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Atlantis Family Appreciation Thread (S1-S3)

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    Well, let's see, I started watching SGA because it was a spinoff of SG-1. It wasn't until The Storm/The Eye that I really got into it. Sheppard really got my attention (and not just for his looks ).

    At first I there was going to be more attention to Rodney and Carson's relationship than there ended up being. Kinda disappointing even though I really like the Sheppard, McKay relationship. Although I particularly liked Sheppard, McKay and Weir with their interaction. That really came through in TE/TS for me.


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      *keeps thread talking*

      Don't want to see this disappear in the mass.

      What made you watch Stargate Atlantis when it first aired?
      Why did you start watching and which characters impressed you right from the start and did they became your favorites or did you switch to other characters as the seasons progressed?

      How does your top 10 episodes-list look like and why those exactly?
      Which episodes would you have gladly scratched from existence and why?

      Let's start with those. Don't have to answer them all... just you know, keeping it going.

      What made me start watching SGA: It was mainly because of David Hewlett. I like him when he was on a few episodes of SG1 and I was curious to see the "idea" of Atlantis.

      I liked Rodney from the get go. I loved his snarky behavior and his intelligence. Though I didn't care for John in the beginning because I thought they were Kirking him too much and he was a bit of a smart ass. He grew on me quickly because of his sense of loyalty and the idea that he considered Atlantis his home. I really wanted to see what made him tick. Elizabeth, Carson, Teyla, Ford and Radek I loved from the beginning. Lorn - what can I say. I loved him from the get go too. I loved his sense of humor, his loyalty and bravery.

      I'll finish the other questions in a bit


        .: I began watching Stargate Atlantis when I heard Jewel Staite was going to be in the recurring cast in the fourth season. (Take a moment to get those giggles out.) Instead, I ironically fell in love with some other people

        .: Elizabeth was one of the first characters to grab me, because to me the pilot seemed to be coming from mostly her perspective. I really liked Rodney's snarkiness, impatience and humour (However I hated it when he became downright abrasive). Carson was just a real sweetheart from the beginning.

        .: Shep, Teyla and Ford took longer to grow on me for the main season one cast. Shep was attractive but at the beginning I really didn't think there was much there, though that had changed by TS/TE. Teyla was interesting but it wasn't until she got to flex her acting skills in Underground/TS/TE did she begin to grow on me. Ford was always more of a recurring character to me; I guess he did grow on me from the start, but more as a fun lighthearted character than something more complex.

        .: I liked Ronon's transition to the cast because his first episode was also tied in to another plot and the exit of Ford. It was done very gradually, letting the cast chemistry work out in itself. Radek I really loved through the whole first season and grew further on me the more appearences he made. Same with Lorne; I really enjoyed Kavan in Runner when he first appeared.

        .: I would have liked to see more of Kate, Laura, Lindsay and Sora and I think they missed some opportunities with these wonderful characters. I also would have liked to see more of Kavanaugh and Bates; their rivalries with their coworkers added family tensions.


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          *keeps thread talking*

          Don't want to see this disappear in the mass.

          What made you watch Stargate Atlantis when it first aired?
          Why did you start watching and which characters impressed you right from the start and did they became your favorites or did you switch to other characters as the seasons progressed?

          How does your top 10 episodes-list look like and why those exactly?
          Which episodes would you have gladly scratched from existence and why?

          Let's start with those. Don't have to answer them all... just you know, keeping it going.
          My top 10 episodes.....that's a hard one. Lets see...oh and these aren't in any particular order btw:

          BEFORE I SLEEP
          THE SIEGE, PART 2
          THE INTRUDER
          THE REAL WORLD

          I loved the story lines in these episodes. I felt they were complete and well written. Each of these episodes showed a lot of emotion, drama and loyalty. They were excellent episodes and they are ones I could watch many times over without getting tired of them.

          Which ones could I scratch from existance. There are only a few so here it goes.....


          SUNDAY - Because Carson was killed by a stupid exploding tumor. It was good up until that time. The episode should be re-written. I would rather see Carson get wounded instead of seeing him getting killed.

          IRRESISTIBLE -
          Because of Lucius - what can I say. I can't stand the freak.

          See above answer

          FIRST STRIKE -
          The introduction of a certain doctor kinda killed this one for me. I didn't like Elizabeth getting hurt and I think the episode should be re-written. It had potential.

          VENGEANCE -
          I really didn't care for the bug men. This eppy was just plain weird.
          Last edited by kali1; 10 May 2008, 11:09 AM.


            I watched SGA because I liked SG1.
            The first episode I ever saw was Hot Zone so my favourite character at first was McKay, and I really liked Zelenka straight off. The banter between him and McKay was so good in that episode. I also liked Carson from the start he seemed believable as a doctor and really caring. Again the banter between him and McKay was fun.

            By the end of Season three, Sheppard had become my favourite aswell as McKay. In the first two seasons Sheppard was kirking so much he was irritating! He changed a lot in season three imo.

            I wouldn'd scratch any episodes from seasons 1-3, oh apart from the second half of Sunday, I really hated Beckett getting killed off, especially in the way that he did. I really enjoyed all other episodes. Seasons 1-3 had a really good vibe and feeling about them.


              I should probably answer my own questions as well...

              What made you watch Stargate Atlantis when it first aired?

              I started watching because I was/am a fan of SG1 and wanted to see this new spin-off. I was super excited about it. I could hardly wait for it and I was sold on the very first minute of The Rising. I also loved the idea of a civilian expedition with a military contingent accompanying them. The leader was civilian and a woman. Wow, I was intrigued.

              Which characters impressed you right from the start and did they became your favorites or did you switch to other characters as the seasons progressed?

              Elizabeth had me on hello, in a way. Carson was sweet and I even liked Rodney (wasn't too fond of him in SG1). Sheppard reminds me of myself and he definitely left an impression. Ford was wicked. Was a little wary on Teyla at first... I remember it took some episodes to get into her.

              My focus of favorites changed a little over the seasons, especially after The Gift. Dudes, I was smitten with the blond psychologist whom I recognized from somewhere but I couldn't place her anywhere. The more I watched The Gift the more I realized I was once again falling for a secondary character as my favorite of the show (in SG1 it was Janet).

              Kate, Teyla and Elizabeth (in that order) are most definitely my faves on the show, but I pretty much like all the characters (except Lucius maybe).

              How does your top 10 episodes-list look like and why those exactly?

              1. The Gift
              2. Echoes
              3. Michael
              4. Duet

              Not too difficult to figure out why I love those, I'm guessing... Also, The Gift was a major Teyla-episode, who at that point I loved to bits. Echoes is an awesome team/expedition episode. Michael, mainly because of Kate's involvement and the way there's friction between those who are conducting the experiment and those opposing it, although going along. Duet - CADMAN stuck in McKay's body and DH doing some great acting.

              5. The Rising - awesome beginning to a new adventure, and the rising of Atlantis still makes my jaw drop fast
              6. The Storm/The Eye - the best two-parter ever written in Stargate history if you ask me
              7. Critical Mass - I admit, I absolutely love Rachel singing at the end... and Cadman's back, and it's a team/expedition episode.
              8. Letters From Pegasus - the best clip-show ever, and those goodbyes really had me choking up.
              9. Sateda - it really brings out the family feel and Jason is an awesome man, blowing pretty much everyone else away with his performance.
              10. The Return I & II - again showing the family feel of Atlantis, and what it means for the expedition to be there, they are willing to risk their lives and carreers to go back to it.

              Which episodes would you have gladly scratched from existence and why?

              The Irr's - Lucius was a horrible character, and Kolya deserved a way better death than the one he got now. Even though I liked Sunday, I could easily do without it, and the same goes for First Strike, the beginning of the end.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by elliecat View Post
                Seasons 1-3 had a really good vibe and feeling about them.
                .: Love that happy/family/close-knit vibe between them all.

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                Duet - CADMAN stuck in McKay's body and DH doing some great acting.
                .: It was amazing how DH had Jaime's movements, speech rhythm and mannerisms down to a "T".

                .: Hmm. Episodes I would erase. Just FS and Sunday. And Irresponsible because of Kolya.

                .: I think what pisses me off most about Sunday is not what happened in the episode, but what happened afterwards. (Both from an objective and subjective standpoint). FS did truly mark the beginning of the end. In a way it may be the end itself.


                  Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                  .: It was amazing how DH had Jaime's movements, speech rhythm and mannerisms down to a "T".
                  That scene in the hallway - I totally crack up every single time. And Laura in his head, talking, you know the voice over conversations... yup, Duet is loved for it.

                  I just finished watching the last episode of season one of Blood Ties, and the feel of it, the feel of the characters together and how they interact. It reminded me a little of the first three seasons of Atlantis, though I carefully have to admit that BT has got just that little something more...although that could also be because season 4 of SGA failed to deliver and everything else just looks more awesome than it really is...but not BT though, I'm sure of it.

                  *sigh* I miss it.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    That scene in the hallway - I totally crack up every single time. And Laura in his head, talking, you know the voice over conversations... yup, Duet is loved for it.

                    I just finished watching the last episode of season one of Blood Ties, and the feel of it, the feel of the characters together and how they interact. It reminded me a little of the first three seasons of Atlantis, though I carefully have to admit that BT has got just that little something more...although that could also be because season 4 of SGA failed to deliver and everything else just looks more awesome than it really is...but not BT though, I'm sure of it.

                    *sigh* I miss it.
                    David did do an awesome job in Duet.


                      Okay, I come asking a question ... again...

                      Can any of you recommend me some great season 1 - 3, AU 4 fanfic?

                      I don't mind ship as long as it's not John/Teyla - sadly not a fan of that particular pairing.
                      Bonus points if Kate's in it for a good strong part - not two words or a mention. Every rating between G and R is just fine by me.
                      Male slash is okay, except McKay/Sheppard and please no R or NC-17 ratings.
                      Femmeslash is okay, bonus points if it features my OTP - Kate/Teyla.
                      Crossovers are okay too, yet not too big a fan of it, except no SG1 please.

                      I'm guessing no one's going to be able to help me find the boredom I'm currently experiencing, in part thanks to my muse who managed to write me into a solid brick wall once again. Too many things to keep in mind...
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        » Hmmm, wll there's a short Firefly/SGA fic featuring Kate.


                          Originally posted by Reiko View Post

                          Frak, I can't green you... ... MENTAL GREEN will have to do then.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            » Hee!

                            » I'm finding some really good FF/SGA crossover stuff out there. It seems River/Radek is a popular crossover pairing. Another x-over: Jayne shares protein with the team.

                            » Happy days in two fandoms. Yay


                              JAYNE!!! Pretty funny... Gotta love Jayne.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1



                                » Here is a plain regular SGA one. Tag to 'Sunday' (translation: not happy) but extremely well written nonetheless:

