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Todd Thunk/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
    24 are online - there wil be 27 all in all and the squal has it's 1st chapter already - why?
    just amazed you wrote that many chapters. I can't even write one right now.

    Originally posted by susanne View Post
    *hides all the wraithy stuff until naami gets down to writing more* no toddykins until you write more!!
    and you call ME cruel?


      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
      just amazed you wrote that many chapters. I can't even write one right now.
      Need somebody to brainstorm with?



        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
        just amazed you wrote that many chapters. I can't even write one right now.

        and you call ME cruel?
        im cruel in a slightly different way

        I'm not dead. Yet.


          Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
          Need somebody to brainstorm with?
          having ideas isn't the problem. I'm having trouble writing them out.

          Originally posted by susanne View Post
          im cruel in a slightly different way
          *refuses to write til her wraithy stuff is returned*


            *huffs and hands naami a CG plushie* now write

            I'm not dead. Yet.


              Originally posted by susanne View Post
              *huffs and hands naami a CG plushie* now write
              trying to bribe me?

              it worked.


                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                trying to bribe me?

                it worked.
                yes and YAY something always works *mwahahahaha*

                I'm not dead. Yet.


                  *gets busy writing* ...trying to, anyway.


                    hehe *twiddles thumbs in wait*

                    I'm not dead. Yet.


                      I just wrote todd and ronon swapping bodies, and the SG1 episode "holiday" where teal'c, daniel and o'neill switch bodies is on right now.


                        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                        I just wrote todd and ronon swapping bodies, and the SG1 episode "holiday" where teal'c, daniel and o'neill switch bodies is on right now.
                        LOL ironic in a twisted way lol

                        I'm not dead. Yet.


                          can't wait to read that



                            ok so i really am on a fanfic binge this week and i couldnt resist keeping with the theme of todd being so domineering

                            “Back again doctor kahanari?” The woman looked up from the other side of the shield ticking off some random boxes and writing some things down. “Yep. Back again Todd.” The wraith smirked and walked forwards, Anna kahanari the brown haired, dark eyed behavioral theorist, in her blue jacket, black top and gray pants. Assigned to watch and take notes on the behavior of a wraith in these conditions. She didn’t flinch as he approached. “So how you feeling? No urges to really kill McKay yet?” the wraith smirked as he leaned against the shield watching her write. “ The urge has not increased significantly no.” Anna ticked a box and looked over the clipboard. “Well that’s mostly everything. And im afraid Col. Sheppard said no to the idea of letting you have something to play with.” Todd snorted and nodded. “I thought he might.” Anna smiled to herself reliving the conversation. “ He seemed to think you shouldn’t play with your food.” The wraith gave a dry chuckle. Doctor kahanari had been a good person to him. She chatted to him and made sly jokes quite often. He liked her. But his project here was almost done. It would be a shame to leave a good… well he supposed she was a friend of sorts. In a ‘play with your food way’ “what’s so funny?” Todd looked up; he hadn’t realized he’d been smirking again. “I was considering what Sheppard had said.” Anna nodded and tucked the clipboard under her arm. “Time to go. Im only doing a progress report.” She went to walk out but stopped and turned around. “You know Todd, it would be easier if you just explained things to me.” Todd stood back, now standing in the center of the room, once again the fearsome predator. “You are a behavioral theorist doctor kahanari. Its your job to theorize.” Anna smiled to herself and nodded, his excuse every time she probed him for a little information. Silently she walked out of the cells and the heavy door swung shut.

                            One year later

                            Todd sighed to himself as he strode down the corridor, so much to do, so much to do. And now he had to inspect the new batch from the recent culling. Today had been a bad day. As always the people in the cell moved back and huddled together as he approached. On first glance it may appear to be so, but someone was away from the main group, leaning against the wall. Writing something. He motioned for the cell to be opened. this human was intriguing him. They seemed oblivious to their surroundings. They were dressed the same as the others, but the person didn’t seem to fear wraith. Even with the door to the cell now open. Within a few steps he had come up to this strange person and stopped. It couldn’t possibly be… emotions fought for space until; finally he stormed out of the cell and closed it behind him, angry, almost brooding now he slammed down the corridor then out of sight. The people huddled near the back seemed to give the person a frightened look of wonder. She wasn’t from their village; she’d turned up two months before with a team and taken out a hut on the outskirts. Now she had managed to ward off a wraith! The woman kept taking notes a shadowy smile across her face. “Still the same old Todd.”

                            Todd sat on his bed and kneaded his temple; the day had gotten a whole lot worse, or better. He couldn’t entirely tell. Seeing her again after so much time, of course he’d seen Sheppard, he’d met Samantha carter but he had never seen Anna since he had finished the replicator code. And now there she was. What was he going to do? Allow her to be fed on? He couldn’t do that. She’d practically kept him sane during his stay on Atlantis. he owed her a debt of sorts. Without her checking on him daily he would have simply paced his cell and eventually become frustrated. He had to save her. But the problem was how to do that? He couldn’t simply tell the others he was keeping her without a reason. They’d become suspicious of her and eventually find out she was a ‘lantian. He was tired, irritated and confused. It was time for rest. He would brood on his problem tomorrow.

                            Tomorrow came and he called for Anna to be brought before him. The same woman he had seen a year ago walked in flanked by two drones. Todd knew she wasn’t particularly interested in the drones; she was interested in the others. The drone’s left and the doors slammed together sealing her in with Todd. He watched her glance around taking in the small room with a table, the bare walls like transparent skin. “Aren’t you going to take a seat doctor?” For the first time she looked at him with a look of confusion barely registering on her face, slowly she walked over and pulled back the spidery chair, sitting down cautiously. Todd smirked widely; it unnerved a lot of people, especially doctor McKay and col. Sheppard. It seemed to work on Anna too. “Doctor kahanari. How nice to see you again.” Anna nodded at him and Todd stood up, letting his chair slide back. “I wonder what you were doing on that planet? So far away from your friends?” Anna smiled and sat back warming to the conversation. “Oh you know. Work. And I needed to get away. The people there are quite interesting.” Todd nodded still smirking. “How unfortunate you were on there when we arrived to cull It.” he watched Anna doodle absentmindedly. “Yes I know. For a minute I thought you’d popped over for a chat.” She chuckled to herself and Todd had to admire the way she responded. Cool arrogance radiated from her. Like doctor McKay when he had one of his useful ideas. He could still sense her confusion, a slight hint at fear and concern too. “How’ve you been Todd?” His eyes focused on her and he leaned onto the table still smiling. “I have been good. Considering what has happened. And you doctor?” His patience paid off as Anna stood up and looked at him. “Ok let’s cut to the chase here Todd. No more games. I should be in a cocoon right about now, screaming my lungs out. Why aren’t I?” “Oh there’s a simple answer to that doctor.”

                            'm sorry

                            I'm not dead. Yet.


                              a simple answer? I hate suspense.


                                like that storyy bit


