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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Athenaktt
    *snickers* Yeah, did John finally get pants that fit correctly, because I haven't seen as many Peek-a-boo boxers lately.

    Or maybe I've been too busy looking for Sparky subtext I've been missing the boxers peeking through.

    But I'd like to think Elizabeth noticed and told him to get pants that fit because they were distracting her from working.

    *g* yeah there was too much spark to notice such things

    noooo, I don't think Lizzy would have told him that...she likes it too much


      Originally posted by Dorka
      *g* yeah there was too much spark to notice such things

      noooo, I don't think Lizzy would have told him that...she likes it too much
      She might tell him that because she doesn't want other people be looking at Shep's boxers.


        Originally posted by Athenaktt

        But I'd like to think Elizabeth noticed and told him to get pants that fit because they were distracting her from working.
        In our fantasies!


          Originally posted by Athenaktt
          *snickers* Yeah, did John finally get pants that fit correctly, because I haven't seen as many Peek-a-boo boxers lately.

          Or maybe I've been too busy looking for Sparky subtext I've been missing the boxers peeking through.

          But I'd like to think Elizabeth noticed and told him to get pants that fit because they were distracting her from working.
          Hah. Check out the last scene of Grace Under Pressure. I'm not sure his boxers are actually showing, but I don't think his shirt stayed tucked in.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Hah. Check out the last scene of Grace Under Pressure. I'm not sure his boxers are actually showing, but I don't think his shirt stayed tucked in.
            Anyone have a screen cap???

            When all else fails, change channels.


              what, this?



                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Hah. Check out the last scene of Grace Under Pressure. I'm not sure his boxers are actually showing, but I don't think his shirt stayed tucked in.
                Untucked shirt...why does that bring to mind closets?


                  Originally posted by Erised
                  Oh now that I thought about it, you're right!! He goes arond her and she's all smiling

                  Great observations!!
                  Agree. Terrific obs. I've noticed John seems to enjoy doing that a lot. He likes to invade personal space territory with her. We see him jump up on her desk or lean over her. The little arm taps are another good example. We know he loves to 'get to her' a little bit but I have to think that boys are simply always well...boys. They're not difficult creatures or so my husband says. And what do boys do when they want the attention of a pretty girl? They pick at her. If their best friend asks them if they like her though-they'll deny it. Let's face it-John loves getting a reaction from Elizabeth. He loves her attention. There is a logical reason why.


                    Originally posted by Erised
                    Ooooh, yeah! *LOL*

                    Dang - can't give you green! Owe ya.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Maybe because he likes her!


                        Okay, since I first posted like a million pages ago (you guys go fast!), I've been lurking around here. You guys crack me up.

                        And since I'm stuck in job search hell and bored out of my mind, I thought I'd crack you guys up, too. Well... butt crack, specifically... since FoolishPleasure asked a few posts ago and I'm not ten pages behind in this thread.

                        (Err... spoilery for "Grace Under Pressure")
                        John needs a shirt that fits.
                        But two behinds are better than none.

                        Okay, back to lurking.


                          Originally posted by Pooh
                          Okay, since I first posted like a million pages ago (you guys go fast!), I've been lurking around here. You guys crack me up.

                          And since I'm stuck in job search hell and bored out of my mind, I thought I'd crack you guys up, too. Well... butt crack, specifically... since FoolishPleasure asked a few posts ago and I'm not ten pages behind in this thread.

                          (Err... spoilery for "Grace Under Pressure")
                          John needs a shirt that fits.
                          But two behinds are better than none.

                          Okay, back to lurking.
                          Thanks Pooh. I knew we could count on you. Here's our word for the day which I have been saving for just such an occasion. Dictionaries ready?


                          My work here is done. For now.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Pooh
                            Okay, since I first posted like a million pages ago (you guys go fast!), I've been lurking around here. You guys crack me up.

                            And since I'm stuck in job search hell and bored out of my mind, I thought I'd crack you guys up, too. Well... butt crack, specifically... since FoolishPleasure asked a few posts ago and I'm not ten pages behind in this thread.

                            (Err... spoilery for "Grace Under Pressure")
                            John needs a shirt that fits.
                            But two behinds are better than none.

                            Okay, back to lurking.
                            Yes, the undies are alive and well.

                            Spreading "green" on your butts.

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red
                              Thanks Pooh. I knew we could count on you. Here's our word for the day which I have been saving for just such an occasion. Dictionaries ready?


                              My work here is done. For now.
                              Oooh, the other day I learned, "Craptacular", and now "Calliphygian".

                              Have to figure how to use both words in the same sentence.

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red
                                Thanks Pooh. I knew we could count on you. Here's our word for the day which I have been saving for just such an occasion. Dictionaries ready?


                                My work here is done. For now.

                                It took me a few minutes, but now I'm ROFL!

                                Great pics Pooh.

                                And we're past 16,00 posts!

