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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *looks at her smiling sadly* you don't have to prove anything to anyone, my friend...the fact alone that your gift hasn't killed you by now is prove enough you are not weak at all...but just imagine what would be if you were going to save one of your sisters and would be killed over that? It's not worse it, because when they lose you, in order trying to save have lost all you tried to keep and hurt them more than anything in the world could ever if you do just no think, it's the best you can do for them because as much as you wish them to be save, they want you to be save as well...I am not worth any sleepless nights...though I appreciate it *looks at her* maybe just maybe we can stay a little loger *smiles and hugs her*
    Last edited by DarkenLycht; 20 March 2013, 01:50 PM.


      *I smile and hug Poet*

      I have wondered at times why I was given this gift...why I should have been chosen to bear this. But you're very much right...if I lost my own life while trying to save my sisters, I think that losing would hurt them more than I probably realize. *I remember Dell's threat from when I had mentioned the possibility of leaving this reality, how much it had hurt her and Beck when they thought I might leave* And Poet? To all of your Joey...and even to my sisters, you are worth it. You really are. *I smile again* And I'm glad you're staying. I positively hated the idea of losing you. I guess you could say I've come to think of you as a part of my Atlantis and all of your boys.


        I can't tell you that Aang, soetimes such things just happen...worth it? -
        Even if I am what I am and all my boys are what they are? Poeple willl dislike us here, if we stay we'll need some work to do somehow....*starts pulling things out of her bag again* It is just something new to me and Gabriel, that someone really cares and would be sad if we are leaving....I got to tell the guys, we stay *thinks to them that she does not want to leave anymore and feels their happiness about it, causing the room getting warmer a bit* But...we treally need to do something useful here and not just sit around that would be boring and I think, people here could need some guys like mine and me to help...

        *Joey and Gabriel come running in and throw themselves on Poet, who lands with them on her bed*

        Hey guys!

        Joey: what? we are just happy that you don't want to leave your other friends now

        Gabriel: yes indeed, I like them soooo much * he smiles at Aang*
        Last edited by DarkenLycht; 20 March 2013, 01:56 PM.


          *I grin at Gabriel and Joey and then look over to Poet, still grinning* Of course. You and your guys...well what you are is part of who you are. And I will personally talk to Elizabeth, get you all something to do. I know the Carsons will be happy to have Corey work in the infirmary and I'm sure there are things all of you can do to help around the city. There are tasks that well, we normal people might not be able to do as quickly or safely, but a Vampire or a Wraith might well be able to.

          (OK I have class, I may not be on much now so suppose I'm saying goodnight to you, Poet)


            Gabriel: oh I have a feeling that could be quite fun...but usually you know Aang, we have only to stand there and say "boo" and peole get scared

            Joey: hmm really? sound funny somehow...

            *looks at her brother* it's not funny as much if they try to shoot you or throw you in cells at all *smiles at Aang* oh I am sure Corey dear will be happy to help the Carsons

            (oh well then I will stay a bit here still...good night and have fun in class if somehow possible )


              *looks around the room at her friends* I'll make sure that doesn't happen. Nobody will shoot at any of you or lock any of you're my friends, Dell's friends and Beck's friends. Just always know that even if someone else looks at you with a funny look, we always are here and we care about you. And Poet? don't mind, I'd like to teach Beck what I know of my her how to basically control what she feels. You can teach me how to use my gift better, but just for now, I need to make sure she can at least control the emotions...*I smile*

              *I suddenly remember Beck and Dell* I should go and check on Dell in the gym now...but I'm only a thought away if you want me to come back. *I smile and run off out of the room, stepping on and shattering the syringe of sedative as I leave, without noticing it*

              *moments later, I am running into the living room where I had left Beck* Come on Sis, let's go find Dell. And have I ever mentioned how much I love you?

              Beck: *she laughs* I love you too, Sis.

              *we take off for the gym, where we find Dell with her Bantos rods, making her way around the room in the steps of a routine*

              Dell: Hey guys, nice of you to come by!

              Hi Dell. Have we mentioned how much we love you?

              *she grins at us and with a light laugh, her rods hit the floor and she comes across the gym to hug us*

              Dell: I love you guys too. It's so nice to be home.

              I know, Sis. It's wonderful to have you home with us. I never want to lose either of you.

              *At that moment, A-Carson walks in and I let go of my sisters to turn around and cling to him*

              We need to get married, my Love. I can't stand the idea of not having you with me for the rest of our lives.

              A- Aye, Love. I agree wi' ye. *he looks at Beck and Dell as if to ask what has gotten into me, but they both give him a clueless look and a smile, so he hugs me and chooses not to ask, but enjoy my happiness*


                Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                  Aw Carson. That is an adorable shot of him


                    Hi Aang!
                    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
           Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                      Hi Sparky!! Be on from the laptop in a sec, getting food now!


                        I'm eating.
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          Getting a Quesedilla if they will finish cooking it


                            Hot wings for me.
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              Well now I feel bad for the poor woman who was making the Quesedillas today...she got all confused and accidentally missed my order and she felt so bad for not getting it to me on time. She offered me something free to make up for making me wait an extra 10 was fine, I didn't mind the wait 'cause the Quesedilla is worth the wait...


                                *I raise my eyebrows at A-Carson*
                                -Ok this sounds good, when you want me dressed up, tomorrow 9am?

