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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by PhilM
    I'm new here so in order to get acquanted I'd like to chime in on Shepp and Weir. When the previews for Atlantis were airing, I kept looking at Joe and thinking "what the hell are they doing with this guy?" He looked smug and cocky in the commercials. I was worried I wouldn't like him. But then the first show aired, and he rocked. I don't know how the Stargate franchise got along without him!
    Torri had me hooked from the start. I fell in love with her real quick. I hope the deal goes through with these two, or at least they give us some serious hinting of romantic tension between them...
    Welcome and Hi Phil! Hope you have fun and post lots!
    And a nice little cap to welcome you....



      Originally posted by Kazan
      Welcome and Hi Phil! Hope you have fun and post lots!
      And a nice little cap to welcome you....

      No, sir, we weren't having a snow ball fight. No, not us.


        Originally posted by Kazan

        Shep: No Sir .. General Hammond, Sir. . I don't know anything about water balloons.
        Liz: Uh, Sir. .I admit. . .I had ONE. . .uh, water balloon that is. . but it wasn't supposed to go your direction.

        (must credit Astro - got the idea from her "snow ball" comment. )

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          Shep: No Sir .. General Hammond, Sir. . I don't know anything about water balloons.
          Liz: Uh, Sir. .I admit. . .I had ONE. . .uh, water balloon that is. . but it wasn't supposed to go your direction.

          (must credit Astro - got the idea from her "snow ball" comment. )

          no, that was much better than mine! I was really trying to think of something they could have been up to.. ahem... cos they looked so flushed of face and yet subtly guilty.

          Water balloons...

          hee hee!


            Welcome, Phil! Glad you joined us.

            Originally posted by Kazan
            "John, next time, let go of my hand before we run into a room with other people. . ."
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by Kazan

              "Rodney, why didn't you tell us that was a shower?"


                All us "nutters" are sure getting a lot of mileage out of that one picture.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  All us "nutters" are sure getting a lot of mileage out of that one picture.
                  Nutters? Us? You must be confused.

                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by ra-hanna
                    Now please, don't flame me for this till you've read the entire post. (As boring as it may be... ) But I ship for McKay/Weir. Wait! Wait! I post here too! I love the comradery between Weir and Mckay. (Not to mention the fact that I love the character of Mckay and how layered and complicated he is.) I don't see it so much in the light of sister/brother as others do but I do see how comfortable they are with each other. There's an understanding and mutual respect for each other that is very strong. So I envision some emotions moving them to be more physically attracted to each other thus moving things beyond the friendship/co-worker mutual respect thing that they're in right now. I guess that makes me a future McWeir shipper.

                    BUT-I also see the present affections between Shep and Weir. There's an obvious attraction between them (okay, maybe just obvious to us) but I love the fact that as leaders she's the civilian and he's military and all the complications there are with their leadership styles. What they have in common and what brings them together (being leaders) is one of the things that could also keep them apart and cause a struggle between them. I love the fact that there is ship there but it's sooooo different than the Jack/Sam ship. As a Jack/Sam shipper I think quite a few of us have seen the regs as the only thing keeping them apart all these years. But for ShWeir I don't think there's a specific reg. problem (probably more along the lines of we're both leaders so we SHOULDN'T hook up as opposed to we are FORBIDDEN by law to hook up.) I think for me, part of the attraction of ShWeir ship is that difference between them and Jack&Sam ship. Jack&Sam had to deal with one always being the subordinate. But Shep&Weir are more on mutual ground. And I can't wait to see how being in another galaxy and not under the constant scrutiny of the government plays out in comparison to the jack/sam ship.

                    Personally, it's only the first season. (And I'm in America so I've only been spoiled for the end of the season) so I think it's possible for any and all personel on the screen to end up in a ship. (Especially after reading all the fanfic out there.) Things are still open. So I keep my ship options open.

                    But as for shep/teyla. No. I'm not reading that other than two attractive people that work together. But, what can I say. I go where the writers lead me.

                    Oh! And did I mention I'm a McKay/Sheppard shipper too! Yeah, I know. I'm off the deep end with that one. But I swear the writers are putting it in there.
                    I know it's bad form to just quote this whole thing and comment it with only a "what she said", but... welll....

                    What she said.

                    Seriously, I ship for Shep/Weir, Weir/McKay and McKay/Weir. As of right now (read: The Siege II), I'm leaning more towards Shep/Weir though. Teyla started to become an interesting character for me with "The Gift" - I think Rachel was brilliant in it.
                    And yay for punching Bates!

                    Just my two cents, sorry for digging up posts from a few pages back.

                    In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                    it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                    It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                    And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      Nutters? Us? You must be confused.

                      John: No, no, no, clearly that's not us. Elizabeth and I don't do that in places where there are security cameras.
                      Elizabeth: Dammit John, shut up.

                      a time to mourn


                        Originally posted by PhilM
                        I was worried I wouldn't like him. But then the first show aired, and he rocked. I don't know how the Stargate franchise got along without him!
                        I think the better question is how did Mel get along without him?

                        "Someone duplicated the duplicators?"

                        ~ Jack; Smoke and Mirrors



                        Amelia's Violin - a Jonas/ OC romance. Version 2.0. New, improved, and COMPLETE!!!

                        A Day in the life of Sparky:

                        ...???... ......!!!.....[ ]..............!!!... .........

                        The End!!


                          Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
                          I know it's bad form to just quote this whole thing and comment it with only a "what she said", but... welll....

                          What she said.

                          Seriously, I ship for Shep/Weir, Weir/McKay and McKay/Weir. As of right now (read: The Siege II), I'm leaning more towards Shep/Weir though. Teyla started to become an interesting character for me with "The Gift" - I think Rachel was brilliant in it.
                          And yay for punching Bates!

                          Just my two cents, sorry for digging up posts from a few pages back.
                          What CG? YOu ship for McKay/Weir twice? ;p

                          McWeir, McWeir.... sexy as my Mum's bedsocks. Warm and cosy and nice... yawns... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


                            I was wondering about that. Mc\Weir Weir\McKay?

                            Welcome, i just try to keep along with the big discussions, and occasionally do a screen cap, or a coulpe of words about the ship.

                            Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Welcome, Phil! Glad you joined us.

                              "John, next time, let go of my hand before we run into a room with other people. . ."
                              John: Do I have to?

                              oh and btw Welcome Phil!


                                Torri broke my heart in Letters from Pegesus.

