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Teyla's Baby?

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    Originally posted by Winona View Post
    Ohhh.....i get i now
    THANKS !!!!..........
    So...... wow Teyla's gettin big isn't she....shes really embracing the pregnant look with some good maternity clothes- soots her
    On the last episode John was really aware that she was pregnant and that it wasn't some dream his was havin and you could really see he was conscious of her (and the tummy)....but i think if the babys father wasn't found(which in my opinion would be good- cause he would breakthe bond/relationship that T & J have) he would be a great dad and family like he said.

    John to the rescue!!!!.....

    Yeah,Sheppy to the rescue
    I thought it was pretty funny at the beginning when he kept looking at her and she's like WHAT??? Then he says something about the Pregnant Woman that gets trapped and ends up going into Labour...She's like i'm Months away yet or something like that and he's like that's what they all say then says she should sit down and she just gives him this look......I was literally laughinmg at this bit and he was all very protective of her or maybe he was just scared that he would have to deliver a Baby!!!


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Yeah,Sheppy to the rescue
      I thought it was pretty funny at the beginning when he kept looking at her and she's like WHAT??? Then he says something about the Pregnant Woman that gets trapped and ends up going into Labour...She's like i'm Months away yet or something like that and he's like that's what they all say then says she should sit down and she just gives him this look......I was literally laughinmg at this bit and he was all very protective of her or maybe he was just scared that he would have to deliver a Baby!!!
      I haven't seen that ep yet, but I'm very much looking forward to everything that starts at Midway ^^

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        i'm so sorry i should have a sign saying "spoiler alert" - i am really really sorry- if i were you i'd be angry with me so if you're feeling that way i dont blame you i'd hate it if someone spoilt it for me.
        Next time i'll use lots of "spoiler" thinggies and "thing to do with recent episode"....
        Really am so sorry.....
        If i was a picture i'd look something like this, cos friendship brightens my day!!!


          Originally posted by Winona View Post
          i'm so sorry i should have a sign saying "spoiler alert" - i am really really sorry- if i were you i'd be angry with me so if you're feeling that way i dont blame you i'd hate it if someone spoilt it for me.
          Next time i'll use lots of "spoiler" thinggies and "thing to do with recent episode"....
          Really am so sorry.....
          Oh, no, don't feel bad about that, please! I'm only snatching the very good eps, aka the mid season ones, and the final eps of the season, as my tv network is a season behind (Europe). But I read stuff on the net, so it's ok!

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Oooo....this might be of topic but what about Keller and Ronan
            I think they could be the next John and teyla (but without her gettin pregnant to another man)
            I think Keller reminds Ronan about his dead wife(i think it was his wife anyway) However they could become all loved up and then Ronan could realise that Keller isn't his dead wife and that Keller is different in ways- and Keller will will be strung along like some little lost puppy who just wants some love. But if i had my way i'd want them to get together in ways they are totally different but in other ways they are alike but you know opposites attract
            its just my theory

            But in an alternate reality to that thay could become really happy and love eachother-however on every show i've seen almost every couple have that Will/wont they time and everyone gets tense than they have the loved uptime and then either brake up time or they die or they never get together in the first place they just have the will/wont they:

            Buffy& Angel-she eventually stabbed him through the heart(killed him)
            Sam& Jack-never got together
            Teyla & John-teyla got pregnant with another man on the sly
            Buffy & Riley-He went mad after the initutive collapsed
            Buffy& Spike-well it was never gonna work in the first place
            Angel & Cordelia- she assended and then got pregnant with angel's son conner(seeing a pattern)
            John and Wier- i just didn't get it was it just a one way thing- or did John feel something.

            Well that my views what yours!!!.....
            If i was a picture i'd look something like this, cos friendship brightens my day!!!


              Originally posted by Winona View Post
              [COLOR="Red"]Oooo....this might be of topic but what about Keller and Ronan
              My opinion is that that carp doesn't belong in here. And it's been said that there's NOTHING between them, by Joe M himself.

              And if you're typing down 'Ronon', please spell it correctly. After him being around for 3 years, you should know by now.

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                My opinion is that that carp doesn't belong in here. And it's been said that there's NOTHING between them, by Joe M himself.

                And if you're typing down 'Ronon', please spell it correctly. After him being around for 3 years, you should know by now.
                people aren't allowed to make mistakes??


                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                  people aren't allowed to make mistakes??
                  This is why it takes me forever to post even a quick comment. I feel obliged to proof read everything. It's tough on newbies, folks. We're bound to make at least one forum faux pas.

                  Aaaanyway, I stoped by just to voice my thoughts on Teyla's baby.
                  I love Michael/Teyla, but hate the very idea of her baby being his; perhaps I'm trying reason away my fears, but here's why I think it's improbable:

                  1. There are only two ways Mike could have impregnated Teyla. During "Vengeance", or by mind controlling Kanaan. In "Vengeance" his purpose was to let an Iratus bug suck the life out of her and incorporate her DNA into its eggs. I think he was simply enraged at the time and soley bent on, well, vengeance. Duh. I think we can rule out that. Now for the mind control. Mind control over long distances is possible for short periods of time, but it is incredibly difficult. Mike may have been able to control Kanaan for a short while, but not for a protracted period, and the jumping back and forth from Kanaan in control to Mike in control would cause Kanaan to behave, at the very least, oddly. Such behavior would have been immediately noticed by Teyla and others, putting them on their guard, something Mike wouldn't want. Further, Mike didn't know where the Athosians were, or even who Kanaan was. How can you take control of the mind of a person you don't know exists?

                  2. And even if Mike did impregnate Teyla, why let her run around free, so that anything could happen to her? She could have been hit by a stunner and miscarried, and then all his nefarious plans would have gone to pot. Why not capture her with the rest of the Athosians so that he could keep an eye on the pregnancy and "tweak" the process?

                  3. What was the purpose of the man Teyla and Keller found skulking on New Athos? The guy who pretended to be Genii? I believe that he was a scout (and that he had also stayed behind to make sure that Teyla learned that her people were missing). I think that Mike sent out scouts to find the Athosians. It would be easier for a scout posing as a trader to find the Athosians, infiltrate their camp, disable the gate, and summon Mike to pick them up, then for Mike to telepathically search hundreds of planets for a handfull of Athosians, magically alight on one who just happened to be Teyla's boyfriend, and then spend an immense amount of energy to control his mind to impregnate Teyla. Oh, and after going through all that trouble to impregnate Teyla, leave her behind.

                  4. Another quick little point.
                  "Kanaan" in Teyla's vision seemed darn suprised at the sight of Teyla's baby bump. If Mike had impregnated her, wouldn't he have been gratified to see that the pregnancy was coming along so nicely?

                  In short, I may be wrong (in which case I shall be furious, and may stop watching Atlantis,) but I suuuuure want to be right.


                    Okay back on subject
                    Isn't things hotting up or what
                    Has anyone got any ideas about why micheal wants Teyla's baby?
                    x x x x x
                    If i was a picture i'd look something like this, cos friendship brightens my day!!!


                      Originally posted by Winona View Post
                      Okay back on subject
                      Isn't things hotting up or what
                      Has anyone got any ideas about why micheal wants Teyla's baby?
                      x x x x x
                      Not a clue,the more i watch it the more i get confused and believe me i'm easily confused
                      What if it's something to do with the kids DNA...Both Teyla and Kannan have the Wraith gift so won't that make the baby one very powerful Kid but who knows what Mikey has got planned...Oh isn't it time for S5 yet"!!!


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Not a clue,the more i watch it the more i get confused and believe me i'm easily confused
                        What if it's something to do with the kids DNA...Both Teyla and Kannan have the Wraith gift so won't that make the baby one very powerful Kid but who knows what Mikey has got planned...Oh isn't it time for S5 yet"!!!
                        Oh no I hope they don't push it as far as super Xmen...we already have the mutants. Teyla's 'mind gift' is as far as it should be pushed without going too far thing they'll be saying the child is telekinetic or can fly LOL I just think there's a point where people stop identifying with the character's cause they've gotten too strange
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                        Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


                          The Baby story arc is great and I wonder if possibly
                          Kanaan might not be the Baby's Daddy after all but Michael !!


                          sigs by Cazz,scifan,elephantgirl, john-and-teyla , Donna , Linda, maffieg, and wraithlord . I'm in AWE of your talent and J/T is the best


                            oooohhhh that'd be good!!!
                            i'm so looking forward to seeing what happens next.
                            I'm really glad that Teyla is having a baby as its a really good storyline but i get the feeling its going to put an annoying spanner in the works cause how is teyla gonna go of world even if she does change her mind about going,will the baby live in Atlantis or will they go back to the athosians? This baby has kinda perminatly put a stopper on the whole Teyla, John relationship -just when things were getting intense ,and then John was hit with this bomb shell he looked truely hurt that Teyla told him she was having a baby-and had a relationship secretly with another athosian-and so she has kinda done this whilest unintensionaly stringing John along, as he had hopes that they could form a relationship-but it seems not to be the case.
                            If i was a picture i'd look something like this, cos friendship brightens my day!!!


                              Originally posted by Winona View Post
                              oooohhhh that'd be good!!!
                              i'm so looking forward to seeing what happens next.
                              I'm really glad that Teyla is having a baby as its a really good storyline but i get the feeling its going to put an annoying spanner in the works cause how is teyla gonna go of world even if she does change her mind about going,will the baby live in Atlantis or will they go back to the athosians? This baby has kinda perminatly put a stopper on the whole Teyla, John relationship -just when things were getting intense ,and then John was hit with this bomb shell he looked truely hurt that Teyla told him she was having a baby-and had a relationship secretly with another athosian-and so she has kinda done this whilest unintensionaly stringing John along, as he had hopes that they could form a relationship-but it seems not to be the case.
                              Well it's just a little bump in the road seeing as
                              Kannan won't be hanging around too long but i really hope this baby won't be hanging around either!


                                Yeh i'm not sure i cant make my mind up where the baby is a good thing or not there are so many variables to consider
                                eg. Teyla -is happy shes having a baby
                                John -is sad that there might not be chance for there relationship to go any further with a baby on the scene
                                Rodney-He's just confused about any thing thats not about science.
                                (i just thought i'd throw Rodney in there he makes a good middle man)
                                If i was a picture i'd look something like this, cos friendship brightens my day!!!

