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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Hi Shep. I've just come from spending some time with Dell. Had to strong-arm the guards into letting me in with the excuse I had to check on her leg. I...would just like to know if any progress has been made in sorting this mess out and if there's any way I can be of help...

    *I keep walking toward the infirmary, knowing I should get back to Beck, but wishing there would be something I could do to help Dell*


      I've been working on getting her out, but she did go and threaten Kellers life in front of half the base....and an IOA Agent....I hope I can smooth everything over, and if it was only Elizabeth she would be out all ready. It doesn't help much that Dell won't say she is sorry. The IOA guy wanted to take her back to earth to face charges, just as well she isn't a citizen there is all I can say. He does however want some sort of court hearing here. I think she may have to spend the night locked up I'm afraid.


        Shep, if I can be of any help, I want you to tell me so. far as I'm concerned, the only reason I'm sorry for Dell threatening Keller is because it got Dell locked up. But uh, she hasn't had lunch yet and is due a cup of coffee...and I think it might do her good if you were to stop over and see her...

        *I step into the infirmary but hang back by the door to finish my conversation with Shep*


          No Lunch? Now I think I can work with that. Nothing like shaming someone in to doing something. One thing Dell could do with is if you would speak up for her at the hearing that is going to be held tomorrow. we need to show this guy that she is a kind and caring woman...most of the time. That what he saw today was not normal behavior.


            Of course I can speak up for her at the hearing...I was planning on finding a way to speak my piece anyway. If I can do it officially then that's just even better. Now go and see Dell for me, make sure she gets lunch and a cup of coffee. I'll go and see her once more tonight, later though, right now I need to get back to Beck...

            *I step all the way into the infirmary and start towards the Carsons and Beck*


              *Shep deactivates his ear piece and steps back into Elizabeths office*
              So Tell me Mr Woolsey, were you planning on starving Dell to death? I've just been informed she hasn't been given any lunch, it is almost 3pm now.
              Woolsey Of course not, there rules and regulations that must be adhered too.
              So I can take her some lunch then?
              Woolsey I will see she gets something.
              No, I will see to it! If you will excuse me.
              *He left and picked up a tray of food he knew Dell liked, and added a pot of coffee and two mugs to the tray. At the door he was let right in. Dell looked up as the door opened, and smiled*
              Dell Thank you sis! Hey Shep, I see my SOS got through then
              Yes, I bought you a whole pot of coffee.
              *he put it on the table and came round and gave her a quick kiss*
              Woolsey wants you locked up till the hearing tomorrow. I'm trying to do this by the book, so I can't see any way round it.
              Dell can't I be sent back to the infirmary, I'm not officially discharged.
              Tried that, you looked fit enough to everyone as you walked up to Keller without your crutches.
              Dell I was running on adrenaline, it's worn off now. Will I at least get a bed in here.
              They are going to move you to the brig.
              Dell Oh. That should be fun, down there with all the ghosts


                *Back in the infirmary, I drop into A-Carson's lap like a rock and wrap my arms around him, he doesn't try to ask questions but holds me as I finally, careful to keep it somewhat controlled, let the tears flow*

                A- It'll all be a'right, Love. I promise ye. Before long, it'll be you an' Dell both sittin' beside Beck...*he had somehow heard what happened, sort of*


                  Are there really ghosts down there?
                  Dell Yes, but then there are ghosts everywhere...even one in here.
                  *he looks around, and that makes me laugh, the first real laugh in ages*
                  Dell the look on your face!


                    *an hour passes and the door opens and a marine talks to Shep*
                    Marine Sorry sir, but we have been told to take the pri....Dell down to the brig.
                    I'll take her.
                    Marine Um we are her armed guard.
                    Has she ever...EVER been a danger before?
                    Marine No sir, but we are just following orders.
                    Alright, but I'm coming too. *he holds out his hand to help me up*
                    Woolsey She can walk on her own!
                    Then give her back her crutches
                    Woolsey she didn't need them earlier today
                    Dell It's ok Shep, I'll manage.
                    *She limps out and is surrounded by guards with Woolsey behind and Shep at her side. The group starts down the hall*
                    Woolsey You can leave this to us Colonial.
                    I'd rather not.
                    Woolsey Not your call Colonial, you are to close to this, you should distance yourself for your career's sake.
                    I think that is my call to make.
                    Woolsey As you wish.
                    *There are to many for the transporter so are taken to the stairs. Dells leg is already hurting and and getting very tried...she not by the rail so she reaches out to Shep but he has fallen a step or 2 behind, and the guard who is there shakes her hand off his arm and the action puts her off balance and she stumbles and falls down the steps, knocking another guard down as well. The 2 of them land at the bottom of the flight, and the rest are around them very quickly*
                    Medical emergency to the east stars, 8th level landing, Aang it's Dell.


                      (Hey sis . Am just catching up from last night)
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        ok, see you soon!


                          (ok, all caught up. Sorry I took awhile, im so buggered from work, I was nodding off as I read it & had to double back a few times *facepalm*)
                          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                            *Dell reaches out for Shep, her face is very pale, he can see pain etched on it*
                            Dell Shep, my leg, it really hurts.
                            It's alright Dell, help will be here soon, just lie still
                            Woolsey This was not my fault.


                              *Aang receives Shep's message, jumps off A-Carson's lap, grabs her medical kit & taps her earpiece*
                              Aang: Be right there Shep! *deactivates the com link & turns to A-Carson* Love, do you mind? It's Dell.
                              A- No' a' all love. Carson & I are 'ere t' watch Beck
                              Aang: Thanks love

                              *Aang makes her way to the east stairs by transporter & exits at the 8th level landing, she gives the guard a stern look & they move out of her way & she rushes to her sister who is on the ground*
                              Aang: Sis? Sis what happened? Where are your crutches? *looks around at Woolsey* Where are her crutches?! Are you too blind to see she needs them?!
                              Last edited by McBecklover; 12 April 2013, 12:43 AM.
                              I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                              traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                                Woolsey They are...she didn't.....I wasn't aware she needed them.
                                I told you she needed them! *he goes to stand up, but Dell keeps a hold of his hand.
                                Dell My leg gave out, I fell down the stairs, is he alright,* she indicates the guard to the side of me* I knocked him down with me.

