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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by leelakin View Post
    That's for sure! I didn't dare to ask him whether I could touch it... ehehehe. I guess I wouldn't want people to ask me that, either, it's kinda psycho. *lol* Then again, he must be used to fangirls by now!
    LOL I am sure the same question would be in my mind all the time..... *likes touching men's hair*


      Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
      I did see a few though ... Great smallville caps HyperCaz!! I can't believe you got that many out of the little scene! Awesome.

      Happy Birthday to Paul!

      And I loved the elf!Paul ... very funny!

      Oh, and the Carson hair *promptly faints*

      *resists the urge to ruffle*
      lol...well...I went overboard with the capping. but Paul makes so many different expressions!! especially when being bullied by Lex Luthor. And the last few seconds he's in it, he doesn't say anything!! My mum was making fun of me because it was his Canadian accent. Pfft. I like both, just as I told Paul. *giggles*

      RUFFLING!! Maybe we should start asking him at cons if we can touch his hair - THEN he gets to used to it...THEN we can all do it!!

      Ooh! well it's 5th in my part of the world, so I give my Australian birthday greetings to Paul!! I sent him a card last year but this year I'm saving that for Valentine's Day. (heehee)


        Valentine's for Paul ... hehe what a good idea.

        One can never have too many caps of Paul. His beautiful eyes, the expressive face, and the hair .... *looks around for the crash cart before fainting*

        *jumps up and dusts herself off* Whoops ... gotta stop doing that!

        Well in honour of Paul's birthday and the wonderful thought of touching (or bestill my beating heart actually ruffling) that beautiful head of hair ... I present for your viewing pleasure .... Some ruffle-worthy pics of our beloved Scottish doc

        My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
        "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


          Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
          Well in honour of Paul's birthday and the wonderful thought of touching (or bestill my beating heart actually ruffling) that beautiful head of hair ... I present for your viewing pleasure .... Some ruffle-worthy pics of our beloved Scottish doc
          Love the first one. Saved it and put it in my Carson folder so I can make it part of my screensaver.

          Thanks tons for posting them!
          Last edited by M2W; 04 January 2007, 03:41 PM. Reason: Saving some space

          See ya at the con, baby! (L.A. '11) (L.A. '10) (L.A. '09) (Burbank '08) (Burbank '07)


            Originally posted by M2W View Post
            Love the first one. Saved it and put it in my Carson folder so I can make it part of my screensaver.

            Thanks tons for posting them!
            hehe ... Anytime! I have way too many pics of Carson on my laptop.

            And, looking through them again, I found another kinda fun one (and it definitely works with the hair theme) ...

            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness





                Oh, I haven't seen this pic before, I love it! =D Hehe, his hair is almost going wild on this one! Also, wonderful facial expression. =D


                  hair appreciation day, is it?

                  not spoilery, just a wee bit on the big side



                    Originally posted by leelakin View Post
                    Oh, I haven't seen this pic before, I love it! =D Hehe, his hair is almost going wild on this one! Also, wonderful facial expression. =D
                    lol ... yeah. That facial expression is just so cute! I love looking through the pics I have of Paul on my laptop because none of the facial expressions are the same. And any number of them can evoke several different emotions. His eyes are just so alive and light up his entire face ... *sigh*

                    Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                    hair appreciation day, is it?

                    not spoilery, just a wee bit on the big side

                    Ooooo ... I love it! *sneaks a ruffle* ... Sooner or later he's gonna have to get used to girls needing to ruffle!

                    And another because I know personally I can't get enough pics!

                    My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                    "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness




                        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post

                        *falls out of her chair laughing* That's great!!! LOL ... an awesome hair pic! It's like he put his hands on the side of his head and just pushed upward! Thank goodness for gel! (I wonder how much he had to borrow from Joe Flanigan?!?!) LOL ... the mountain on the top of his head!

                        And for something completely different ... Carson currency (found a tutorial for making coins for GIMP ... thought I'd try it out and this is what I came up with)
                        Last edited by cshawzye; 04 January 2007, 04:53 PM.

                        My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                        "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                          Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                          *falls out of her chair laughing* That's great!!! LOL ... an awesome hair pic! It's like he put his hands on the side of his head and just pushed upward! Thank goodness for gel! (I wonder how much he had to borrow from Joe Flaningan?!?!) LOL ... the mountain on the top of his head!
                          I bet he and Joe are totally exchanging hair gel as their only birthday gifts! The stores run out of it on their combined birthdays!


                            Hey! =)

                            Big Carson fan here...Just thought I share a Save Carson Beckett wallpaper I just made. Hope you guys like it.

                            I have 2 here:



                            bye bye
                            *going into lurker mode again*
                            Gil Grissom: Hey Doc, tell me something I don't know.
                            Dr. Al Robbins: When I was in fourth grade, I dropped karate because some kid half my size made me cry.


                            "I think I feel something...It could be lunch related."


                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                              By the way: anyone kind enough to lent me their Carson clone just for a little while, please? My twin is a bit ill *sniff*
                              Yet, nothing the Scottish Doc isn't able to cure...
                              Well, I just happened to peel myself off the bed, my headache has ceased somewhat and I was immensely hungry... [I simply had to think of that wonderful picture from DragonCon with the T-Shirt 'I was examined by Dr Beckett'; that really made my day and finally got me up. ]

                              Originally posted by leelakin View Post
                              Good luck Allestian, you'll make it! =D I have an exam coming up too at January 8th @_@ Ugh. Still lots to do for it!

                              @twinchaosblade: The turtle's cute! Oh, so you're really twins? I thought it was more in the way of... you know, calling your best friend twin. *lol*
                              Speaking of which:
                              Awesome banner, twinchaosblade 1/2! *lol* This is confusing.
                              I keep my fingers crossed for you as well, leelakin!
                              And yes, we are really identical twins, we wouldn't win a lookalike contest any time soon though, because she is a bit leaner and smaller than I am. But we also have a 'third twin' for that matter, our best friend with whom we spent our New Years Eve and which we have known for 17! years by now... more than half of our lifetime.

                              Originally posted by JennyJ
                              I donno why but I can't see your turtle
                              Sorry to hear that, Jenny. It's a JPEG picture, maybe that's the problem?

                              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                              I was watching that Smallville episode...AGAIN...and my mum came in...she then proceeded to exclaim "look at his hair!! that's Beckett right?"

                              *facepalm* you know it's getting out of hand when your parents recognise him.
                              That's really kind of embarrassing, isn't it? I admit that is one of the reasons I usually never go online to GW or watch any Atlantis ep when my parents are around; they really do disapprove of such fan behaviour. I can tell you it's certainly an advantage to have my own appartment, which I share only with my twin, because I live and work some 90 miles away from my hometown. (And they never know when we go to bed, which is usually by the time others leave for work already... It's so tempting to spend the night in front of the computer )

                              Originally posted by rosiewook View Post
                              Can anyone ever get used to fangirls?

                              I would just love to have some of the actors just post a list of the wierd requests they get from the fans. There have to be some doosies! I imagine touching the hair would be the least wierd of them all.
                              I don't know for sure but I've heard rumour of some very wierd requests, and I truly believe no one could ever get used to all of this fandom frenzy. Yet I think we are in here quite moderate. And I am thankful for that, for I can't put up with some of the more drastic kinds of 'worship' either.

                              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                              hehe ... Anytime! I have way too many pics of Carson on my laptop.
                              Can one really ever have too many pics of this gorgeous man? I don't think so!

                              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post

                              I hope not! From who else do we get these terrific screencaps, vids etc.?! You are the true keeper of this thread! [BTW wanted to green you but wasn't allowed before greening a few others. I won't forget as soon as I am allowed to again.]

                              Since we have some kind of a hair day, I will post a picture of myself with CarsonHair as soon as I feel good enough to stand touching my head again

                              Happy Birthday, Mr. McGillion and all the best wishes and especially health for the upcoming year! Unlike Mr. Flanigan, you don't have to see a whole decade go by yet...

                              We keep our fingers crossed and won't stop fighting for your return to SGA as a regular! Should we fail (NO, WE DEFINITELY WON'T!!!), we wish you find many other successful projects in the future!
                              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                                Originally posted by leelakin View Post
                                I bet he and Joe are totally exchanging hair gel as their only birthday gifts! The stores run out of it on their combined birthdays!
                                LOL ... Hide the hair gel! Joe and Paul are in town!

                                another fun facial expression

                                My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                                "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness

