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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by wizengamot
    Guh so anyways...

    Don't worry Elizabeth, We'll always have the closet
    The real question is what did Elizabeth just suggest?
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by Ebony Wolf
      There was only one ep where Weir was really worried over Sheppard alone. TLB yes she was very much worried about John and his team. She cares about all the men and women that are on Atlantis. She just likes John a lot more then a friend.
      ITA. Let me put it this way. (I wrote a bunch of stuff and it didn't make sense so I'm trying again. ) Some people see the cave scene in Rising in a lot of Shep/Weir moments this season where we don't.


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        Just thought I'd nosey on in. Do you know what? About a week or two ago, I was borderline S/W S/T, undecided. I kinda feel I should support you guys, having gone down the long, hard road of S/J ship, but I think after Conversion, I've been converted to S/T (don't hate me).

        We don't hate you TJ. I personally think you're off your rocker given the overwhelming S/W evidence in comparison but you've a right to that opinion of course. I think Teyla is a beautiful woman and it would probably be more of a 'race' for me and others if Shep and Teyla had even had just a few personal conversations about things of importance or if the writers had put a focus on the interactions of that relationship but the huge, fat zero on that just is damning.

        I do think there were a few looks from Weir towards Jack. I mean, when he held her up against the wall and stuff, but what you said about the end. Yes, Teyla and Shep agreed never to speak of it again, but there was something about the grin on Teyla's face. Very Broca Divide. That's what turned me. The comparison.

        I didn't see the looks between them as anything other than discomfort and relief but then, interpretation does vary. But even if I'd chosen to interpret that one look or 'grin' as you referred to it as shippy, it's not nearly enough to begin to overcome the absence of what I mentioned above. I don't get how someone can want Shep to "be with" Teyla as a romance partner when the person he obviously feels closest to is some other woman. That baffles me about you Shep/Teyla people and I don't mean that snarkily. It truly baffles the heck out of me. It just doesn't add up logically to me.

        I have to say, I do love Weir, so if the S/T thing didn't work out, then S/W would be the next best thing. I just see S/W as more of a professional relationship. Plus she's got Simon (?) back home. I have missed a lot of Atlantis, so I might be wrong.

        You're right. You've missed a lot of Atlantis. Simon is done. And if S/W don't have a personal relationship, then no two on Atlantis do.


          You may be right. In season one, I definitely saw more of a S/T spark. I'll have to let you know once I've brushed up on SGA2 over Christmas! In the meantime, I'll keep noseying in to see what points you're making. And make a few noises of my own.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by Hatcheter
            Which, if handled correctly, could make for some good drama.
            Yes! From your mouth to TPTB's ears!


              Originally posted by Bama
              Yes! From your mouth to TPTB's ears!
              You'll be lucky.

              Sorry, that was said from a Jack/Sam shipper's PoV, not a S/T person being catty.

              J/S shippers have been trying to get TPTB to listen to us for ages, but it's a long struggle. They don't seem to like ship. Causes them problems and fan divides.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by LadyBozi
                I love Shep and Weir..they are tooo freakin cute.. I love how you can just see her get happy when he's around! soo adorable
                Hey LB! I've seen you around! Nice of you to drop by over here and offer the linkos! thanks! And you make a short but excellent and yet simple point. I too love the way Elizabeth draws up short when he walks in the room. She almost looks like she's holding her breath a little when she talks to him sometimes. It's little natural chem things like that that make me just adore this pair. I love how their eyes dance when they tease each other and how Elizabeth's literally twinkle when she's charmed by John. Now, how can I be imagining such when so many others see it? Ahhhh...such happy, shippy thoughts.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  You may be right. In season one, I definitely saw more of a S/T spark. I'll have to let you know once I've brushed up on SGA2 over Christmas! In the meantime, I'll keep noseying in to see what points you're making. And make a few noises of my own.
                  You're welcome anytime TJ. Just don't expect us to go easy on the pro S/T stuff.


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Hey LB! I've seen you around! Nice of you to drop by over here and offer the linkos! thanks! And you make a short but excellent and yet simple point. I too love the way Elizabeth draws up short when he walks in the room. She almost looks like she's holding her breath a little when she talks to him sometimes. It's little natural chem things like that that make me just adore this pair. I love how their eyes dance when they tease each other and how Elizabeth's literally twinkle when she's charmed by John. Now, how can I be imagining such when so many others see it? Ahhhh...such happy, shippy thoughts.
                    Hey BamA! HAha...I just hope that Sheppard can realize that the WomAns in LOVE wit him! Because we all know men are slow when it comes to things like that!

                    icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                      Everyone, don't ever accept an animal from BP. No matter how cute they are. She use them to spy on us.

                      Icon Made By LadyBozi


                        SO I just had to comment while rewatching season one that in Siege I (im pretty sure) when Weir, Sheppard and Bates are going through possible Alpha sites weir gets angry that the first one got compromised by the wraith so john says all kinda jokingly in this way i love "They're a real pain in the ass aren't they?" And weir responds very matter of factly "Yes they are."

                        Probably one of my favorite moments of all time. I dont know why, it is just so funny the way they deliver it. Once again proving that they are the most interesting and quirky ship on SGA (but not as quirky and interesting as daniel/vala)
                        Citizen of Braneville


                          Originally posted by LadyBozi
                          Hey BamA! HAha...I just hope that Sheppard can realize that the WomAns in LOVE wit him! Because we all know men are slow when it comes to things like that!
                          I don't think he will realize it unless someone tells him straight away. I mean.. not all guys get all the *hidden* messages when talking to a girl
                          He may be an exception. Who knows But we all know that he loves her but he doesn't know that she loves him, and vice-versa.


                            Originally posted by Ebony Wolf
                            Everyone, don't ever accept an animal from BP. No matter how cute they are. She use them to spy on us.
                            We don't spy on you guys. Whatever would give you that idea?
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Welcome LB!!!!


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                                Just thought I'd nosey on in. Do you know what? About a week or two ago, I was borderline S/W S/T, undecided. I kinda feel I should support you guys, having gone down the long, hard road of S/J ship, but I think after Conversion, I've been converted to S/T (don't hate me).
                                No hatred here...
                                But my question here is why one episode should make that much of a difference in how a relationship is perceived especially when one considers the lack of interaction between the aforementioned couple in the rest of the other episodes. If a relationship between two people is to succeed in the eyes of the audience, shouldn't they be seen at least have some interaction, some degree of interest in the other beyond the usual UST?

                                I do think there were a few looks from Weir towards Jack. I mean, when he held her up against the wall and stuff, but what you said about the end. Yes, Teyla and Shep agreed never to speak of it again, but there was something about the grin on Teyla's face. Very Broca Divide. That's what turned me. The comparison.
                                As Mel and others have said, S/J is not a very good example for many of us as an example of well-written ship. The Broca Divide, IMO, was an especially crude way to bring so-called latent feelings to the fore. If that event in Conversion is meant to be a predecessor to The Broca Divide... I'm happy to say that I've been put off for life.

                                I have to say, I do love Weir, so if the S/T thing didn't work out, then S/W would be the next best thing. I just see S/W as more of a professional relationship. Plus she's got Simon (?) back home. I have missed a lot of Atlantis, so I might be wrong.
                                Mel has mentioned Intruder so I won't go there. I'm not sure how much you've seen of Season 2, but many of us here have seen a progression and building up of Weir and Sheppard interaction. To the extent that many non-Sheppard/Weir shippers have commented that Weir has become "excessively" concerned for Sheppard. I haven't see half as much interaction between Sheppard and Teyla, as I have between Teyla and Ronon, Sheppard and Weir. In fact, in Critical Mass, there's heaps of lovely Teyla and Beckett.
                                All these angles make me think that Conversion is an exception rather than the rule. And if TPTB are trying to make a OTP out of Conversion, I fear for the integrity of Atlantis.
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

