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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
    Guys, I uploaded my pics from Saturday (at least 57 of them), you can find them here:
    Eeee!! Those are awesome Jenny!! Thank you so much for sharing them!

    My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
    "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


      I have figured out the reason for my problem. I AM INVISIBLE! I must be because everyone seems to IGNORE me. I am going to post this funny message here.

      veryangrystargatefan DOES NOT LIKE TO BE IGNORED!!!!!

      Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

      This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

      Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


        Originally posted by veryangrystargatefan View Post
        I have figured out the reason for my problem. I AM INVISIBLE! I must be because everyone seems to IGNORE me. I am going to post this funny message here.

        veryangrystargatefan DOES NOT LIKE TO BE IGNORED!!!!!

        Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)



          Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
          Guys, I uploaded my pics from Saturday (at least 57 of them), you can find them here:

          .:Very nice! I'd green you for these, but it won't let me!


            So extremely nice piccies everywhere!
            It's almost enough to give me a PM-flash right again... almost. You know, nothing like him in person in front or beside you! <3

            Originally posted by veryangrystargatefan View Post
            I have figured out the reason for my problem. I AM INVISIBLE! I must be because everyone seems to IGNORE me. I am going to post this funny message here.

            veryangrystargatefan DOES NOT LIKE TO BE IGNORED!!!!!

            Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)
            Why do you feel ignored, Rachel?

            Would it help if I dedicated the next pic only to you?

            The other pics are for all other dear pals in this thread. [Love you fellow thunkers to pieces! *A million cyber hugs*]

            BTW, just watched 'The Return' and totally fell in love with Beckett again! He was so cute and caring in the midseason two-parter! How in all good heavens could they ever consider giving him a kick in the rear?!
            *sobs hysterically*
            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


              Thanks girls


                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                BTW, just watched 'The Return' and totally fell in love with Beckett again! He was so cute and caring in the midseason two-parter! How in all good heavens could they ever consider giving him a kick in the rear?!
                *sobs hysterically*
                .:*sniff* I love that episode...I wanna watch it again, too! T_T;

                .:800 POSTS!!! WOOHOO!!! 8D


                  Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                  .:*sniff* I love that episode...I wanna watch it again, too! T_T;

                  .:800 POSTS!!! WOOHOO!!! 8D
                  Many a thousand congrats for 800 posts, Haliyah!

                  I really hoped you would place this special one in here tonight. (I've been secretly waiting since I discovered you had 797 earlier on.)

                  Wait, what do I have for you?
                  Some of cshawzye's confetti stars...

                  Or do you prefer fireworks...

                  A little smilie-whump...

                  Well, the least I can do is say for all the amazing pics and posts and pull you in for a

                  But I can't possibly leave without posting a pic myself

                  I couldn't decide which one to take, therefore I took both, believing you wouldn't mind too much.

                  twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                    Many a thousand congrats for 800 posts, Haliyah!


                    I really hoped you would place this special one in here tonight. (I've been secretly waiting since I discovered you had 797 earlier on.)

                    .:Aww, really? That's so nice!
                    .:Of course I'd wait to post it in here! You guys are like my internet family!

                    Wait, what do I have for you?
                    Some of cshawzye's confetti stars...

                    Or do you prefer fireworks...

                    A little smilie-whump...

                    Well, the least I can do is say for all the amazing pics and posts and pull you in for a

                    But I can't possibly leave without posting a pic myself

                    I couldn't decide which one to take, therefore I took both, believing you wouldn't mind too much.
                    .:Oh, you picked two of my favourite Paul faces! >w< Thank you for the pics and your kind words! <3 *hugs back*

                    .:(LOL @ "smiley whump." )


                      Just another pop in to say hello to mah’ Gutter Gurlz!

                      GREAT pics, again, one and all! I LOVE that one of the gang with Paul and the Save Carson banner, JennyJ!

                      I have one more night shift, and then I’m off for 5. Now that I have a program that does screen caps, I’ll be able to join in on the posting sprees!

                      Rachael, I’m sure that no one meant to be rude. Perhaps, it’s just that no one directly replied because they couldn’t help you out with your request… :/

                      Congrats on your 800 posts, Haliyah!

                      (Eidt to add: Now that I have both s1&a2 on DVD, I'd be happy to take cap requests for people. Also, what res. would people like to see caps in?)
                      Last edited by dllmzca; 15 June 2007, 08:33 PM.


                        Originally posted by dllmzca View Post
                        Just another pop in to say hello to mah’ Gutter Gurlz!
                        .:Hi! : D

                        I have one more night shift, and then I’m off for 5. Now that I have a program that does screen caps, I’ll be able to join in on the posting sprees!
                        .:Yay! Ooooh, you're gonna have lots of fun with that!

                        Rachael, I’m sure that no one meant to be rude. Perhaps, it’s just that no one directly replied because they couldn’t help you out with your request… :/
                        .:...Wait, what? What request? What post did we all miss!?
                        .:GAH! D :

                        Congrats on your 800 posts, Haliyah!
                        .:>w< <3

                        (Edit to add: Now that I have both s1&a2 on DVD, I'd be happy to take cap requests for people. Also, what res. would people like to see caps in?)
                        .:The highest resolution physically possible, please! I like mah caps crisp, clean, and large. ^_^


                          Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                          .:...Wait, what? What request? What post did we all miss!?
                          .:GAH! D :
                          Rachel asked whether any of us was going to 'Shore Leave' and would be willing to share rooms with her in the hotel.

                          Well, to give a straight answer from my part: I won't be going; neither time nor money for two conventions in a row.
                          Maybe, and that is an immensely HUGE maybe, I'll be considering to attend Comic Con 2008 but that's still too far in the distant future to even think about it before six month's time.
                          twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                            Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                            Rachel asked whether any of us was going to 'Shore Leave' and would be willing to share rooms with her in the hotel.

                            Well, to give a straight answer from my part: I won't be going; neither time nor money for two conventions in a row.
                            Maybe, and that is an immensely HUGE maybe, I'll be considering to attend Comic Con 2008 but that's still too far in the distant future to even think about it before six month's time.
                            .:Oh! I think I replied to that...O_o
                            .:Yeah, no conventions for me for a couple of years at least... D;:


                              AAhrgh, I just read it...

                              Congrats Haliyah for 800!

                              By the way: In the Sheppardthread you can get a shepclone once you reached 300 posts... do we have something similar here?


                                Originally posted by Cookiemaster View Post
                                couple of minutes? MINUTES?

                                yes, minutes

                                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                                .:PDA = Public Displays of Affection.
                                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                                .:Well, there ya go, then. You now have a new phrase to violently lob at those obnoxious people who make out and such in public.

                                .:...Not that Phibi's an obnoxious person that makes out and such in public...

                                pffewww *lol* I just want to say that HE grabbed me.. not the other way round *lol* (but I didn't mind at all *lol*)

                                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                                .:...Has anyone else noticed that Paul seems to wear a black shirt and jeans to every single convention? Not always throughout the entire weekend, but one one of the days, it seems almost guaranteed that he'll be wearing that.

                                .:...He must own a lot of black shirts, because I've never seen him wear the same one twice.
                                I have a ton of black shirts as well... but he looks really hot in them.. but teh hottest was the black shirt he wore on sunday..... *faints

                                oh, and btw CONGRATS for 800!!!

                                Originally posted by dllmzca View Post
                                Just another pop in to say hello to mah’ Gutter Gurlz!

                                GREAT pics, again, one and all! I LOVE that one of the gang with Paul and the Save Carson banner, JennyJ!

                                I have one more night shift, and then I’m off for 5. Now that I have a program that does screen caps, I’ll be able to join in on the posting sprees!

                                Rachael, I’m sure that no one meant to be rude. Perhaps, it’s just that no one directly replied because they couldn’t help you out with your request… :/

                                Congrats on your 800 posts, Haliyah!

                                (Eidt to add: Now that I have both s1&a2 on DVD, I'd be happy to take cap requests for people. Also, what res. would people like to see caps in?)
                                please BIG BIGGER BIGGEST!!!

                                oh, and sorry Rachel... I'm not going either... it's a little too far off for me *lol*

                                Sorry for being so quiet at the moment, but I have a friend here staying for a week (Ulli, the other girl from the kissing-paul-pic *lol*). But I promise to give you reports and pictures as soon as I have time In the meantime enjoy my vids on youtube *lol*

                                I soooo love the one, where Paul stands besides that huuuge guy.. *snickers*

                                Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                                Visit me at my LJ

