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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    Where the heck IS Red? I certainly hope she continues that - it was very good!
    Hey, I didn't realize I was missing in action. I sometimes come on and read but don't post. I'm always here and being remembered warms my cockles, or something. Several people have commented that I should continue "What's Wrong With You?" I hadn't intended to go further, but I'll wait for a plot bunny to strike. I'll be posting several more short ones that I've been saving also. Thanks for the warm reception for my literary efforts. Hugs to all.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Southern Red
      Hey, I didn't realize I was missing in action. I sometimes come on and read but don't post. I'm always here and being remembered warms my cockles, or something. Several people have commented that I should continue "What's Wrong With You?" I hadn't intended to go further, but I'll wait for a plot bunny to strike. I'll be posting several more short ones that I've been saving also. Thanks for the warm reception for my literary efforts. Hugs to all.

      We love your literary efforts, and call for more
      Whenever you're ready.... sooner rather than later would be good for us


        Originally posted by alyssa
        Fic recommendation, girls and boys....

        Just realised I passed 1600! Argh!
        Oooh my gosh what a painful background! I'm going to have to paste it in word!


          Originally posted by Erised
          Oooh my gosh what a painful background! I'm going to have to paste it in word!
          *g* that's what I did
          By the way...I started a yesterday one and just felt the urge to write one too


            Dorka, have I mentioned that I love your new sig? You did such a nice job with those two bits from Critical Mass.

            Speaking of sigs, I ought to make myself a new one. But I love the quote in my current one.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              put the same quote in a new one

              guys? for some reason these videos won't play
              anyone know why?? It says unsupported format..


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Dorka, have I mentioned that I love your new sig? You did such a nice job with those two bits from Critical Mass.

                Speaking of sigs, I ought to make myself a new one. But I love the quote in my current one.

                Thank you very much

                Yeah, you have yours pretty long, but it's somehow recognizable... we don't even have to read the writers name, but we know: that's melyanna

                I'm really the type of person, who needs to have a new sig at least all 2 weeks... I guess something new to figure out for the lurking psychology-students

                Awww....I think I have to rewatch CM today...will only get to see Grace under Pressure at wednesday...will have to sustain till then somehow
                btw...Any chances for Shippy scenes [SPOILER] besides Rodney and Sam[SPIOLER])))))


                  I don't have much information on Grace Under Pressure, but I don't believe Weir's going to have much to do in it. Seems like it's going to be mostly Rodney, with a little of Sheppard and Zelenka as well.

                  But hey, there's a chance that we'll get a scene or two. This ship is all about being unexpected, after all.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    I don't have much information on Grace Under Pressure, but I don't believe Weir's going to have much to do in it. Seems like it's going to be mostly Rodney, with a little of Sheppard and Zelenka as well.

                    But hey, there's a chance that we'll get a scene or two. This ship is all about being unexpected, after all.
                    *g* yeah you're right... and I mean those two can make every tiny bit a a scene together very shippy but I think I still looking forward to The Tower next week...and TLG for sure


                      *crossing my fingers and squeezing my eyes shut and hoping this works*

                      Hi all! As you can see from the posts count (if this works <g>) this is my first little ol' post to the forum. I'm not used to the web based bulletin board format so if I mess things up please have patience with me.

                      I've just started watching Atlantis with the North American release of the DVDs and I've been instantly hooked on the show and have fallen into extreme obsession with Sheppard and Weir. My need for Shep/Weir discussion is insatiable and after reading the board here for a bit I've decided to take the plunge and post.

                      I also have a question from a comment made a few messages back. There was mention of hand holding in The Eye. When in the episode did that take place? Don't tell me I missed it!

                      Nice to meet you all and hopefully life will allow me to keep up a contribution to the discussion here.
                      signature with thanks to Dorka


                        Hi, ShippyMom! Welcome to the thread.

                        The hand-holding in The Eye was shortly after they got rid of the Genii. John and Kolya had their little standoff where Elizabeth was a hostage, John shot Kolya, and thus saved Elizabeth. So there's a sweet little moment where he runs up to her and asks if she's okay. She still looks terrified and says no. He tells her she will be, and that's when he reaches forward and grabs her hand to lead her up to the control room.

                        I've always wondered if that was scripted, or just something that Joe did. Either way, it was quite cute.
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Hi, ShippyMom! Welcome to the thread.

                          The hand-holding in The Eye was shortly after they got rid of the Genii. John and Kolya had their little standoff where Elizabeth was a hostage, John shot Kolya, and thus saved Elizabeth. So there's a sweet little moment where he runs up to her and asks if she's okay. She still looks terrified and says no. He tells her she will be, and that's when he reaches forward and grabs her hand to lead her up to the control room.

                          I've always wondered if that was scripted, or just something that Joe did. Either way, it was quite cute.
                          I rewatched The Eye yesterday and I noticed that hand holding! It was so sweet that I was jumping up and down on my chair!
                          Funny how you notice things like that only when you're a shipper


                            Hi ShippyMom OOOH, fresh meat. Anybody who loves Shep/Weir is welcome here. Now tell us please what do you see? And why Elizabeth and not Teyla. Inquiring minds want to know.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by macktheknife
                              Q: Will we get to see more Athosian culture?

                              Luttrell: Yes!

                              O boy. More athosians being evacuated or boring village scenes. HOORAY.

                              Crap. I hate Athosians.

                              Every time they are in a storyline the episode comes to a screeching halt of dull.

                              Apparently Teyla sings a craptacular Lion King rip-off song in the last episode. My ears are bleeding from here.

                              And I am Not being sarcastic.


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                Thx Athena!..and she's talking about Chuck, right? Eee! Think i just found another OTP
                                That's what I thought at first to, but I'm not sure. There have been times when they use different "Gate dialers", so it could be someone else. So I'll definately keep my eyes out for the "gate dialer" on either "Michale" or "Coup D'etat".

