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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Mark! That's it. I couldn't for the life of me remember, and I didn't wanna sound like a moron trying to remember. And to think, I've actually had marks I've had to hit before, and still couldn't remember. I've slept since then I guess. A lot. But then again this is an ungodly hour for me. My brain tends to fail me during the morning hours.

    I wanna see the other picture! I've thought about getting the companion books for the seasons. But I just can't bring myself to do it. It was all I could do to make myself by the soundtrack.
    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      Morning campers !

      I love the pics, and I didn't notice the *cough*tape line*cough* mark before either. OH well, I think it adds something to the pic aswell!

      I'd love to buy the companion book, but you know, money... I've none to spare! I'm counting on christmas and well placed hits to get season 1 of DVD .

      "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


        Hiya all! I have been MIA from GW for the last 5 days or so because I got kidnapped by another fandom!! I still love my gorgeous Scottish doctor, but 2 other doctors stole me away for a while as I didn't have the distraction of a new SGA ep! The other fandom is House... and as I am slasher, I have completely fallen for House/Wilson!

        I have also been busy with my new job. I have been working 7pm-3am and 10pm-3am. Nightfilling in a supermarket is really, really hard work!! On Monday, it was my first shift and I strained every muscle in my body as it was the equivalent of a 7 1/2 hour gym/weightlifting workout. I am very unfit at the moment and it just about killed me! I'll be fit soon though!

        Anyway, to bring this back on topic... Another little icon I did.

        Mahlia Belonn


          So TJ, you should review the Season two companion for Carson content! I've got it on my Amazon wishlist at the moment.
          Slash Rodent from Heck


            Originally posted by MahliaBelonn
            Anyway, to bring this back on topic... Another little icon I did.

            I think that's one of your best, Mahlia! *pets icon*

            *pets Carson*


              Originally posted by Mice
              So TJ, you should review the Season two companion for Carson content! I've got it on my Amazon wishlist at the moment.
              Um...well its a bit better then last years. Basically season 1 there is a profile/interview and I think 1 episode had comments from him. No colour photos though. For season 2 he's on the front in the cast pic, there are a couple of colour photos inside (all of which we've seen at or similar), as well as a few of B&W ones, a profile/interview and a few comments here and there on some of the eps. I ordered it forever ago for the interview/profile bit! I also like the 'Weir's Progress Report' which was written for each character. If only the episodes contain such concerns and discussions on his character. If I get time I will transcribe it and the rest.


                Originally posted by TJuk
                Um...well its a bit better then last years. Basically season 1 there is a profile/interview and I think 1 episode had comments from him. No colour photos though. For season 2 he's on the front in the cast pic, there are a couple of colour photos inside (all of which we've seen at or similar), as well as a few of B&W ones, a profile/interview and a few comments here and there on some of the eps. I ordered it forever ago for the interview/profile bit! I also like the 'Weir's Progress Report' which was written for each character. If only the episodes contain such concerns and discussions on his character. If I get time I will transcribe it and the rest.

                You make me wanna go out and snatch one! I think I might just have to.
                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                  Thanks TJ! I really appreciate the contents heads up. I'm wondering if the Weir progress reports are the same ones that were in the official mag?
                  Slash Rodent from Heck




                    I made another wallpaper! It's retro Carson! Wooo! I raided some of the pictures on this thread from back in the day. So I'd thought I'd share!

                    Later gators!
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      Ah! It's so good I love the black and white, and you picked some great pics of our scottish doc! You always do such a great job on this stuff .

                      Originally posted by leighanners
                      You make me wanna go out and snatch one! I think I might just have to.
                      I want to buy one too, it sounds great. Too bad I don't even know where to find one .

                      "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                        Thank ya thank ya darlin! I love black and white. It's so beautiful.

                        I don't know where you'd find the guide either. I looked online and it says that BooksAMillion sells it, so I might go by ours and see if it's on the shelf. If not, then it's cheaper to order it from Amazon I believe.

                        edit: Ya know, I think I should make it into a banner. It would be a snazzy banner. I think I will.

                        edit...again: BAM had it! Wooo! *dances*
                        Last edited by leighanners; 07 September 2006, 05:22 PM.
                        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                          Well another quick post before my vollyball tourny tomorow and saturday.....
                          I really hope that PM isn't leaving the show. That would make me mad and exteremly sad. He is too all around awsome to get rid of. That better be just a rumor. Nice wallpapers and pics everyone!!!

                          Oh and I saw where someone said they were going to the friend told me that that hurts alot. (Her knees are messed up. That weirdo. ) She even wears a knee brace under her knee pads for v-ball.

                          See ya'll later!!
                          P.S. I bet PM's eyes would look so cool in a blue tinted pic. I say that because my friend took a blue tinted pic of me and I have blue eyes too. It's awsome.

                          "Don't worry. In a few days, all of Texas shall know our situation."
                          "Tell me Alabama, precisely how many is 'a few'?"


                            Originally posted by HyperCaz
                            I think that's one of your best, Mahlia! *pets icon*

                            *pets Carson*
                            You just love it because it has the chair!!

                            Mahlia Belonn


                              Originally posted by SpaceCadet09
                              Oh and I saw where someone said they were going to the friend told me that that hurts alot. (Her knees are messed up. That weirdo. ) She even wears a knee brace under her knee pads for v-ball.
                              They don't hurt ! Okay maybe a little... Well it's more uncomfortable, and you get a bit bruised if it's a bad kink. I go quite often (my back and neck hates me), and although it's a creepy feeling to have someone crack your neck, it isn't painful. I'd say uncomfortable, but you feel much better afterwards (if not a little sorer), that is, if you need it, you shouldn't start going to the chiropractor if you don't need it, 'cause you end up having to go again sometimes. Although I’ve never had knee problems… :/ so I can't tell you what that feels like.

                              "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                                Originally posted by MahliaBelonn
                                You just love it because it has the chair!!

                                I cannot confirm or deny that rumour...

                                OH MY HEAD HURTS I was just forced to watch the end of Highschool Musical 4 times in a row (apparently we have to learn that end dance or something). And I've avoided seeing ANYTHING of that movie ever since it appeared. ARGH my HEAD.

                                *hugs Carson*

                                now I feel better.

