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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
    I'm betaing Athena's latest fic... and all I can say is, is that she is very, very bad...
    And when is Athena's "newest" going to be ready for fan consumption?

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Those short stories are really good, i prefer short stories, pretty much regardless of genre. Especially in fanfic.

      Matrix\Eva crossover. hmmn, nice!!

      Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


        Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
        Stiff competition from Amy Acker from Angel (can't really say much for the other actresses since I haven't seen any of their work) she did great as Illyria and Fred. But TH and AT have a fighting chance.

        Thanks for the links Mel. I'll get around to reading them when I'm not here at Uni.
        Pacific Rim is currently on hold until I finish another story I have going. It's the only way to bribe myself to write the last two or three chapters of Eshu. I'll be posting it at FFN once it's done, as the version in my LJ is a draft.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          And when is Athena's "newest" going to be ready for fan consumption?
 soon as Astro can Beta it, I'll get it up for ya'll.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt
   soon as Astro can Beta it, I'll get it up for ya'll.
            aha! and it's done!!!

            And in your mailbox.. I hope!


              *falls over dead*

              I need to post fan fic...brain going to explode if I don't write it!!! But I can't cos my comp is dead. I wrote it out in my english book but I have to get it on my computer and fix it up properly!!

              *pulls hair out*

              Anyway just came to say hi while my brother's not around to see me using his comp!!


                Melyanna Thanks for posting the updates of 'Pacific Rim'. I had only got to chapter three previously and it was great to read the rest. I love the idea of my favourite shows being combined. It makes sense to me for Danny to be the reporter who could potentially uncover the whole Stargate program.

                Hatcheter Loved Sheppard's quick thinking in 'Seen'. No-one is going to buy his excuses, not even McKay after several nights with no sleep but it was fun to hear him try, especially him turning it all around on Ford. If they were to really exchange rooms at some point, he better make sure Elizabeth knows first, otherwise Ford is going to get an embarassing early morning wake-up call from his boss! That or Teyla in Sheppard's room - horrible thought!
                ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
                FBI - Body Preservation Division


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  aha! and it's done!!!

                  And in your mailbox.. I hope!
                  Ack...evil woman!...Now I have to get this up, before they come after me!

                  Thanks for the quick beta-ing, I'll have it up soon later tonight or tomorrow.


                    Okay Finally got the fic up!

                    I pride myself in making Astro faint from her overactive imagination.

                    Mums the Word


                      Mints. Greatness.

                      a time to mourn


                        Originally posted by Hatcheter
                        Mints. Greatness.
                        Hehe Yup I couldn't help myslef.


                          Here's some more fanfics

                          Senseless by RoseWildeIrish
                          Tour of Duty by Jen
                          Breach of Duty also by Jen (Can be read as a standalone or sequel to 'Tour of Duty')
                          Desire of the Heart by CJ Jade (Rated R)


                            Originally posted by Hatcheter
                            Mints. Greatness.
                            I know! Evil! I just about choked.

                            I pride myself on catching Athena's little Freudian slip


                              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                              I know! Evil! I just about choked.

                              I pride myself on catching Athena's little Freudian slip
                              Surely that wasn't put in by accident, was it?

                              a time to mourn


                                Was in a horrible mood which found me writing fan fic...

                                Haven't put it on ff.n yet but here's my LJ link:

                                Walk Away

                                I swear I'm gonna go insane if I don't get my computer back soon

