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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *at this point, I don't know what to do first, I look from Beck to the Carsons, Jukta and Arnaell, I can only do so many things at once...I apologize to my sister mentally, hoping I can still shield her even a little as I lay Arnaell down on the couch gently and make my way to Poet, I know how this goes, wounds caused this way cannot be healed by powers...*

    *I look up at Gabriel* I wish she didn't have to take on his wounds to find out what happened... *I can feel my eyes stinging, but I blink back the tears and contain the emotions, determined that I will not torture my sister further with my pain...later, I will teach her to control her gift and then I won't need to shield her as I do*

    *I know this will not be easy as I have to do it without my healing device and she is weak, but I will do it. As I lift her shirt to see the damage that was done, my hands become black, soaked with her blood and it's all I can do to only wince slightly...I can see I will need to take her to the infirmary, and quickly at that. I can't do this with the limited equipment we keep in the would probably be for the best to bring Arnaell to the infirmary as well, to properly look after his wounds*
    Last edited by Aang; 16 March 2013, 09:24 AM.


      *smiles at Gabriel* thank you, now I know who, but that is not so helpful yet because all I saw was a dark cell....I failed again.....

      Gabriel: no you didn't don't say that....we can sure find out the where, but that if you are well again *puts his fingers on her lips to stop her from arguing*
      Last edited by DarkenLycht; 16 March 2013, 09:30 AM.


        (sorry, was distracted writing a review of my con experience on the weekend)

        *I am white from shock of what I'm seeing & I know my sis is shielding me, but she can't hide them all & I feel slight sadness, pain & worry, my eyes are threatening to leak tears, but I hold them back as much I can. My sis don't need to worry about me as well, I'll be fine. I just hug Carson & watch Aang & A-Carson leave for the infirmary with Poet & her guys*

        -What do we do? I feel useless standing doing nothing. Can't we do anything to help?
        I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
        traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



          (OOPS I knew something was weird with what I wrote, that would do it )

          *I look down at my hands, coated in her black blood and then I look at Gabriel*

          I have to take her to the infirmary, and A-Carson should bring Arnaell as and Jukta can come along if you wish to...*I wipe the black blood from my hands, but can still see the darkness of it in the lines of my hands, a reminder that my dear friend needs my help, and I take Poet in my arms gently and A-Carson lifts Arnaell gently in his own arms...moments later, the whole little group is in a secluded corner of the infirmary with the curtains pulled around us, Beck and Carson had come as well and were doing whatever they could to assist us as we worked*

          *I have by now stopped the bleeding from her chest and am working to fix that wound to the best of my ability, I've given her a strong anesthetic, she may still be awake, but she won't feel what I am doing as I work, while Carson has set the bones in her arms so they won't be moved*

          *At the bed just beside where I am working on Poet, A-Carson has set the bones in Arnaell's arms and is looking at the identical chest wound to the one that I am working to fix on Poet, though his isn't as fresh and is requiring more cleaning out before it can be fixed, Beck is nearby helping A-Carson to clean the boy's wound, but I can still feel how shocked she is*

          Sis, thank you...for being so strong. *I steal a glance in her direction* I know this can't be easy for you. *I am thinking this to her alone as I work silently on Poet's wounds*


            (mmm I goot to go for dinner, ypou can play me if you like until I am back if needed)


              *I stand by Carson & pass him equipment as he asks for it, he is assisting A-Carson*
              I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
              traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                *after a bit I have finally finished with Poet and she is resting in the bed, Gabriel standing protectively at her side, and A-Carson is nearly finished with Arnaell, so I whisper something to Carson quietly and then take Beck's hand and lead her out of the little room we had created out of the curtains, just a little ways away from everyone else*

                Sis, I have to teach you how to control this will be better when you can block out certain emotions. Try to focus only on me, feel only what I feel. Try to block the others out. Don't worry if it doesn't work the first time, but try anyway. *I am still shielding her from the full force of the others' emotions, I know it would be too much for would have been too much for me when I couldn't control my own gift*


                  (did you get my PM? Or did you clear your inbox before reading it? lol)
                  I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                  traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                    *I concentrate on Aang, I feel her worry, for me & urging me to try hard to block the others, but then I think of the others & I can still feel them- all of them. I begin to cry, not just from everyone else's pain, but at my own failure to control my ability*
                    -I, I'm sorry... There's just too much on my mind. All this *points thumb to the chaos behind the curtain* ...& with what happened this morning... & the fact I have to send Abby back to earth for school... I... I just can't do it right now... *I run from the infirmary crying & try to get away from the emotions. I run a fair way, until I find a cool balcony outside, slide down the wall to the floor & with the others out of reach, its only my own sadness & pain I'm crying at now*
                    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                      (Never got an alert that I had a PM...inbox must have been full)

                      *I follow after Beck, following her pain and sadness until I find her, where I fall to my knees beside her and pull her into my arms*

                      I am so sorry, Sis. I am so, so sorry. *as I hold her, I feel her shaking and sobbing in my arms, but keep my own emotions carefully shielded from her, all she can feel from me is calm and peace*


                        -I, I'm useless at this. I was fine before that Skyra ruined me! I could control what little of other peoples emotions I could feel. They were never strong enough to make me react the way I have lately. I hate this. I hate Skyra for what she did to me. I'm broken!
                        *I shake with my own anger towards Skyra. And I think to my self; "She should have let be in peace. She should never have resurrected me."*
                        -I hate her! *I drop my head into my hands & continue to sob*

                        (I'll send u another PM)
                        I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                        traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                          *looks at Gabriel, smiling then thinks to him: it was a Wraith who did that to him, a young one I guess who not long ago became an adult, he had very long hair, I guess he just did what he did for fun, since he never talked to Amaell*

                          *Gabriel's eyes sparkle angrily: then I guess my queen we need to stop him, but not until you are all well again...we need to find out whre he is anyway*

                          Dear, why don't you go tell Jukla what I found out? *doesn't want to actually send him away but she feels how her hunger grows, as he hears his heart beat loud and smells his blood having a delicious scent to it, making her longing for it*

                          Gabriel: *looks at his queen knowing what's happening with her but smiles* if you wish *he leads Jukla out*


                            Sis, do you even know what happened to me when we were trying to rescue you? When you died? Sis, my heart and mind were shattered. I couldn't control my emotions and it broke me...I was so empty, I couldn't feel anything, not my own pain or anyone else's. It was you, your spirit rather, that brought me back and allowed me to feel again. You, Sis. And you also gave me the ability to control it. *I still hold her close* Skyra did things to you, things I couldn't stand feeling, but I am glad she brought you back...Dell and I would have been lost without you. You can learn to control it again, you can fix what Skyra broke...until then, little Sis will help you. I will do all I can to help you.


                              *suddenly the smell of blood is all around her, everyone who is in the same room starts to have that lovely smell, even aCarson, who stands with the back to her, watching Amaell for a moment...he smells so tasty. She gets up and moves to him silently, the smell of blood getting more intensive. Her eyes turn red and she is just a few inches away from him..ready to jump to him...she can already see how her fangs will hurt him* No...aCarson run! *she screams, for a moment her mind gains control over her hunger* Run please!*she moves closer to him, in her mind still fighting with her longing* Run, aCarson please...I can't hold it for long
                              Last edited by DarkenLycht; 16 March 2013, 11:12 AM.


                                (oh no! My Carson is there too! They both must run! But Aang & I are outside & don't know they are in trouble. Maybe Aang will sense the Carson's fear.)

                                *I hear Carson thinking out of desperation* Oh Beck, if ye near, jus' run! Jus' run away from 'ere, Poet is loosin' control of 'er 'unger! Oh god, wha' should we do? *looks at A-Carson fearfully*
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


