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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Oh, well that answers my question . A very informative post! Thanks leighanners!

    "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen

    Comment're welcome. Always glad to help a fellow thunker in need. For purely selfish reasons of course. Which have yet to be revealed. *cue dark tragic music* Muahahahahaha! Tune in next week to find out!

      Wow. I so didn't know I had past 300 posts...I'm on here WAY too much. Just like yesterday I had hit 200!
      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


        I need Beckett!love...


          By memory, isnt the link something like

          then you put the password of "Sacrifice" somewhere??? I tried but it just kept refreshing the SGA page. Maybe I missed the deadline or maybe I'm a doofus, but I couldn't find it.

          And I did look through all the SGA vids and still...nothing


            eh. pic.


              Originally posted by DrsChick
              By memory, isnt the link something like
              then you put the password of "Sacrifice" somewhere??? I tried but it just kept refreshing the SGA page. Maybe I missed the deadline or maybe I'm a doofus, but I couldn't find it.

              And I did look through all the SGA vids and still...nothing
              Yeah the deadline was up at 2am eastern. About an hour ago. But the code site never worked for me. It kept directing me back to the SGA page. I hunted it down in the video section. I only transcribed Paul's part. Basically it was about M&MM character development and about the character development throughout S3. Wasn't that great. (As usual.) Just great that Paul talked a good amount since he was MIA.
              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                Originally posted by HyperCaz

                eh. pic.
       have the best pics. I hope you know I snatch almost every single one of them shamelessly.
                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                  then you should already have that one

                  and this one too.


                    I'm surprised my computer has overloaded with all the hotness that's been downloaded onto it. It does look a little steamy...I think I need a glass of water.

                    *It's one of those days where I can't type to save my life. So if I don't make any sense, or something is just horribly misspelled, etc. Just nod your head and smile at me and act like you know what's going on. I'm trying my best.*
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      oh. Carson would have made a good scene in this episode. *sigh* *grumbles* I like CAPPING can they jsut let me do my JOB lol!


                        Originally posted by HyperCaz
                        oh. Carson would have made a good scene in this episode. *sigh* *grumbles* I like CAPPING can they jsut let me do my JOB lol!
                        Oh trust me. I wish they'd let you do your job. You're my photocenter. I think I've gotten all but the promo and official caps from you regarding Beckett. Way too many...way way way way way too many. But I love it...I can't help myself. I'm an addict! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
                        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                          and if such rumours are true, then they should give us Carson every week! lol...but thinking about...

                          the alternate bridge thingy...there is hope! Maybe AU!Beckett dies. And . they're nice. they give him funeral...


                            Originally posted by HyperCaz
                            and if such rumours are true, then they should give us Carson every week! lol...but thinking about...

                            the alternate bridge thingy...there is hope! Maybe AU!Beckett dies. And . they're nice. they give him funeral...

                            I adore the way you think. That's the best damn solution I've heard yet! I give you a mini Beckett!

                            *cough, cough* Miyth sure is being awfully quiet down there...come join in on all the reindeer games.*cough, cough*
                            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                              I'm special. I think in special ways. Either that or I'm a desperate fangirl who doesn't want to carry out with her threat of no longer watching SGA.


                                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                                I'm special. I think in special ways. Either that or I'm a desperate fangirl who doesn't want to carry out with her threat of no longer watching SGA.
                                Denial is a wonderful thing. I embrace it. But realistically it's a stupid reason to do what people think they're going to do based on what someone claims. So I'm right there along with you. I think everything will be just fine. We can go on thunking for years to come.
                                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.

