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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
    thinks, trying to narrow the band to just Beck
    yes you were out cold when they bought you in, do you think that had something to do with it?
    *with in our link*
    -Yes, maybe... Well I dream, I have my dream gift & well I was unconscious when I got stuck in my own mind, perhaps being unconscious triggers it? But then I did hear your conversation with Aang before I dreamed that part... I- I really don't know. But yes it's getting me worried too now. Who's following you? That's the scary part
    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



      Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
      *with in our link*
      -Yes, maybe... Well I dream, I have my dream gift & well I was unconscious when I got stuck in my own mind, perhaps being unconscious triggers it? But then I did hear your conversation with Aang before I dreamed that part... I- I really don't know. But yes it's getting me worried too now. Who's following you? That's the scary part
      I have no idea! I can't really think of anyone who wants to hurt me that bad, apart from that Genii, but Shep shot her, so she's dead isn't she?


        -yes, she's dead... I hope. Wait, you don't think she's still alive do you? She can't be, like you said, Shep shot her.
        I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
        traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



          I hope she is dead, but he didn't wait round to watch, he had to come back for me. I'm tired now Beck, I think I'm falling back to sleep, if I don't answer you know where I am...sweet dreams sis, and share them with me!


            *Gabriel puts his arms around his queen and holds her tight* It's ok, my queen everything will be well again

            *sobs* nothing will, they all died and I could do nothing

            Gabriel: but you did quite somethiing! Hadn't you done anything, we would have many more than 65 brothers to moan for..even this little child would not be here, his mother wanted his death *he smiles at Poet, then at the young adult, who carries the boy* come give him to her

            *the wraith takes a step forward to Poet and goes on his knees carefuly not daring to look in her face*here, have our little brother, my queen

            *takes the kid from him her hands still shaking as she looks down at the baby, whose yellow big eyes are sparkling happily as he smiles at her a bit*
            Last edited by DarkenLycht; 03 April 2013, 04:31 AM.


              Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
              Ok, I get to do the "all excited bit" now!
              I just booked my flight up to Wellington...where I will be going to Armageddon and seeing Joe!, and also Mitch Pileggi (Caldwell) , Tony Amendola (Bar'tac). Then there is Aiden Turner who played John Mitchell from the UK version of Being Human, and Dean O'Gorman who played Anders Johnson in 'The Almighty Johnsons' (a Kiwi show that was/is pretty good really)
              those last two also played Hobbits ...Kili and Fili

              I will be going to see those other guys, but really I'm going for Joe! I can't stop smiling...only got a month to wait!
              YAYYYY!!! *squeals* Oh I'm so excited for you!!


                (hugs Aang)


                  (Hugs Poet!). (I may disappear, I don't have to be awake yet really, I'm on from my don't be shocked if I crash...)


                    (I know it's still early for you I'll be back later, gettiong something to eat now before I have to try eating my keybaord again XD)


                      *thinks back to my sis*
                      -Don't worry sis, she is dead. She can't hurt you anymore. Yes, you are tired, I feel it too. sleep now sis & try to dream of better things, but if i'm still linked here, I don't want you to dream... *I stop my train of thought, thinking to myself that if I think it to her, she definitely dream it. I don't want to see what she gets up to with Shep in her dreams!* ... of bad things...
                      Dell: I'm asleep, I can't help what I dream
                      -Of course go to sleep sis. Good night
                      *I smile at her & lay back down, looking at the ceiling, deep in thought to my self*
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        (hello lil sis! Sorry Poet I will answer your pm shortly. Im finishing my bunny to Dell)
                        I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                        traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                          (ok Poet, I pmed you back)
                          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                            (I PMed you back)


                              (I PMed you back)

                              But...but how can someone...just do that? *she strokes the boy's head carefully, who reaches for her hand with his little fingers* such a little lovely...


                                *I suddenly realize Poet is awake & there are others talking to her & I see a baby wraith. I climb out of bed and walk over to her to see what is going on. Though my head spins a bit, I'm not fully recovered from my head injury & takes me awhile to register what's happening around me. Na'Kita can't seem to heal injuries that effect the mind, only the outside wound is healed*
                                -Hello Poet, who is this you have?
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


