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Todd Thunk/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
    I forbid you to explode til the todd story is finished.

    I take it you like.
    easy for you to say and with like so many stories on the go ive decided taking on a beta reader would be a good idea problem is who's going to give me honest comments about my blinkin terrible grammar? i need someone who would be willing to change things for me, send me the changed part and work through the changes

    and mmmm yeah... *continues drooling*

    I'm not dead. Yet.


      Originally posted by susanne View Post
      easy for you to say and with like so many stories on the go ive decided taking on a beta reader would be a good idea problem is who's going to give me honest comments about my blinkin terrible grammar? i need someone who would be willing to change things for me, send me the changed part and work through the changes
      I could help. I beta for people on sometimes.
      Last edited by naamiaiset; 30 July 2008, 11:42 AM.


        Naami, you can have Susanne... If I were to beta her stories, I'd need a shrink within a week or two. Or she'd at least owe me a hair transplant.

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          Naami, you can have Susanne... If I were to beta her stories, I'd need a shrink within a week or two. Or she'd at least owe me a hair transplant.

          *fiendish giggles* what? what possible thing does grammar do for me? i see no sense in this 'grammar'

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
            I could help. I beta for people on sometimes.
            lol oooh naami would you? you'd have like 2 stories to beta the todd and this new one im working on. and it cant all be sent via PM

            I'm not dead. Yet.


              Originally posted by susanne View Post
              lol oooh naami would you? you'd have like 2 stories to beta the todd and this new one im working on. and it cant all be sent via PM
              how about via email? I'll PM you my address.


                Originally posted by susanne View Post
                yes they do

                NEW CHAPTER!

                Anna risked another peek over the side and then glanced at Todd, confused. “Wait… why are we blowing this up?” Todd pulled what looked like a pair of wraith binoculars from a small pack and looked through them. “Because Anna, this facility is making more hybrids, but…” Anna looked up at Todd as he lowered the binoculars.

                “This facility is far too guarded to be just producing clones.” Anna turned back and looked at the many small dots milling around. Occasionally there was a flash of light as the sun bounced off a gun or a belt

                . “They have guns too I think, what are they guarding?” Todd raised the binoculars again frowning. “I am not sure. We will have to look around a bit more before we destroy this facility.” Finally satisfied he put the things away and started to move back. “Come Anna, its time to leave before we are discovered.”

                Back at camp Anna was starting to get hungry and cranky. With nothing to eat she was getting frustrated. Todd seemed to feel the same; she wondered when was the last time he had fed? … Oh yeah… that guy that tried to kill her.

                She shivered; being on a hive was a totally different experience than she’d thought. Even a wrong look could kill you. They hadn’t talked since they got back and she was desperate to break it. “So…why do you think there’s a lot more people there?”

                Todd looked up at her and then at the darkening sky. “Who knows?” now she was getting mad. But they had to keep quiet. “Must be someone important or something big.” Todd grunted and she sighed, poking the leaves with a stick.

                “Look cant we just talk? How are we ‘blowing it up’?” Todd pulled out of his thoughts and looked at Anna before pulling out a small device, like everything wraith made it was covered in spindly, ugly wires like veins. “this is a device that will interface with the main computer and flaw every program in the circuit, defects, fried systems, and if we’re lucky the whole thing may overload.”

                its spaced out for spikey
                Thank you for the next chapter.
                Todd never does anything easy like Ronon who'd just shoot everything in sight.
                Anne must be seriously wondering if she did the right thing in following Todd.
                Don't worry about your grammer, I'm dyslexic and I get myself in knots cos I can't get my words to go in the right direction. But with naamiaiset helping that shouldn't be a problem any more. Hope you'll write abit more soon.
                I wanted the link as I'd like to reread the whole story again.

                Thanks to DS for my siggy


                  Originally posted by susanne View Post
                  “Back again doctor kahanari?”

                  The woman looked up from the other side of the shield ticking off some random boxes and writing some things down.
                  “Yep. Back again Todd.”

                  The wraith smirked and walked forwards, Anna kahanari the brown haired, dark eyed behavioral theorist, in her blue jacket, black top and gray pants.

                  Assigned to watch and take notes on the behavior of a wraith in these conditions.

                  She didn’t flinch as he approached. “So how you feeling? No urges to really kill McKay yet?”

                  the wraith smirked as he leaned against the shield watching her write.

                  “ The urge has not increased significantly no.”

                  Anna ticked a box and looked over the clipboard. “Well that’s mostly everything. And im afraid Col. Sheppard said no to the idea of letting you have something to play with.”

                  Todd snorted and nodded. “I thought he might.” Anna smiled to herself reliving the conversation.

                  “ He seemed to think you shouldn’t play with your food.” The wraith gave a dry chuckle.

                  Doctor kahanari had been a good person to him. She chatted to him and made sly jokes quite often.

                  He liked her. But his project here was almost done. It would be a shame to leave a good… well he supposed she was a friend of sorts.

                  In a ‘play with your food way’ “what’s so funny?” Todd looked up; he hadn’t realized he’d been smirking again.

                  “I was considering what Sheppard had said.” Anna nodded and tucked the clipboard under her arm.

                  “Time to go. Im only doing a progress report.” She went to walk out but stopped and turned around.

                  “You know Todd, it would be easier if you just explained things to me.” Todd stood back, now standing in the center of the room,

                  once again the fearsome predator. “You are a behavioral theorist doctor kahanari. Its your job to theorize.”

                  Anna smiled to herself and nodded, his excuse every time she probed him for a little information.

                  Silently she walked out of the cells and the heavy door swung shut.

                  One year later

                  Todd sighed to himself as he strode down the corridor, so much to do, so much to do.

                  And now he had to inspect the new batch from the recent culling. Today had been a bad day.

                  As always the people in the cell moved back and huddled together as he approached.

                  On first glance it may appear to be so, but someone was away from the main group, leaning against the wall.

                  Writing something. He motioned for the cell to be opened. this human was intriguing him.

                  They seemed oblivious to their surroundings. They were dressed the same as the others, but the person didn’t seem to fear wraith.

                  Even with the door to the cell now open. Within a few steps he had come up to this strange person and stopped. It couldn’t possibly be…

                  emotions fought for space until; finally he stormed out of the cell and closed it behind him, angry, almost brooding now he slammed down the corridor then out of sight.

                  The people huddled near the back seemed to give the person a frightened look of wonder. She wasn’t from their village;

                  she’d turned up two months before with a team and taken out a hut on the outskirts. Now she had managed to ward off a wraith!

                  The woman kept taking notes a shadowy smile across her face. “Still the same old Todd.”

                  Todd sat on his bed and kneaded his temple; the day had gotten a whole lot worse, or better.

                  He couldn’t entirely tell. Seeing her again after so much time, of course he’d seen Sheppard, he’d met Samantha carter

                  but he had never seen Anna since he had finished the replicator code. And now there she was. What was he going to do? Allow her to be fed on?

                  He couldn’t do that. She’d practically kept him sane during his stay on Atlantis. he owed her a debt of sorts. Without her checking on him daily he would have simply paced his cell and

                  eventually become frustrated. He had to save her. But the problem was how to do that? He couldn’t simply tell the others he was keeping her without a reason.

                  They’d become suspicious of her and eventually find out she was a ‘lantian. He was tired, irritated and confused.

                  It was time for rest. He would brood on his problem tomorrow.

                  Tomorrow came and he called for Anna to be brought before him. The same woman he had seen a year ago walked in flanked by two drones.

                  Todd knew she wasn’t particularly interested in the drones; she was interested in the others. The drone’s left and the doors slammed together

                  sealing her in with Todd. He watched her glance around taking in the small room with a table, the bare walls like transparent skin.

                  “Aren’t you going to take a seat doctor?” For the first time she looked at him with a look of confusion barely registering on her face,

                  slowly she walked over and pulled back the spidery chair, sitting down cautiously. Todd smirked widely; it unnerved a lot of people, especially doctor McKay and col. Sheppard.

                  It seemed to work on Anna too. “Doctor kahanari. How nice to see you again.” Anna nodded at him and Todd stood up, letting his chair slide back.

                  “I wonder what you were doing on that planet? So far away from your friends?” Anna smiled and sat back warming to the conversation.

                  “Oh you know. Work. And I needed to get away. The people there are quite interesting.” Todd nodded still smirking.

                  “How unfortunate you were on there when we arrived to cull It.” he watched Anna doodle absentmindedly. “Yes I know. For a minute I thought you’d popped over for a chat.”

                  She chuckled to herself and Todd had to admire the way she responded. Cool arrogance radiated from her. Like doctor McKay

                  when he had one of his useful ideas. He could still sense her confusion, a slight hint at fear and concern too. “How’ve you been Todd?”

                  His eyes focused on her and he leaned onto the table still smiling. “I have been good. Considering what has happened. And you doctor?”

                  His patience paid off as Anna stood up and looked at him. “Ok let’s cut to the chase here Todd. No more games. I should be in a cocoon right about now, screaming my lungs out.

                  Why aren’t I?” “Oh there’s a simple answer to that doctor.”

                  Originally posted by susanne View Post

                  “A worshipper? Are you nuts?” Todd sat back trying not to scowl. She was a difficult person to convince.

                  “All I ask is that you co-operate with me. Become my personal worshipper and you could learn everything you wanted to know about us.”

                  Anna’s brow creased as she considered the offer. “But surely Atlantis will notice?” Todd grunted. “They will think you’ve been abducted and are dead.”

                  He watched as Anna’s long brown hair moved as she shook her head. “They’ll come looking.” Todd chuckled at her statement.

                  That was the best she had? “They wont find us. We are already well away from the planet.” Anna sighed, she seemed to have run out of big problems to throw at him.

                  And it was this or what should have been happening to her now. “Well…”

                  So now here she was walking through the corridors behind Todd watching wraith walk by, mentally taking notes.

                  She felt excited and scared at once. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He walked through the corridors and wraith moved out of the way for him.

                  That was interesting. They obviously respected him. She was reminded of a wolf pack. The alpha male was shown respect, he got the best of everything,

                  the first pick of anything and the rights to… well … mating. And that brought a whole host of possibilities Anna had no desire to explore.

                  Knowing her thoughts were turning the wrong way she U-turned her rebellious thoughts and watched the place around her, very curious.

                  Todd spared a glance behind him once or twice watching the theorist get much more than she expected.

                  He had to turn back when he realized she had stopped transfixed as a lower wraith sucked the life from his screaming victim. The other wraith was almost upon her when he caught up.

                  She shouldn’t have done that. Anna had a lot to learn about wraith, grabbing her by the upper arm he sneered at the other wraith silently telling him to back off.

                  Fiercely snarling the wraith sloped off and Todd wrenched her around the corner, clearly annoyed.
                  pt 1 of wht whole thing

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    Originally posted by susanne View Post

                    Being on here wasn’t bad. Anna was generally ignored by the other wraith; Todd seemed to find her highly amusing.

                    He provided her with all the things she needed and in return she ended up his maid. Not that she minded usually. A bit of cleaning up, a little fetching,

                    Jesus she sounded like a dog there. And a bit of generalized timekeeping. “Your late again” Todd looked up from the pile of papers, he was irritated today.

                    She’d only been here a few days and noticed how stressed he was. “What? I am late for what?” Anna sighed. Terrible memory too sometimes.

                    “Your late for the latest batch that was culled” Todd swore something under his breath, or rather said something but it sounded like a wraith swearword.

                    Without another word he stood up and left the room leaving Anna to look over the things she had gathered on the wraith for a few days.

                    Todd wasn’t a bad guy. He treated her fairly, told her the rules, and kept her out of trouble. But he refused to help her in her research.

                    She was trying to figure out what his tattoo was. There were others with them too. She had no idea what they were, she supposed they were rank markings;

                    the lower ranked ones didn’t seem to have them. But he refused to tell her anything. She worked things out for herself and then put ideas towards him.

                    So far, 3 misses and a hit. Heh. Who knew a wraith was so afraid of a hairbrush? She giggled silently to herself. He’d almost freaked.

                    She was dragged from her thoughts as the door opened and someone looked in, it was a man. Another worshipper maybe? “Where is the commander?”

                    Anna blinked at him before she realized what he was asking. “He is busy.” The man scowled at her, obviously used to getting answers.

                    “I need to see the commander. Tell me where he is now.” This guy had to be high on something if he thought she would be intimidated.

                    She stood out Todd and she could go a mile ahead of him. “He is busy. I’ll tell him you’ve been here.” The man entered the room fully almost marching up to her, in her face.

                    “You tell me now.” Anna glared at him. The guy was wacko for sure. “No I wont. I’ll tell him that you called.” Before she knew it the worshipper had his hand on her throat,

                    with swift instinct she rammed her knee into his stomach and as he doubled over she clouted him on the head, but that didn’t seem to stop him

                    and before she knew it she was fighting a grown man punching and kicking. Punching and kicking like two screaming infants. Punching and kicking like they were 8 years old.

                    They rolled around the room. Hitting every bit of each other they could, he pulled a knife out and she managed to get that off of him, while she was distracted

                    getting the weapon away he punched her hard in her jaw and she felt her lip split. Suddenly the door opened and the man jumped back, off her.

                    Anna sat up wiping blood from her lip and looked up at an extremely pissed off wraith named Todd.

                    Her insides almost froze at his glare. Boy he looked mad at her. “What is going on?” The man gave a hurried bow then straightened up.

                    “Sir! She-” the man almost spat the word “-refused to tell me where you were. I have a message from another of your hives”

                    Todd folded his arms still quite angry. “That does not explain why I found you two attacking each other.” Oh she was in trouble.

                    Originally posted by susanne View Post

                    “He attacked me! That’s what’s going on!” she pointed at the man and he seemed to freeze too. Todd gave a soft hiss almost inaudible as he stepped into the room and the door closed.

                    The man started gibbering as Anna still sat on the floor with more blood working its way down her chin watched, Todd was angry, very angry.

                    His feeding arm was twitching and she knew what was going to come but she just couldn’t stop looking. The man seemed to know what was happening as well and he backed off,

                    finally hitting the wall. “Sir please! I, I didn’t know, she wouldn’t tell me! Please…” his hand was there before she even realized it wasn’t hanging by his side,

                    the man was giving out a bloodcurdling scream and she had to clap her hands over her ears to dull the sound, still watching transfixed as Todd drained him

                    to a shell and then let go, the corpse slid, dusty and rock hard, to the floor, for a moment Todd stood absolutely still before turning around and looking at Anna.

                    “That will happen to you doctor if your not more careful. Luckily he wont be missed.” Anna nodded almost horrified at the corpse, she had never seen that happen before. Many people on Atlantis talked about it, even went into detail,

                    but hearing about it was not as horrifying as seeing someone killed in an instant. This wasn’t Atlantis and she wasn’t a friend to everyone.

                    “Remove the body. Now.” Her mind still in a whirl about what she had seen her body knew better and obeyed him. She was halfway down the corridor when her mind caught up with her body.

                    And finally concentrated on moving the stiff corpse through the halls. She left him in one of the feeding rooms, the best place for it she thought.

                    She dithered in the halls for as long as she could before finally deciding she had put it off enough and opened the door. Todd was waiting for her, which was bad.

                    She was about to bottle out and run but Todd seemed to read her mind. “Anna get in here now.” With no other choice she shuffled into the room and the door closed, this time it sounded more like a snap.

                    She couldn’t even look at him but she could tell he was staring at her. “What happened just now?” maybe she would try the Sheppard approach to things.

                    “I uh took the corpse away?” the glare just got several shades nastier. “Anna don’t piss me about or you’ll know what a feeding is.” Even sarcasm made him angrier.

                    Time to come clean and do what he asked. She had no desire to get fed on if that guy’s scream was anything to go by. “I told him you were busy and he attacked me… sir.”

                    Todd raised an eyebrow but the grimace and glare was still very much there. “He didn’t accept your word?” Anna shook her head like a child caught thieving from the cookie box.

                    “He tried to intimidate me, he grabbed my throat and I reacted.” Todd unfolded his arms and sighed. “Did he tell you what the message was?”

                    Anna looked up at him, he looked less angry. That was probably a good sign. “No he just told me he had a message from another hive.”

                    Todd nodded absentmindedly, thinking to himself. “I have the message. Im going away for a while.” Anna blinked.

                    He was going away? They were going away? “Where are we going?” Todd’s brow knitted in confusion. “We? We aren’t going anywhere. You’re staying here.”
                    Originally posted by susanne View Post

                    “Im not staying here!” the screaming match had been going on for 10 minutes now, both of them refusing to back down even a little. “You will stay here! My work is dangerous and not for a stupid human!”

                    “Stupid? Stupid? Im not the one relying on my species to eat!” Todd hissed as she aimed a low blow remark at his feeding habits. “I refuse to allow you to come! This is dangerous! I will not be babysitting!”

                    he countered well. That was an even lower blow than Anna’s. “Babysitting? Im 24 years old Todd! Like hell I need a babysitter! I want to come!”

                    “No! I absolutely refuse to! You wanted to come here, you wanted to study us and I have allowed you to! Now continue your studies doctor and leave me to my mission!”

                    they stood facing each other breathing heavily. It was a draw. Anna turned her back on Todd and sulked. He hadn’t even told her what the mission was but still refused to let her even go with him,

                    and frankly even in a large hive it was too small. She wanted to do something other than watch wraith that just snarled at her. She wanted to see a wraith in action, in a situation, under pressure.

                    She used to jot down notes on Sheppard’s team, teyla and ronon after she saw them post-mission. But ever since finding out about wraith, about this whole new,

                    so mysterious species she had always dreamed of understanding them. Everything about them. Joining her few notes to create theories and explanations, so the atlantians would be better prepared.

                    The first wraith she saw was Steve, not the talkative type at all. He just kept saying she was going to die and she had assumed it was a self defense mechanism,

                    used by him to hide things that they could use against him, fear, loneliness, and hunger. The second wraith, bob was equally as reluctant to let anything slip,

                    even more aggressive than Steve at times. She wasn’t there to see him killed but she was told he was smirking a hell of a lot when Sheppard was shooting him. Again another chance lost.

                    But Todd was totally different. When Sheppard was kidnapped and then returned he didn’t want to talk about it to heightmeir or her,

                    psychology and body language study made him edgy, she knew that. But when she was assigned to watch him during the replicator crisis,

                    she understood why Sheppard didn’t dislike him as much as the others. And she even remembered their first conversation.

                    Walking into the cells on day one she was nervous, even with a shield protecting her she had seen Steve and bob get angry within minutes of her arrival.

                    Attacking the shield, screaming she would die and generally being very un-cooperative. Todd stood in the center of the cell watching her walk towards it.

                    She stopped a step away from it, she stared at him, and he stared at her. Starting with a little politeness might help. “Hello. Im doctor kahanari. Im just here to take some notes.”

                    The wraith nodded and she began taking some little notes on his stance and expressions, Anna knew he was working very closely with Rodney and that made her feel sorry for him.

                    Rodney was a pain; most of the science team hated him. And he could get frequently annoying. “Anything wrong? I know your working with doctor McKay. He can sometimes drive people up the wall.”

                    The wraith gave a usual smirk. “Yes he does have a certain fondness for complaints.” She nodded and smiled. He did. That’s what people noticed a lot about him.

                    He was a whiny git at times. “What are you taking notes on doctor?” Anna looked up; the wraith had moved closer, intrigued. He was willing to actually say more than she was going to die.

                    “Im taking notes on behavior. Your behavior.” The wraith arched an eyebrow. “Why would do something such as that?” Anna smiled to herself. Behavioral theory was a lost art.

                    “Because doctor McKay uses complicated math’s to come to a conclusion about machines. I use body language and movements to come to a conclusion about people, animals, and more recently wraith.”

                    The wraith nodded. It did make sense when it was explained.

                    She came back to reality as Todd slammed out of the room; by the force and stamping he was clearly as unhappy as she was.

                    If he wasn’t going to say yes to her coming…. She would do something about it.
                    pt 2

                    I'm not dead. Yet.


                      Originally posted by susanne View Post

                      Flying a dart was a freeing experience. Todd liked to fly. Perhaps it was a lingering feeling from Sheppard. Nevertheless as he moved further from his stationary hive he began to calm,

                      the last few days had been extremely stressful for him. Anna was like doctor McKay, after a while the person grated on his nerves, and sometimes he just itched to kill her.

                      But that was the wraith in him. He was more cultured than that. Yet he felt an overwhelming sense of freedom knowing Anna was back at the hive.

                      He would have a few peaceful days without her in which he completed a highly dangerous mission. Todd liked danger. It made things interesting, and pushed people together in interesting ways.

                      Like the alliance with the lantians, it may have cost him a hive, but it was worth it to watch them become edgy in his company. Especially doctor McKay.

                      “This analogy is incorrect Doctor McKay” he watched Rodney move over to check the calculations and frown. “They’re all correct. You probably can’t understand the complexity-“

                      Todd gave a soft chuckle showing his numerous pointed teeth. “I have been around for many years Doctor McKay, im quite confident that I can understand your work.”

                      McKay suddenly shifted back pretending to check another monitor but Todd could see he had rattled the Doctor. “Yeah well…. Some of us have work to do.”

                      “Then don’t let me detain you Doctor McKay” Todd stood back to allow Rodney more room but he could see the scientist jumped for a fraction of a moment.

                      Ah how he loved doing that. It made his exceptionally long rants quite worthwhile. And they were often about his staff. Checking on the cargo he had stored he looked away and then back at the panel.

                      A life sign registered? Ho- … Anna. It could only be Anna. The foolish girl. He was just about to swing round and take her back to the hive

                      when he realized the hive would have jumped by now. Gone to an old feeding ground, it was too far to reach by dart. Clenching his teeth Todd stayed on course for a planet a good hour away and seethed.

                      He’d told her not to come! He’d threatened her, asked her, told her! And she had disobeyed him! He had two choices available to him,

                      kill her or let her come along, as much as he loved the idea of draining her of her life he couldn’t do it. If he ran across the lantians during his mission she could be useful.

                      Sweeping over a patch of grassland an hour later he beamed his equipment, and Anna down to the ground, he sharply turned stopping next to the wraith tech and leaping out,

                      Anna had hidden herself in the middle of the technology, unseen by him or the drones, he soon wrenched her out of the delicate instruments and flung her to the ground,

                      as the effects wore off he could see her shift and swear. “Owh… what the hell was that for?” He allowed her to turn over and watched her pale as she stared up at his thunderous face.

                      “You snuck into the equipment Anna.” The woman scowled and rubbed her head. “Yeah I did. But you wouldn’t let me come.” Todd took a deep, steadying breath, gnashing his teeth in anger.

                      “You weren’t suppost to be here. Im on a dangerous mission.” It took all his strength not to attack her, not to scream at her, but he couldn’t help the lacing undertone of pure venom.

                      She was a behavioral theorist, she should see the signs, and a second later it appeared she had, her face went, if possible, even paler. “N-now Todd I just wanted to help.”

                      The wraith standing in front of her looked anything like laid back Todd. Her half terrified brain began, on autopilot analyzing his stance and expressions,

                      and it came to one conclusion. This individual was extremely angry and likely to attack her. Her brain screamed at her to remain calm and try to calm him down but she couldn’t keep the quiver out of her voice.

                      “ N-now Todd I just wanted to help.” That didn’t go down well; he took a step nearer, his feeding arm twitching ominously. This was bad, bad, bad. “Look im sorry, im really sorry!

                      I thought I could… you know… help you out….” “There is nothing Anna that I require help with.”

                      Originally posted by susanne View Post

                      “There is nothing Anna that I require help with.” Todd took another step towards Anna and saw fear flash into her eyes, real fear.

                      And he slammed the breaks on his anger. She was scared witless. Of him. The anger however was still bubbling away, urging him to take her life,

                      turning around he unleashed the anger in a scream of absolute hatred, it lasted until his breath ran out and all that was left was the echo, bouncing off the trees.

                      Panting he turned around to look at Anna, his anger now manageable. “Anna doing that was foolish.” He watched her nod still watching him. “ I know... Im sorry.”

                      Todd sighed and moved over to his equipment, checking it over. He felt guilty. Very guilty for what he’d done. He’d never wanted to make Anna feel scared. But the foolish girl would probably die.

                      She knew nothing of stealth or strategy. He heard her cough from behind him and turned around to glare at her. “Yes?” For a moment Anna looked sheepish, like a child that had been punished.

                      She looked up at him and took a deep breath. “Well…. Since im here…. What are we doing?” Todd’s eyebrow rose questioningly. She didn’t know about the mission and yet she came here.

                      For all she knew it could have been a suicide mission. “I got word a few hours ago that this planet is being used by a very…. Different foe. I intend to stop what’s happening and perhaps gain some knowledge on our situation.”

                      Anna blinked then nodded. “so… so who’s the guy who’s causing the trouble?”

                      Originally posted by susanne View Post

                      Setting up a camp was a weird and terrifying idea. Todd refused to let her light a fire here and she supposed there must be cronies about.

                      It took them 3 trips to haul Todd’s junk into a small crop of trees and set up the one tent he had. They sat on the leaf-covered ground, as the sky grew steadily darker.

                      “I wish you’d let me light a fire.” Todd sighed; she could tell he was getting tired. “Anna we cant. Michael’s hybrids are on this planet we must be extremely careful.”

                      Anna looked up from the ground and stared at Todd. “You never told me much about the guy. And he was before I arrived at Atlantis.”

                      She watched Todd stretch idly, obviously uncomfortable and tired. “I hacked doctor McKay’s systems, part of the download was a case file on him.” Anna nodded and kept staring at him.

                      He didn’t feel comfortable admitting to her he’d hacked McKay’s systems, but she wanted to know more about this guy. “The man was a wraith experiment, they turned hi into a human.”

                      What? They’d succeeded in making wraith human. Why haven’t they made more of this stuff? It must have been flawed. “The serum needed to be injected often, it induced amnesia, and for a short while the man had no idea of his true form. But cracks began to show.”

                      Anna nodded impatiently, this sounded like a, like a novel. A story. A book. But she wanted to hear more, even if it did sound unreal.

                      “He discovered what he was and managed to escape, in time they met him again of course, but he was now most likely insane with the knowledge of what he should be.

                      And he is motivated by revenge. He has transformed many people into what he is as punishment to the galaxy, and he intends to kill us all.” Anna rolled her eyes theatrically,

                      it sounded like a really cheesy novel. And she’d read some stinking ones in her time. “What so he’s your standard destroy the galaxy person?” Todd nodded, still deep in thought;

                      she wondered what he was thinking about. It was then she realized how cold and how dark it had become. “Maybe we should go to bed.”

                      Todd looked around and quirked an eyebrow and she realized he’d heard that, he had stopped musing on whatever problem there was. “So… where am I sleeping?” Todd blinked and looked back at the small tent.

                      “You’re sleeping outside of course.” “Im WHAT?!” It came out before she had time to think and she watched Todd smirk slowly. It was a joke. It had to be. It was freezing out here.

                      “That is my tent Anna. You were not suppost to be here.” So here it was, Anna sitting outside Todd’s tent listening to the gentle snores and pulling her flimsy coat tighter around herself.

                      He hadn’t been joking and she couldn’t feel her fingers. Tonight she doubted weather she would sleep at all.
                      Originally posted by susanne View Post

                      It turned out she was wrong, after a few hours of freezing she nodded off sometime after, too tired to keep her eyes open. Cold or not.

                      In the old days, Anna didn’t carry a watch. She had her portable tablet with built in clock. Why did she need to carry a watch? When she was sent to that planet, she had a few guards, marines.

                      They had watches. She could easily tell the time from them. Sometimes it was a struggle and a lot of working out. How can you tell what time it is if you arrive on a planet to find that 6 am is pitch black and everyone is in bed?

                      She had no need for a watch. Watches irritated her arm and only disrupted her work. She felt like she was on the clock. She especially hated the big chiming ones, playing the same chime over and over again.

                      Watches were a nuisance. But now waking up to the icy clump of trees and stretching she wished she had a watch. She had no idea what time it was.

                      She heard several things groan in cold protest as she stood up. She’d sat on that cold ground for so long she felt sure she’d get piles soon. In fact…. Most of the time in pegasus had been spent on cold things,

                      steel benches, cold almost like concrete floors. It was a wonder her ass was ever the same. Anna was by no means a beauty queen; she was a geek but moved like a model. Full of confidence.

                      She had a lot of confidence and knowledge about the poses of people. She always thought that her body language spoke of small but mighty power. Of cool self-assuredness.

                      When she’d first started her degree she was a timid head down girl, walking slowly and acting small, as she learnt she tested the theories on herself and had found that little changes made a big difference.

                      And gradually her head came up. she stood straight. Purposefully. And her career really took off.

                      Good times flooded back to her as she worked out the stiffness, they wound all the way to the present and as she reached the memories of last night she stopped in mid stretch and looked at the tent.

                      Around her things were quiet. One or two birds in the distance but no snoring…she remembered the god awful snoring coming from the tent last night and with a chill working its way up her throat she pulled back the flap and looked inside.

                      There was no one. Todd was gone. He’d gone and left her. As the chill worked its way to her rusty mouth it opened on command and she just had time to clap a hand over her mouth and wrangle in the scream she had ready. Instead, all that came out was a squeak.
                      pt 3

                      I'm not dead. Yet.


                        Originally posted by susanne View Post

                        Anna looked around frantically taking in the sparse trees and the grassland just viewable through the trunks. Todd did not reappear from behind anything.

                        She checked the tent again and confirmed that Todd had gone AWOL on her ass. In her panicked mind she indignantly thought, “I was right by the bloody tent and he must have walked straight past me!”

                        realizing that he wasn’t going to reappear she stalked through the trees and stood on the edge of the cover looking around. He’d told her just the other damn night this place could be crawling with hybrids and he leaves her!

                        Unbelievable! Seeing no one around she risked setting foot into the field of long stalked grass. She walked low to the grass cursing the black top she had on. It would be easy to spot.

                        She may not know anything about espionage but she knew some things. Moving through the grass and looking left and right for Todd or enemies she moved further from the site.

                        She stopped on top of a cliff, looking down at a river from the tree line on the edge. And by the river was a small bunker. She could see people moving in and out randomly.

                        As she moved around the trunk for a better view a shadow cast against the trunk and she screamed. Or tried to. A greenish hand had wrapped itself around her mouth and pulled her down.

                        She looked up at the face of Todd scowling. “Do you wish to die Anna?” He pulled his hand away and she sat up a little not amused. “No I don’t. And could you give me a bit of warning next time? You scared the **** outta me!”

                        Todd grunted and peered through the trees behind her. “They didn’t notice. Good.” Anna however wasn’t listening. She wanted answers. “Where the hell were you? I thought you’d left me you idiot!”

                        Todd turned to look at her a shadow of a smile on his face. “You weren’t suppost to be here.” Anna jumped into defensive mode.

                        “Yeah? Well you could have told me before you left! What are we doing here eh? That you haven’t answered.” Todd dropped the smile and turned back to watching the facility as Anna turned over,

                        onto her stomach. “were going to scout out that bunker… and blow it up.”
                        Originally posted by susanne View Post

                        Anna risked another peek over the side and then glanced at Todd, confused. “Wait… why are we blowing this up?”

                        Todd pulled what looked like a pair of wraith binoculars from a small pack and looked through them. “Because Anna, this facility is making more hybrids,

                        but…” Anna looked up at Todd as he lowered the binoculars.

                        “This facility is far too guarded to be just producing clones.” Anna turned back and looked at the many small dots milling around. Occasionally there was a flash of light as the sun bounced off a gun or a belt

                        . “They have guns too I think, what are they guarding?” Todd raised the binoculars again frowning. “I am not sure. We will have to look around a bit more before we destroy this facility.”

                        Finally satisfied he put the things away and started to move back. “Come Anna, its time to leave before we are discovered.”

                        Back at camp Anna was starting to get hungry and cranky. With nothing to eat she was getting frustrated. Todd seemed to feel the same; she wondered when was the last time he had fed? … Oh yeah… that guy that tried to kill her.

                        She shivered; being on a hive was a totally different experience than she’d thought. Even a wrong look could kill you. They hadn’t talked since they got back and she was desperate to break it. “So…why do you think there’s a lot more people there?”

                        Todd looked up at her and then at the darkening sky. “Who knows?” now she was getting mad. But they had to keep quiet. “Must be someone important or something big.” Todd grunted and she sighed, poking the leaves with a stick.

                        “Look cant we just talk? How are we ‘blowing it up’?” Todd pulled out of his thoughts and looked at Anna before pulling out a small device, like everything wraith made it was covered in spindly, ugly wires like veins. “this is a device that will interface with the main computer and flaw every program in the circuit, defects, fried systems, and if we’re lucky the whole thing may overload.”

                        pt 4

                        i think this is all of it so far *collapses into a chair* the whole story

                        I'm not dead. Yet.


                          I... I can read it now?

                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                            I... I can read it now?
                            yes i think the spacing and the amount of writing forced me to split it up

                            I'm not dead. Yet.


                              I has read, and now needs more!

                              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                              I wish I got to know you better.


                                thou has all been good todd worshippers tho shall get more tomorrow! *cackles*

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

