civilian relationship, they seem to have found a common ground in most cases, and when the common ground is not found, one is able to command the situation without alienating the other. I like this.

                      And thanks for the welcome.

                      Welcome blueiris. Hope to see you around more. That is a very interesting observation and I think you're right. When Shep and Teyla conflict Teyla just doesn't seem to be as willing to see Sheppard's position. Sheppard and Weir seem willing to look at and listen to each other's points of view.

                      I think LFP is a good example of that between Shep and Teyla and Rising actually comes to mind as an example for Shep and Weir when they were arguing about rescuing their people.


                        Welcome blueiris. I really like the end with John and Elizabeth taking. John a lot of times shows how he feels for Elizabeth even if he don't realizes it. I made it to 100 posts.

                        Icon Made By LadyBozi


                          Thanks for the welcome all. I must agree, I just love when the eps end with the two of them talking. The glances, and comments they make to each other are priceless.


                            Originally posted by blueiris
                            I have never been a Sheppard/Weir shipper, I was Sheppard/Teyla. However, this season I see Teyla more with Ronon. I'm not on board this S/W ship yet, but I am definately approaching the dock.

                            They are kinda cute together.
                            Welcome Blueiris! The dock is always open!

                            Another Welcome out to GateByte--glad to have you one board.

                            Now as to "Critical Mass"--It was a great episode. A friend of mine who typically doesn't watch Stargate was very interested and wanted to know more about the show, Anyway ont ot the spoilerish part:

                            I actually didn't mind Teyla's song. I really enjoy Celtic music and thought it enhanced the drama, but I do think the style of music does not fit the Athosian culture we've seen thus far. I remember Mel mentioning something about that.

                            As for ship, I think it was a great ep for Shep and Weir. They worked together beautifully. It's obvious tha they have grown into their roles on Atlantis. The ending scene was very nice. It reminded me of the scene in "Rising" where Weir comorts Sheppard after he returns form the rescue mission. I also loved the little look from Shep telling Weir to exit the room--they don't need words to communicate.

                            I'm surprised there wasn't any scenes between Shep and Teyla--it seemed the perfect opportunity to develop their freindship. I really felt sorry for Teyla when she said that she was alone. I just think it would have been nice for someone from the team to comfort her.

                            Overall a great ep. It also had the added bonus of making me a huge Beckett fan lol. When he said "it's my duty to protect life" it was really moving. Also his willingness to help Teyla was endearing.

                            Have a great weekend all,

                            Signature By Amber Moon


                              Welcome Blueiris and congrats EW on 100 posts!

                              Originally posted by Southern Red
                              My husband and I both enjoyed Critical Mass. He in particular because he was spoiler free.
                              He thought it was Kavanaugh all along. I also noticed the lack of Shep interaction with Teyla. Here she was in one of the most emotional moments of her life, and he didn't even take a moment to go by and lend her a shoulder. My heart just broke when she said she had noone left. That's noone, nada, not a soul to comfort her. Ok, she meant family, but it still sounded odd. And we all know Shep was busy saving the city. Though he didn't seem to have much to actually do while Rodney and Cadman were finding the "bomb." But anyway, he had to follow Dr Weir around in case she needed him to run an errand. Seriously though I didn't see much shippiness in this. Even the final scene needed those special glasses. Though the sitting on the desk part was interesting. I thought they seemed a bit stiff with each other until that last scene. Maybe she's still a little ticked about the glowy hippie chick. And overall it was nice to get some continuity. Love Radek. If John continues to be so annoying, I may start shipping Radek and Elizabeth.
                              Radek was absolutely adorable in CM! "Don't TALK to me!" -fangirl squee!-

                              I felt so bad for Teyla. Her parents were gone and now Charin. Not something to be taken lightly. She was the only family she had left and she must have felt alone during those last few days. If I shipped S/T I would have expected Shep to at least ask how she was holding up.

                              I still have to rewatch CM because I missed part of the beginning but nothing very important my dad told me. I think the ending scene is the one which made me squee. Doesn't Sheppard know that there's a chair? And not only a chair but also a couch?

                              I love how comfortable they are with each other.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red
                                Welcome to articulate overanalyzers anonymous, AOA for short.
                                Speaking of which, where is Bama? She's been conspicious by her absense lately!!!

