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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure

    As for "The Eye" - I took Sheppard's actions as anger for Elizabeth's death, but also as a predator defending its territory. He feels responsible for the safety of Atlantis and "his" people are dying and "his" home is being destroyed. He becomes desperate and vicious. Funny thing - when he saw Elizabeth was okay, he seemed to lose the "killer instinct" thing and concern came back into him. I still think it was meant as "ship" of some type.
    You got a point there. As soon as he finds out Elizabeth's still alive, he immediately agrees to Kolyas term to restore the generator. Of course he still thinking of a way of striking back at them, but instead he had to think of a way of saving Elizabeth and Rodney.

    If Kolya didn't have them prisoner or did actually kill them, John wouldn't have cared he would have just tried to get back at them at best as he could no matter what it took.

    I guess that kind of shows how John a dark and emotional character in that sense.


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      Sheppard is more emotional and hot-headed, but I think we'll see him get colder and more methodical as time goes by and he gets more experience dealing with evil aliens.
      I actually hope he doesn't get too methodical and cold. I know that his experiences being responsible for Atlantis will change him somewhat. He has already shown development over season 1 in that regard BUT I like his emotional and hot-headedness to some degree and wouldn't want him to lose it altogether. I certainly wouldn't want him to get too jaded and lose the 'hope' that Melyanna was talking about. I don't want either Sheppard or Weir to lose that. Weir has changed herself over season 1 because of the responsibilities placed on her as leader. She has made decisions which I am sure pre-Atlantis she never thought she would but she still has the same ideals at the core.
      Last edited by smallgirl; 11 March 2005, 01:15 PM.
      ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
      FBI - Body Preservation Division


        Like Astro, I've been trying to figure out what the writers were doing with The Eye if it wasn't intended to be shippy, but I've pretty much given up all hope of that. Anyway, I hope that John learns to rein it in better, but I hope he doesn't lose that passion. It's part of what makes him so unique.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          I still think TPTB have found Teyla isn't as popular as they had hoped and they are experimenting with different possible "ships" to see how the fans react.

          The one thing a writer cannot create is on-screen chemistry. RL/JF don't have it, but TH/JF do. In my opinion anyway.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            A good writer can compensate for imperfect chemistry to a point, but only to a point. There was nothing to work with on Sheppard/Teyla, in my opinion, and no amount of writing can fix that.

            Of course, there's some debate as to whether good chemistry can compensate for bad writing, but thankfully we've not had much bad writing to talk about in Atlantis.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              I still think TPTB have found Teyla isn't as popular as they had hoped and they are experimenting with different possible "ships" to see how the fans react.

              The one thing a writer cannot create is on-screen chemistry. RL/JF don't have it, but TH/JF do. In my opinion anyway.
              I agree. My feeling is that there was no or limited intention from the TPTB for any ship or indeed any thought from JF and TH initially but the natural chemistry came through - its possible its something that took them by surprise too. If you watch from the beginning of S1 there is actually quite a connection between them in early episodes that I think you only recognise when you go back again. I guess the convention is that the ship becomes more noticeable from The Eye on but I actually like some of the earlier scenes and interaction too.
              I know that TPTB don't necessarily have a pre planned idea about ship pairings if they are even considering it but don't forget one of the things they look for when casting roles is how certain actors look together. Surely at the back of their minds they are influenced by that? Just a thought!


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                I still think TPTB have found Teyla isn't as popular as they had hoped and they are experimenting with different possible "ships" to see how the fans react.

                The one thing a writer cannot create is on-screen chemistry. RL/JF don't have it, but TH/JF do. In my opinion anyway.
                Maybe we should point them to this thread. Almost 2000 posts in four months about a possible relationship has to count for something, right?

                I lose the internet for two days and you guys have all kinds of interesting things to say.

                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                As for "The Eye" - I took Sheppard's actions as anger for Elizabeth's death, but also as a predator defending its territory. He feels responsible for the safety of Atlantis and "his" people are dying and "his" home is being destroyed. He becomes desperate and vicious. Funny thing - when he saw Elizabeth was okay, he seemed to lose the "killer instinct" thing and concern came back into him. I still think it was meant as "ship" of some type.
                I think an accurate description might be "cornered animal". The Genii has seized his city and were killing his people. He was outnumbered, out gunned, and on a deadline. There was only one choice: fight back as viciously as possible. I think he would have done essentially the same if he was told that McKay had been killed.

                About the differnce between Sheppard and O'Neill, I think its summed up in their introductions. When we first saw O'Neill in the movie, he was ready to die. He was jaded, and had nothing to live for but his job (a feeling continued into the series for a while, I thought).

                In Sheppard's first scene, we find that he's flying helicopters in Antarctica because it was the one continent he hadn't been to yet. He's still excited about new experiences, and looking for new challenges to overcome. He's not naive, but he still has a bright outlook on life. He likely went to Atlantis because it was something new, a challenge he hadn't considered before.

                a time to mourn


                  Well, time for some shameless plugging.

                  I've finished a story that has been mentioned by others a few times in this thread, The Crossroads of Eshu. It's an alternate reality story involving Sam/Jack, but 'round about Chapter 7 it got hijacked and turned into a Sheppard/Weir story. (Don't ask how that's possible. ) Anyway, shameless plugging over. Back to your regularly scheduled shipping.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Now...big plug for "Eshu".

                    Read all of it recently and loved it. Astro had something good the other day, or was it Athena? Maybe Angel? Dang....I get all you writers mixed up.

                    What the heck. . .go read everyone's fic.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Originally posted by Hatcheter
                      I think an accurate description might be "cornered animal". The Genii has seized his city and were killing his people. He was outnumbered, out gunned, and on a deadline. There was only one choice: fight back as viciously as possible. I think he would have done essentially the same if he was told that McKay had been killed.
                      I agree that Shep probably would have gone just as ballistic if he thought McKay had been killed. However, when he realized Weir was alive....and he saved her from Kolya...didn't he take her by the hand when they ran up the steps? I don't think he would have held Rodney's hand.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                        I still think TPTB have found Teyla isn't as popular as they had hoped and they are experimenting with different possible "ships" to see how the fans react.

                        The one thing a writer cannot create is on-screen chemistry. RL/JF don't have it, but TH/JF do. In my opinion anyway.
                        AMEN!!! Gah! I went to the shep/teyla thread and wanted to vomit!!!

                        My thoughts on Teyla in general: She lacks the charisma that Teal'c has as SG1's resident alien. As I like to refer to her: The diet coke of Teal'c- one calorie, not engaging enough
                        Citizen of Braneville


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          I agree that Shep probably would have gone just as ballistic if he thought McKay had been killed. However, when he realized Weir was alive....and he saved her from Kolya...didn't he take her by the hand when they ran up the steps? I don't think he would have held Rodney's hand.
                          You mean this?

                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            I don't think he would have held Rodney's hand.
                            No, I agree I don't think he would have.LOL
                            It would have been sweet though, if he had. Probably would have done a more buddy version of the same scene. Scraped poor Rodney off the floor after Koyla was shot, gave him an encouraging pat on the back and then half-pushed him up the stairs. I much prefer the actual version of the story, but maybe in an alternate reality it was Rodney instead of Elizabeth.
                            ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
                            FBI - Body Preservation Division


                              LMAO SO TOTALLY TRUE.

                              Through this whole season I have seen so much Sheir interaction. Most of it being heated conversations or the worriness Weir always has when Sheppard goes on a mention. (note: she always says good luck to sheppard, or "be careful sheppard") why not good luck or be careful rodney or teyla, or even Ford. This is a TRUE budding clue. Right guys?
                              Other men said they have seen angels,
                              But I have seen thee
                              And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
                              Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
                              In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
                              To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
                              Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.

                              SHEPPARD/WEIR SAM/JACK VALA/DANIEL 4 EVER!!!!!!!!


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                Well, time for some shameless plugging.

                                I've finished a story that has been mentioned by others a few times in this thread, The Crossroads of Eshu. It's an alternate reality story involving Sam/Jack, but 'round about Chapter 7 it got hijacked and turned into a Sheppard/Weir story. (Don't ask how that's possible. ) Anyway, shameless plugging over. Back to your regularly scheduled shipping.
                                That's been one of the first fics I look for when I go to Gateworld. Really a great read, how one little change could affect so much. Is the sequal you mentioned going to be about the SGC's war with Anubis? And more importantly, how long until it comes out?

                                a time to mourn

