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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Really? Cool. I have to go now, I've got class.
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      (bye sparky. Sis Pm again )

      -yes, after what happened yesterday, your little drugged up state made me smile. ok I was asleep, but still. I felt calm & peace after that. I then didn't feel quite alone in the blankness

      *I let go of Carson & hug my sister*
      - thank you for saving me last night. Your very dear to me sis, I owe you one *I smile at her*
      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



        *Gabriel walks into his queens room looking a bit worried since she still hasn't gotten up* My queen, it's already bright daylight outsde, come wake up, Amaell and Jukla wish to talk to us *she shakes her gently*

        No let me, I do not ever wish to get up again, I only cause trouble where I go...

        *Gabriel sits down next to her* it's not true, you know

        It is! nMichael hurt Beck and ang yesterday and it was all my fault, because I failed to save beck in first place

        Gabriel: you know Beck said she forgave you and Aang said you saved her sister to bring her back home again

        But I was too late, if I had been there earlier, to not even let that thing hurt Beck, none of that would everbeen happening at all....I am always too late and too weak *starts crying* I am worthless

        *Gabriel puts his hand on her shoulder* don't ever say that!


          (Not sure if you got my next pm sis. Your inbox may be full?)
          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



            In a way, I'm sort of...glad you didn't dream last night. The last thing you needed would have been another know, I feel it when you have bad dreams? At first I couldn't work out what might possibly be causing such chaos with your emotions at I know it's the dreams. Last night was peaceful...

            *I hug my sister and smile at her* It was no problem, Sis. You're my sister and I love you, I'd do anything for you...and at the time...I was the only one who could save you. I could always feel Carson right there beside me, begging me to save you...he couldn't stand the idea that we might lose you... *I look up at Carson over Beck's shoulder* ...And I couldn't stand that idea either, Sis.

            *I feel the pang of sadness from Poet, but I can also feel that Gabriel is with her, so I send a thought to Poet* Poet, my dear friend, you aren't worthless. You could have gone and saved Beck was that Dell and I wanted to save her, that was why you waited. Remember? But you did save her, you helped us bring her home...and we do not blame you for nMichael's actions. He did what he thought was necessary...but Beck is safe now.


              (Got it sorry Beck, god damned wifi keeps cutting out. I'll be back in 10 minutes, going to get food and then go to where the wifi usually is better than this)


                *feels Aang's thought but does not want to answer*

                You Know Gabriel, it's better when I am not there, I'll just stay here don't move, don't speak don't eat, then time will do the rest....

                Gabriel: that's nonsense and you don't really think anyone here is going to let hat happen, do you?

                What will you do if I don't eat and move anymore? You can't force me to eat anything and not to move would you please leave me alone?

                *Gabriel looks down at his queen sadly then gets up and goes out, saying nothing since he knows she doesn't want to hear it anyway*

                *just lies there crying bitterly, believing it's best like that*

                *Gabriel vanishes after stepping out of Poets room and appears in the kitchen, where his friends are*


                  (Pm again sis i'll wait for a reply then go to sleep. Its near 1am & im drifting as im tired from staying till 2am last night. Could you play Beck & Carson for what ever comes next & dont forget Abby. I really need to send her back to school, shes well over due.)
                  I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                  traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                    For an hour, I'm back.
                    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
           Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                      (Good night Sis, I'll play Beck & Carson )

                      *I release Beck from my hug and we look over at Gabriel, seeing how worried he looks and both feeling it as well*

                      Hello, Gabriel. I can feel Poet right now...what's wrong? What's happening?


                        Gabriel: she says she does not want to get up ever again, not eat, speak or move since she believes she's only causing trouble *looks down sadly* she sure knows well she could have gone to save your sister erlier but she blames herself for not having done it, just ignoring your wishes....I just don't know what to do about her anymore

                        (have to go for dinner, be back later)


                          *I look into Gabriel's golden Wraithy eyes* But it was because of Dell and I, we begged her and Corey to wait, to let us help rescue's our faults more than hers.

                          Beck: More like it was Tome'l's fault for giving us up to the Goa'Uld on that planet in the first place. Sis, all you wanted to do was to save me...and I am here, aren't I?

                          That is true, Sis. Still, it isn't Poet's fault. I wish she would believe us. Gabriel, I think she feels like Beck...could have turned into a repeat of something that happened in her past. *I smile sadly* And I wish...wait. nMichael came around earlier, he's in the lab with aCarson...they're working on a clone of someone Poet failed to save...


                            (If I'm not here, I'll be back shortly, laptop is dead and both outlets are in use. Borrowed one to keep this alive long enough to say something but now got to let them have the outlet back)


                              Gabriel: she thinks it's hers, because she just didn't do it, you couldn't have kept her from going to save Beck but she din't ant to hurt your feelings so she stayed


                              *still lies in bed crying, talking to herself* If I don't help my friends it's hurting, if I help my friends it's hurting too because I fail them....I don't need it anymore....I'll destroy it *puts her hands on her chest, pushing her fingers through to reach her heart while she bites her lips not to scream from pain* just a little more* her hands start shaking and the pain makes her nearly lose her senses but she can feel it beating already* finally....

                              No Poet! *Dante, actually who came to look after her jumps towards her pulling her hand out and holds her down placing himself on her legs, his arms holding down hers*

                              Let me go *she tries to fight him but due to wounding herself she is too weak*

                              Dante: Never! But yoou don't leave me a choice *he digs his fangs into her throat dirnking from her slowly until she faints, then he let's poet go and roeles himself to the otherside of the bed to lie next to her, shaking a little with fear and sadness* oh Poet, when will your wounded soul find rest?
                              Last edited by DarkenLycht; 18 March 2013, 10:30 AM.


                                I would say I wish I knew what to do, but last time I said that, Beck and Poet were both almost lost to I won't even say it... *I shake my head sadly* Gabriel, I feel so bad that she takes the blame for Beck's...problems...since Skyra...

