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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by HyperCaz
    OH MY HEAD HURTS I was just forced to watch the end of Highschool Musical 4 times in a row (apparently we have to learn that end dance or something). And I've avoided seeing ANYTHING of that movie ever since it appeared. ARGH my HEAD.
    You poor poor child! All I have to say is ewww! It's like that movie won't ever go away! Enough already. Haha.

    Here...take two Carsons and call me in the morning and let me know how they worked.
    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      Ahh, the miracle cure ! Caz you'll feel better in no time .

      I hate having to watch bad movies over and over again. It was a tradition in my family to watch A Christmas Story every Christmas Eve. I've never liked that movie, it's so depressing, and I never saw what was so funny about it . So I feel for ya. I'll never see that movie again if I can help it, lol.

      Hope the dance moves are fun at least!

      "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


        Originally posted by leighanners
        Here...take two Carsons and call me in the morning and let me know how they worked.
        Haha, I like that. I'll take 2 Carsons too, please. *grabs and runs*

        Oh, and it seems my boyfriend wants to kiss and make up... Maybe this week isn't so bad after all.


          Hey! No stealing from the pharmacy! Don't make me get my wet noodle!
          Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


            *cringes* No wet noodle, NOOOOOOOOO!

            Hehe, hey I figured I could borrow some and then discreetly return them in the morning.


              Ewwwww! I don't want your used Carsons!!! You can keep em! Haha!

              This is soooo way OT...but I can't stop laughing so I'm gonna share. I've gotten to where I read Kate Hewlett's blog regularly. She's freakin hilarious...we have a lot of the same sense of humor, I tend to connect. But she said her second hand cat has IBS. LMAO! Poor thing.

              HELP ME! I'm crying I'm laughing so hard...HAHAHA! I hurt...
              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                She updates her blog more often than ANYBODY I have ever known. I don't even have the inspiration to write fic that often.


                  I don't get it...

                  but that's me, I'm always lost!

                  "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                    I'll put it in spoilers incase someone doesn't wanna read.

                    IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome. Basically he's got the runny poos all the time. I'd never heard of animals having it really. I know someone that had their gallbladder taken out and they suffer from it now. So don't ever have your galbladder removed unless it's a life or death situation. You'll live with IBS for the rest of your life, there is no cure. Usually is set off by something you eat.

                    I can just see that poor cat spending most of it's time in the litter box.

                    I'm making another thunkiful Carson wall. Kinda hit a road block, but I think I can get going again now that I have some food infront of me...yummy!
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      Originally posted by leighanners
                      I'll put it in spoilers incase someone doesn't wanna read.

                      IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome. Basically he's got the runny poos all the time. I'd never heard of animals having it really. I know someone that had their gallbladder taken out and they suffer from it now. So don't ever have your galbladder removed unless it's a life or death situation. You'll live with IBS for the rest of your life, there is no cure. Usually is set off by something you eat.

                      I can just see that poor cat spending most of it's time in the litter box.

                      I'm making another thunkiful Carson wall. Kinda hit a road block, but I think I can get going again now that I have some food infront of me...yummy!
                      ! Oh I get it now, poor kitty. Haha

                      Can't wait to see the wall , watcha eating? I'm a curious soul...
                      (< your buisness) poke poke!

                      Appologies for stealing your poke smilie Teknikal !

                      Wow I like using smilies...

                      "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                        Miyth:No Fruit Loops tonight! Why I ate a turkey and cheese sandwich on potato bread with regular Sunchips and a glass of iced tea. Yes I know! It's 1:30 in the morning. And I just ate tomorrow's lunch for a midnight snack. But I was pretty sure I was starving. Felt a little famished. My blood sugar splatted on the ground.

                        Jersey: I didn't see your comment before. She does post a lot. She's never gonna get her play written! But that's okay. I wouldn't have my multi-weekly laughs if she stopped. I bet holidays with that family are a riot.
                        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                          Speaking of food, I had this killer Halibut tonight. I'm not a huge fish person, and am not exactly a big cooker, so it was the first time (to my knowledge) that I had Halibut. It was so good!

                          Tomorrows Friday ! Can't wait to see the episode this week!

                          "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                            I don't eat fish. Very rarely. I don't really like much of anything that has to spend its life or most of its life in water to survive. So I don't think I've had that either.

                            And I'm so excited that it's FRIDAY! WOOHOO! I can't wait to see what they have instore for us! But it also makes me sad...only two more to go after tonight.

                            I just watched SGF...I fought with my computer over it. It was about a four hour struggle to get it to cooperate long enough for me to get it completely downloaded...and then it wanted to give me some troubles playing. But I conquered it! Very good movie. Paul is amazing in it. I give it two way way up!

                            edit: I just remembered! Parents are so going out of town! Finally get the house to myself...well my sister will be here. But oh yeah! Gonna have tons of fun! I love being by myself. My independence has been sufficated for far too long!

                            again...: So didn't realize it was 3am (good song) and so yeah, I'm going to bed! That movie seemed so short, but I don't guess it really was. NIGHT!
                            Last edited by leighanners; 08 September 2006, 12:05 AM.
                            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                              Originally posted by Mice
                              Thanks TJ! I really appreciate the contents heads up. I'm wondering if the Weir progress reports are the same ones that were in the official mag?
                              Well I stopped buying the official mag because besides the SG1 contents preference, the arseholes practically ignore Carson and Paul, heck in the last 2 issues theres been NOTHING (oh sorry 1 little pic in the latest one). Everyone of the reg cast has had a main interview, infact most have had 2 now (not including the yearbook), and they still haven't done one with Paul!!! One of last years advertised they would but then they pulled it, no explanation (it was on the 'promo cover'). Theres the 'day in the life' but thats it! Not to mention every other character, I think Caldwell included, has had a poster. It seriously ticks me off, they dont treat PM like a reg and practically ignore the character throughout the mag inc. ep synops (anyone notice that even a Carson heavy ep rarely if ever mentions him? They always work around him!!!). But I digress, no they're not the same as the progress reports in the mag as far as I can tell.

                              BTW If any of your girls wants to write to the mag and request they start including PM/Carson you can write to here: [email protected]



                                Well that's really crappy of the magazine. I'm a bit of a stiff, so I don't know what the mag includes, or exclude in this case. Never even seen it on the shelf in the store. They should treat all cast members the same. It's only fair. And afterall, Paul is part of the main cast now. I know he's no Joe or David, but he has fans none the less. Dedicated ones at that. I'm really disappointed about that.

                                But so far the S2 companion thingy has been really interesting. Actually might be worth the money I shouldn't have spent on it.
                                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.

