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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I don't really do graphics so I can't take part in this much. Although I will squee at everyone else's and I'm intrigued by the notion of a scavenger hunt.

    I'll write a mini fic in atonement for being useless
    by Kaaatie


      Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
      imagine the children!! in the Sims 2, kids inherit parent traits (lol)...

      ooh the party draws ever nearer
      LOL love the idea


        Originally posted by phibi View Post

        hm.. I don't like the long hair... *steps out of the group*
        Something we don't have the same opinion in


          Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
          I'll write a mini fic in atonement for being useless
          Oooh, fic ... Can't wait to read what you come up with.

          Here's a little something I made today just playing around with photoshop.

          My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
          "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


            Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
            Youngin' - under 18 I guess, but under 23 is pretty young to me too, LOL
            Over 18 we are adult - no matter if you still see us young


              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
              Oooh, fic ... Can't wait to read what you come up with.
              Well when I was writing my last fic and remember Carson's bit in 'Intruder' but him thinking most of the applicants were more qualified than he was, I began to wonder how he got his job in the first place...

              Here's a little something I made today just playing around with photoshop.

              by Kaaatie


                Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
                Well when I was writing my last fic and remember Carson's bit in 'Intruder' but him thinking most of the applicants were more qualified than he was, I began to wonder how he got his job in the first place...
                What an interesting idea for a fic. And to be honest while watching the show I've had that thought once or twice concerning that character.

                My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                  Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                  What an interesting idea for a fic. And to be honest while watching the show I've had that thought once or twice concerning that character.
                  He's obviously very suited to it in that he's an excellent doctor (there's been hints that he's mainly a surgeon but he certainly doesn't act like a typical one so I'm not convinced that was his original speciality). He's probably done a bit of field work before too.

                  But I think it's fairly obvious that at the start he isn't used to combat situations and probably hasn't worked with the military before. So it makes me wonder where they picked him up from, hence the fic...
                  by Kaaatie


                    Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                    I just like the fact that there's more to run your fingers through.

                    And it's very pretty, but that's already been said.
                    oh well, i'm completely satisfied with the short hair version *lol* you can all have the longer version.. *offers pauls long hair freely* *lol

                    Originally posted by Jenner8675309
                    *still sad he moved to LA though*
                    oh yeah, me too

                    Originally posted by JennyJ
                    Something we don't have the same opinion in

                    Originally posted by cshawzye
                    What an interesting idea for a fic. And to be honest while watching the show I've had that thought once or twice concerning that character.
                    yes, especially in the beginning, because he didn't strike as the type to be on a military base.. i wonder how he got there in the first place. being scottish and a doctor...
                    but then, if I knew how to be part in an adventure like that, i won't be sitting here in front of my laptop

                    Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                    Visit me at my LJ


                      Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
                      He's obviously very suited to it in that he's an excellent doctor (there's been hints that he's mainly a surgeon but he certainly doesn't act like a typical one so I'm not convinced that was his original speciality). He's probably done a bit of field work before too.

                      But I think it's fairly obvious that at the start he isn't used to combat situations and probably hasn't worked with the military before. So it makes me wonder where they picked him up from, hence the fic...
                      I think, he is mainly in the genetics.. hence he is the one, who discovered the ATA gene... though he probably has started out as a surgeon and then moved his main focus onto genetics

                      Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                      Visit me at my LJ


                        Originally posted by phibi View Post
                        yes, especially in the beginning, because he didn't strike as the type to be on a military base.. i wonder how he got there in the first place. being scottish and a doctor...
                        but then, if I knew how to be part in an adventure like that, i won't be sitting here in front of my laptop
                        Yeah I'd be out and at it if I knew an adventure like that was waiting for me. Totally.

                        Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
                        He's obviously very suited to it in that he's an excellent doctor (there's been hints that he's mainly a surgeon but he certainly doesn't act like a typical one so I'm not convinced that was his original speciality). He's probably done a bit of field work before too.

                        But I think it's fairly obvious that at the start he isn't used to combat situations and probably hasn't worked with the military before. So it makes me wonder where they picked him up from, hence the fic...
                        Yeah he's definitely very suited, and it's typically not the medical issues that make me stop and go hmm, how did get the job. He knows his stuff. It's all of the other things that go along with being part of the expedition. It's things like the off-world travel, his time in the chair and even somme of the things he says concerning the military mind-set that floats around on Atlantis.

                        My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                        "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                          Originally posted by phibi View Post
                          I think, he is mainly in the genetics.. hence he is the one, who discovered the ATA gene... though he probably has started out as a surgeon and then moved his main focus onto genetics
                          In my head he started out in something open like emergency medicine and moved on to genetics which he is clearly VERY good at. I also think he must have worked as a field medic for some sort of organisation in the past or he wouldn't have been eligible for the Atlantis mission and it was there he honed his surgery skills.
                          by Kaaatie


                            Originally posted by phibi View Post
                            I think, he is mainly in the genetics.. hence he is the one, who discovered the ATA gene... though he probably has started out as a surgeon and then moved his main focus onto genetics
                            That would make sense, especially taking everything behind the ATA gene and is huge involvment (as other than just the CMO) in the retro-virus arc, which definitely works along those lines.

                            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                              That would make sense, especially taking everything behind the ATA gene and is huge involvment (as other than just the CMO) in the retro-virus arc, which definitely works along those lines.
                              I would say, he was the one who is behind all the retrovirus stuff, his team clearly worked with him on that, but the main idea comes from beckett. i think he's got the first ideas to this by working on Hoff with Perna on that drug.
                              and given his background as a geneticist and that he used a retrovirus to give people like rodney the ATA therapy, and the theory, the wraith evolved from the eratus bug, he's gotten the idea for the retrovirus that would make wraith human.

                              but that does not explain his being on the expedition in the first place. given the fact, that he is terrified to sit in the control chair or even touch any ancient device? but on the other hand he is very proud of what they've discovered so far, when he explained sheppard the basics of the stargate world in rising.
                              also he is very eager with the hologram device. there is no fear, altough he could have activated the selfdestruct by mistake *lol*

                              but i agree with doylefan22 that he must have been on field missions before. (or does antarctica count as a field mission?).

                              to stop my incoherent thoughts and ranting... he was possibly chosen because his skills in genetics were well known and he was recommended by someone who knew his work.
                              and who would turn down an opportunity like that even with the possible dangers that lay ahead.

                              I'm making no sense, do I?

                              Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                              Visit me at my LJ


                                Originally posted by phibi View Post
                                but that does not explain his being on the expedition in the first place. given the fact, that he is terrified to sit in the control chair or even touch any ancient device? but on the other hand he is very proud of what they've discovered so far, when he explained sheppard the basics of the stargate world in rising.
                                also he is very eager with the hologram device. there is no fear, altough he could have activated the selfdestruct by mistake *lol*

                                but i agree with doylefan22 that he must have been on field missions before. (or does antarctica count as a field mission?).

                                to stop my incoherent thoughts and ranting... he was possibly chosen because his skills in genetics were well known and he was recommended by someone who knew his work.
                                and who would turn down an opportunity like that even with the possible dangers that lay ahead.

                                I'm making no sense, do I?
                                I would say that the Antarctic base counts as a feild mission. It's not your average everyday work place (but than again neither is the SGC). But it's definitely more cut off. And yeah he kind of has those different contradictions with what he's fearful of and what he's not. But those things in the end, IMO, just make for a richer character.

                                I think in the end though he's really good at his job and he loves what he does. I think he knows that the work on Atlantis is important. So he tends to get over the fears he does have.

                                And you're very right, an oppourtunity like the one he has is something that is once in a lifetime. So if I was thinking about the backstory I would guess that's a huge factor in him taking a position that he sometimes doesn't appear suited for.

                                My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                                "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness

