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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I don't wanna wait til March either! And I had my whole hiatus planned out! So curses to the DVD gods for mucking it up! I don't get season two Carson til freakin frackin JANUARY!?!? Who releases tv shows in January!?!?!?! Nobody! Okay well, I'm sure someone, but that's not the point! *slams head on desk* Oh why must I be tormented like this!!!! WHY?!?!?!?!

    Okay, I really need to go get ready for work now. BYE!!!
    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      *waves* Have fun, Leighanners.

      I haven't even bought season 1 DVDs yet, although I'm really tempted to. I may very well buy season 2 when it comes out in a box set. Dunno yet, we'll see. My fic is coming along... patience, my pet.


        *waves guiltily* Hello. Havn't been here in a while.... I've missed a ton of stuff! I would have kept up my posting but I've had so much stuff going on from a 12 page report to a 7 hour shift at the fair on Saturday, not to mention my state is on fire! We just got our first rain down here yesterday which is a big relief. The ash is finally getting out of the air.

        So.. I've been low on Carson and am gonna break down if I don't get at least one cap... On a brighter note I get to finally see Poisoning the Well today! (I haven't had time to watch it yet).

        Got Carson?
        Last edited by Miyth; 02 October 2006, 03:55 PM.

        "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


          whoa whoa i missed the shower and crazy talk?

          i woke up and my foot wad bleeding and I really wanted Carson to appear and comfort me. But no i had to find a huge bandaid myself.

          so no one's getting the new eps at the end of this month?


            Hi Miyth! Don't feel bad, I haven't been around much either. Reports suck! I'm so glad I don't have to write them anymore! I threw a party for myself after I wrote my last one. It was the best feeling in the world. And you're state's on fire?!?! That's not cool. I haven't seen the news lately. I don't know what's goin on in the world.

            Poor Caz! I hate it that you had to bandage your own foot. Since I can't actually give you Carson, I could give you a Carson pop to make it better instead. It's nowhere near the real thing, but it could be the next best thing!

            I just got to watch Duet and Instinct finally! Carson was such an adorable little guy. It was nice to watch eps I hadn't seen. It was almost like a regular Friday night! I was all excited and giddy! And Carson had his fair share in both the eps. If only they could all be that way...*sigh* Is it March yet?!?! I can't wait. Getting SGA back is gonna be the best birthday present ever...well almost. Second best. Yes, most definantly.
            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


              I loved Instinct and Conversion in terms of our thunk. I think the hair reached dizzying new heights in those episodes and the first time I started gawking at the gravity defying 'do.


                OH! I watched Conversion too! I knew I left one out. Actually just finished it too! Duh...It's been a long day...and my tummy hurts. So I think I'm gonna go lay down after this post.

                His hair does seem to amaze me. I think both Carson (and Shep's for that matter) should be studied in physic's classes around the world. It would make for some very interesting science at least. If I had to study Carson's hair's definatness of gravity I might have been better at science. Definantly something about the hair that is unearthly.
                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                  Here's a thought. The more sex appeal, the higher the hair. And lately Carson's hair totally beats John's... *dodges John thunkers* hey hey I'm just being silly.

                  Gel = teh sex

                  I could spend hours poking Paul's hair, gelled or not.

                  hair fettish? me? NO!


                    * sneaking in and looking around *


                      You are truly devious, Caz. But no, sometimes when I see a close-up of him, I find myself wishing I could run my fingers through his hair myself.

                      I could say something about fetishes, but I won't.


                        Originally posted by Dr,jackson
                        * sneaking in and looking around *
                        *waves energetically*

                        Jersey, there's nothing wrong with fetishes...



                          No, of course there's nothing wrong with them. They're just usually fiendishly adult in nature.


                            My cat has a fetish with things that are mesh. He likes to lick them. You have to make him stop, because he'd sit there for the rest of his life just licking whatever it is. So weird.

                            I just wanna smoosh his hair and see if it bounces back up again. It wouldn't acutally bounce would it...pop back up maybe? Spring back into it's natural form. would be fun.
                            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                              I love Carson's hair .

                              Yup that's all I can think to say...

                              leighanners your cat sound like fun . I wish my cat was fun, he's just painful though.. and fat; quite a fat cat.

                              "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                                My cat, not fun. Fat lazy ball of fur. When I say fat, he's huge. My friend says he's the size of a small child. *shrugs*

                                I need a doctor! My doc said that this stupid thing with my toe would clear itself up. I didn't have insurance to finish takin the meds, but he reassured me that it would be fine, and it would fix itself. He didn't tell me I was gonna lose my freakin toenail! It's not even one of my little toes, it's my big one! It's like half way coming off. I feel so dirty. Ugh! I need Carson. Where's my Carson doctor when I need him. If only he was real! And I don't even have to be a hypochondriac about it either! I have a real toenail's falling off! I do have a new one growing in under it but that's not the point! I was decieved. Must get second opinion from Carson next time...ugh. I think I'm dying now...

                                I want a doc with pointy hair...I like the pointy hair. Pointy hair makes me happy. I think it makes my toe happy too. I think I'm gonna put that in my'll make people wonder.
                                Last edited by leighanners; 03 October 2006, 10:46 PM.
                                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.

