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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Ok, I thought about this episode all night at work, and I love what everyone is saying about it. I don't think I am going to post more untill I see it for myself. But I think the "Shep/Teyla" thing was an act of desperation and not really a shippy moment for the two.

    Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

    *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*


      Originally posted by Easter Lily
      I've seen TLG... It's not too bad... a nice team episode, something Atlantis used to be really good at... My respect for Teyla and Caldwell has increased a notch...

      I didn't see any S/T shippyness... it's too ambiguous either way... The context is subterfuge and desperation so it's hard to know whether the
      "He cares for you more than you know line"
      is even actually true. I certainly didn't see any ship there... the whole moment was fraught with too much tension to be really considered romantic.

      Just my 2 cents...
      Second that. The Sheyla part was about trust, nothing else. It showed that Teyla is a great leader imo bc she was right about the whole scenery and did what was best for Atlantis. And she
      would have shot him


        Originally posted by Skyler
        But I think the "Shep/Teyla" thing was an act of desperation and not really a shippy moment for the two.
        yeah... me too!!!! i thought the same thing!!!!!!!!!
        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


          Very good episode, both very funny and dramatic, I really enjoyed it.

          I think they had to do something about Shep and Teyla who just haven't talked to each other in ages... And I more than ever think that Teyla had a crush on him and still does, even if she can't help making eye-sex with Ronon !
          The end was just, oh so sweet and hilarious with both of them lying in their beds in sickbay and Caldwell teasing them about the kiss !! I looooved it !
          Shep just couldn't look her in the eye and kept playing gameboy or I don't know what, that's just our old Shep, the same we had on the balcony two weeks ago...


            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
            Second that. The Sheyla part was about trust, nothing else. It showed that Teyla is a great leader imo bc she was right about the whole scenery and did what was best for Atlantis. And she
            would have shot him
            I'm with you...
            I think she really showed how able she was to make the tough decisions but as for any "feelings" she may have had for Sheppard... or him for her... it's anybody's guess,
            cause I didn't see nuthin'...
            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


              Originally posted by The wicked Witch
              Very good episode, both very funny and dramatic, I really enjoyed it.

              I think they had to do something about Shep and Teyla who just haven't talked to each other in ages... And I more than ever think that Teyla had a crush on him and still does, even if she can't help making eye-sex with Ronon !
              The end was just, oh so sweet and hilarious with both of them lying in their beds in sickbay and Caldwell teasing them about the kiss !! I looooved it !
              Shep just couldn't look her in the eye and kept playing gameboy or I don't know what, that's just our old Shep, the same we had on the balcony two weeks ago...
              it was GREAT!!!!!!! and i love what you sad about the ep... Brilliant!!!! cant wait to see all of it!!!!!
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                OMG, just watched the clip of the end scene. And all I have to say
                Just the *fact* that tptb allowed the kiss to be pointed out and brought up by a third party and then left dangling is absolutely fantastic! And it is awesome that it's Caldwell that does so! He has questioned Elizabeth's strong feelings for John already and her expression was a mixture of embarrassment and even a bit of concern that she's going to be even more scrutinized now that the cat is out of the bag a bit further. But just wow on how they tweaked that last scene and allowed it to be 'handled'. To point out that it would be 'remembered' by both parties but not 'put to rest' ala Conversion is...imo...just huge.


                  Originally posted by The wicked Witch
                  Very good episode, both very funny and dramatic, I really enjoyed it.

                  I think they had to do something about Shep and Teyla who just haven't talked to each other in ages... And I more than ever think that Teyla had a crush on him and still does, even if she can't help making eye-sex with Ronon !
                  The end was just, oh so sweet and hilarious with both of them lying in their beds in sickbay and Caldwell teasing them about the kiss !! I looooved it !
                  Shep just couldn't look her in the eye and kept playing gameboy or I don't know what, that's just our old Shep, the same we had on the balcony two weeks ago...
                  Absolutely right!
                  I noticed too that
                  Teyla and Shep had no scene since Conversion. Except their talking over the radio in Tower.

                  The end is so cute! At first I was mad at Caldwell for interrupting them but when he mentioned the kiss to tease them I could hug him! He so knows!

                  Also loved Shep's concern bc they were a married couple; when he said 'They are married. You know, everything could happen' and Rodney's answer 'We are all adulds'.
                  Last edited by Jenova Synthesis; 03 January 2006, 04:45 AM.


                    Mostly I'm just relieved that Sheppard didn't look like some hormonally driven puerile sexually-deprived maniac. On the contrary, I liked the implication that he is
                    a hopeless romantic
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      OMG, just watched the clip of the end scene. And all I have to say
                      Just the *fact* that tptb allowed the kiss to be pointed out and brought up by a third party and then left dangling is absolutely fantastic! And it is awesome that it's Caldwell that does so! He has questioned Elizabeth's strong feelings for John already and her expression was a mixture of embarrassment and even a bit of concern that she's going to be even more scrutinized now that the cat is out of the bag a bit further. But just wow on how they tweaked that last scene and allowed it to be 'handled'. To point out that it would be 'remembered' by both parties but not 'put to rest' ala Conversion is...imo...just huge.
                      Couldn't agree more! Did you see Lizzie's expression? Priceless.
                      I was like "ha! She loves him allright! they should have shown Sheppard close up too though


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        OMG, just watched the clip of the end scene. And all I have to say
                        Just the *fact* that tptb allowed the kiss to be pointed out and brought up by a third party and then left dangling is absolutely fantastic! And it is awesome that it's Caldwell that does so! He has questioned Elizabeth's strong feelings for John already and her expression was a mixture of embarrassment and even a bit of concern that she's going to be even more scrutinized now that the cat is out of the bag a bit further. But just wow on how they tweaked that last scene and allowed it to be 'handled'. To point out that it would be 'remembered' by both parties but not 'put to rest' ala Conversion is...imo...just huge.
                        Couldn't agree more! Did you see Lizzie's expression? Priceless.

                        I was like "ha! She loves him allright! they should have shown Sheppard close up too though
                        i agree with both of you... BAMA... i love your mind..!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the way you analyse the scenes for us and break it down... Sparky is the best!!!!!!
                        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                          Oddly enough, TLG conversation got me to thinking about Conversion and my post from last night about how John is still confused and not sure of himself in regard to his feelings etc touched on this but I wanted to add a thought. John Sheppard has some incredibly strong emotions in regard to Elizabeth but he simply does not know how to channel them. His animalistic behavior toward her in Conversion is incredible in hindsight. He
                          smashes a wall in her office. He grabs her by the throat violently even as he warns her he's not himself.
                          His reactions to her continue to be stronger than he's ever felt and I think it throws him for a huge loop. If you look at conversion, it's really ABC. His 'reaction' to Teyla is simple and it's what he knows to do with a pretty woman in his arms. His reactions to Elizabeth are so much more complicated and he has no clue how to channel the foreign, strong, complex emotions she brings out in him. It's truly amazing to watch this continue to unfold. TLG event(s) may turn out to be very big for John simply because it opens his eyes to a possibility that he'd most likely not given himself to entertaining. I think he is used to 'simple' in regard to his relationships with members of the opposite sex. I'm not saying he doesn't 'care' for them in a male 'need to protect' sort of way. It's in his nature to do so. But with Elizabeth, it's so much more complex and situations like TLG are essential for him to come to an understanding eventually of what it is that may be happening between he and Elizabeth and how it is different from anything he's ever known.


                            Originally posted by Erised
                            Couldn't agree more! Did you see Lizzie's expression? Priceless.
                            I was like "ha! She loves him allright! they should have shown Sheppard close up too though
                            Absolutely spot on.
                            Shep also had his "I thought that was you" face on. The next ep will be interesting. Can we hope for follow through? Though it has taken this far into the season it seems we get some sort of completion of the "trust" issue. Love that Teyla didn't believe him. The girl's got eyes. Caldwell was soooo teasing them, and it doesn't look like he's ready to make a stink. He's starting to impress me. Even though he looks like my father in law

                            Now we can start getting excited about The Hive on Friday. Finally something new for us.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              I more and more think that Caldwell has a little crush on Elizabeth too...
                              I think Caldwell knows very well about Elizabeth's feelings and it was very smart of him and very fair-play too to mention the kiss in sickbay (and very funny, thanks dude !). With Shep playing the I-don't-care-that-much guy, who knows what can happen... Ahlala, good old Shep is such a complex guy...
                              Have you seen his face when Elizabeth teases him about being host to Thalan, in sickbay, at the beginning of the ep ? Poor baby, he is so embarrassed !!


                                Originally posted by Erised
                                Couldn't agree more! Did you see Lizzie's expression? Priceless.
                                I was like "ha! She loves him allright! they should have shown Sheppard close up too though
                                TLG cemented one thing for me I think. They're going to 'play' John's confusion and uncertainty of feelings to the hilt. And they're also going to play Elizabeth's 'management' of hers to the hilt.

