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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay, here's the scene:

    A guy is welding something next to a puddle jumper. Yes, folks, sparks are quite literally flying in this scene. We hear John directing people to do stuff. Elizabeth comes around the jumper, looking at the welder in confusion.

    Elizabeth: [coming up to the back hatch] What's all this? [voice raised to be heard over the welding]
    John: [looking up at her] Ah, this is my plan! [He hands his tablet to someone else in the jumper and heads up to Elizabeth.]
    Elizabeth: [looking around] Yeah, I figured that much. Care to elaborate?
    John: [brushing past her and turning to face her] Well, Doctors Moore and McNabb are here to study the ocean on M8R-169, which happens to be under a thick sheet of ice, so they brought a thousand-foot cable and a pretty powerful winch to lower their instruments.
    Elizabeth: Okay...
    John: And, uh, Eggert [sp?] over here is responsible for the magnetic grapple designed to lower the F-302s into our jumper bay.
    Elizabeth: And you intend to put the two together.
    John: Chocolate and peanut butter.
    Elizabeth: Is the mechanism going to be strong enough to lift a half-flooded jumper out of the water?
    John: Not a chance.
    Elizabeth: So then why–
    John: Because we don't have to. We just have to get it near enough to the surface so we can get McKay and Griffin out with a cutting team and rescue divers.
    Elizabeth: Good. How long?
    John: Couple hours.
    Elizabeth: You and Rodney have been bugging me for a chance to try a jumper as a submersible, but you sure went a hell of a long way to make me say yes.
    John: You still haven't said it yet.
    Elizabeth: I just did.
    John: [runs around her to get back to the jumper while she taps her PDA against her palm] Oh, how close is Zelenka to finding them?
    Elizabeth: I'm going to go ask him. [They both run off.]

    That little smile is right when she tells him she's giving him permission. Also, I'm highly amused that John comes up with all but the very last scientific solution in this episode. Elizabeth should be proud. And look! Sparks!
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Melyanna, I know what you mean! Sparks! So many sparks that I'm obsessed with that scene. I've lost count how many times I rewatched it!


        Whoa, great job, Mel!

        How often exactly have you seen this scene to do that?


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          Okay, here's the scene:

          Awww...that's terrific. Thanks for going to the trouble to explain and do the dialogue. I can tell it's one of *those* scenes between them. You know, the type where nothing out of line or flirty is really said but eyes are dancing and smirks are being passed and they both deep down really know they just flat out love to tease and interact with each other because they just flat out really enjoy the heck out of being around each other.


            And that is why they are know as Sparky! Definately not a misnomer at all.


              Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
              Whoa, great job, Mel!

              How often exactly have you seen this scene to do that?
              LOL, it's not all that hard. It's just a lot of starting and stopping. I only had to run it back and listen again once or twice. Speaking of which, I still need to finish a handful of transcripts for the project Athena and I have been working on. (Well, it's been mostly Athena. ) And proofread the ones she's done. Oy, too many fandom things to do.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Great summary!!

                I love that John comes up with the basic solution. It also got me wondering this: does John have an engineering degree? It's common for Air Force pilots to have advanced degrees (especially something like a Masters) in a related field - physics, engineering, etc. Now, given the fact that he was all over the dam references in Critical Mass (definitely an engineering field there!), and good at math (an absolutely neccessary skill for engineering) I almost wonder if that wasn't his field in college. I'm sure that a lot of it was just him relaying information given by the scientists, of course, but it seemed like he still had a pretty strong understanding of everything that was going on from an engineering standpoint.
                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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                  Originally posted by Athenaktt
                  And that is why they are know as Sparky! Definately not a misnomer at all.
                  Oh so very true. You know what I really enjoy about scenes like that is how they reinforce the oh so comfortable friendship that's growing between them all the time. I think about Intruder and Duet and other eps where teasing and looks are passed and a bit of flirtiness is underneath it and then you combine those with eps like Siege 2 and 3 and Conversion where these two obviously have some serious and deep feelings going on too and there's just enough of that element of real UST and UET between the two of them that you know that neither will be just content with being just 'pals' forever. Dang, I love this ship.


                    Originally posted by xfkirsten
                    Great summary!!

                    I love that John comes up with the basic solution. It also got me wondering this: does John have an engineering degree? It's common for Air Force pilots to have advanced degrees (especially something like a Masters) in a related field - physics, engineering, etc. Now, given the fact that he was all over the dam references in Critical Mass (definitely an engineering field there!), and good at math (an absolutely neccessary skill for engineering) I almost wonder if that wasn't his field in college. I'm sure that a lot of it was just him relaying information given by the scientists, of course, but it seemed like he still had a pretty strong understanding of everything that was going on from an engineering standpoint.
                    Well, I believe it is a requirement in order to become a Major or was a Captain? that you have to have a Masters before you are promoted to those ranks. It's been a while since I've done that research. Mel?

                    And yes, those transcripts...I still need to finish "Epiphany". Just when I thought we were caught up, we're already falling behind.


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      LOL, it's not all that hard. It's just a lot of starting and stopping. I only had to run it back and listen again once or twice. Speaking of which, I still need to finish a handful of transcripts for the project Athena and I have been working on. (Well, it's been mostly Athena. ) And proofread the ones she's done. Oy, too many fandom things to do.
                      Nevertheless, tough job.

                      I'd do this, too but unfortunately my English is not that good and understanding technical!McKay is a challenge.


                        No, there's no rank that requires a master's. Some jobs in the military require higher education, but that's no surprise. However, pilots often do have some sort of master's in engineering, so that's not really a stretch for John.
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Originally posted by xfkirsten
                          Great summary!!

                          I love that John comes up with the basic solution. It also got me wondering this: does John have an engineering degree? It's common for Air Force pilots to have advanced degrees (especially something like a Masters) in a related field - physics, engineering, etc. Now, given the fact that he was all over the dam references in Critical Mass (definitely an engineering field there!), and good at math (an absolutely neccessary skill for engineering) I almost wonder if that wasn't his field in college. I'm sure that a lot of it was just him relaying information given by the scientists, of course, but it seemed like he still had a pretty strong understanding of everything that was going on from an engineering standpoint.

                          Interesting point. It wouldn't be unusual at all......

                          Some nice little stories. Oldies, but goodies!

                          Part 1:
                          Part 2:


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            No, there's no rank that requires a master's. Some jobs in the military require higher education, but that's no surprise. However, pilots often do have some sort of master's in engineering, so that's not really a stretch for John.
                            Besides we all know John is a closeted geek too. This just adds that that theory.


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Oy, too many fandom things to do.
                              OMG I am in love with your new sig!!!!!!!!!!


                                So Gero (who gave us the "Hug") writes a Liz/John scene with
                                "welding" scene with sparks flying in the background.
                                Yeah, THAT was accidental.

                                He obviously has joined the "Sparky" crowd.

                                When all else fails, change channels.

