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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    N-Steve: *pulls a little glass bottle from his other boot which contains a bluish-black shinig liquid* this is the stuff I put on the blade, I can make more of this quite easy, so you can have this to examine *hands it to Carson*

    Corey: hm. what if you hadn't to take that stuff always to be alive Carson? I Know Dante once helped someone who fell ill and got weaker though no body knew ever why...he cured this guy by just letting him drink a big ammount of his blood...I am pretty sure I could do that for you if you have no risk, if it doesn't it just doesn't but if, you will be alike any other normal human

    Gabriel: you are too kind Aang, I know she still feels sad but we quite sure havve some time until the poison stopps working, normally it lasts over 9-10 hours


      A- Thank ye, Lad. *he takes the little bottle and looks at it* *he looks up to Corey* It would sure be somethin' to not need th' serum ta live. I wouldna' have ta inject m'self wi' it every morning...wouldna' have the reminder o' what I am an' why I was made. *he smiles a little, thinking how nice that would be*

      She is my friend, Gabriel. And I don't like to see my friends feeling bad. I will do whatever I can to try to make her feel better. *I glance down at my wrist and then look back to Gabriel* And you know that I mean every word of that.


        Gabriel: I do know that for sure, but my queen is the same, even if it means it causes pain to her she'll always protect and help us

        N-Steve: *smiles at Carson* I am glad I can still create that stuff even as a cloned and vampired did a good job

        Corey: *smiles at Carson* get me a tea or coffe pot and I will do the rest *he picks up the blade poet has dropped before*..good this stuff aint working on me


          I've noticed that. She cares so much about all of you, and all of you care so much for her. *I smile at Gabriel* And that shows just how wonderful of a friend she is, because of how much she cares for you.

          A- Why thank y', N-Steve. *he smiles and slips the little bottle into his lab coat pocket and then goes into the kitchen and comes back with a teapot in hand* 'ere y'are, Corey. Let's see if this works, shall we?


            Gabriel: If she would just feel the same way bout this....*looks at Poet sadly*

            Corey: ok this will be a bit nasty *pulls beck his right sleeve and cuts into his viens half down to the ellbow, holding his hand over the open pot to make the blood run into it* here we go *he watches the pot fill and takes his arm back as it can't take anymore blood into it* Now start drinking as much as you can at one time.... *he leans back on N-Steve, who pulls him to sit on his leg* and try to drink at least half of it in the next hours, if you can drink more, the higher chances we have it will work

            N-Steve: just rest now there a bit, Corey


              A- This'll certainly be a wee bit interestin'...*he looks at the teapot and gets himself a cup* A'right, I've never heard o' a human drinkin' blood before, but we'll sure give it a wee try if it may mean no more o' that serum. *he pours a cup from the teapot and starts to drink it* Suppose this doesn'a taste as strange as I thought it might. *he continues to drink*

              I know, Gabriel. I know. *I hug Gabriel* She'll be alright though...I know it. I can already feel that her sadness is getting just a little bit less...


                (Sorry if I disappear soon, got to go someplace and will be back online in about...2 hours' time. But I'm guessing that means I should say good night to Poet and her guys as it's got to be a bit late there...)


                  Corey: well, Dante's and my blood sure tastes a little different, since we actually prefere to drink Wraith...those of us who mostly take on humans have a more human like tasting blood...excuse me saying this but humans don't really taste nice, too much iron in their blood

                  Gabriel: indeed it is, but it takes time to make such hurt heal *he hugs his queen and runs his fingers through her hair...but no one of us ciould ish for better friends as you are to us *he smiles at Aang*

                  : I really wonder if you find out what that poison is made of Carson, but clever as you are, you should...but why do you think it could work wonders, as you said?

                  I sure know what this poison is made of *looks at N-Steve, her eyes sparking yellowish* Thank you Aang and Gabriel *hugs them back still feeling a little numb* that stuff wouldn't keep me down as long as you guys thought, I guess

                  (yes it will be a bit late here, it's midnight now good night and remind Carson to continue drinking his blood)


                    A- I've got an idea what it's made wi'. *he looks at N-Steve* Ye are a Wraith after all. *looks at Corey* I do believe y're right about th' taste of th' blood, Lad.

                    *I smile at Gabriel, my cheeks turning light pink* That is so nice of you to means a lot that you say that *I am still smiling when Poet hugs me*

                    Poet! *hugs Poet* You're welcome. *smiles* I suppose just like your Wraith cannot heal you and you don't age when they feed...the poison is also less effective on you.

                    A- Nearly got 'alf of this gone now, just a wee bit more. *he looks into the teapot*


                      Yes Aang I agree on that but my boys know that *looks at N-Steve* now come over here....

                      N-Steve: *walks over to Poet* yes? *kneels down before her as she's still got trouble to reach for his face to kiss him on his cheek* ah well Carson, you know where you find more wraithy blood here if you find that stuff useful

                      Gabriel:* smiles at his queen* and what about me? *he puts his head on Poet's shoulder*

                      Corey: *looks at Carson* you know I really wish that it worked, but you can test that, I guess you start feeling ill, if you don't take this injection?


                        A- Aye, if I don' take th' injection, I begin to feel ill an' a lot o' pain, so we will see if this works. Thank y' for letting me try this. *he takes the empty teapot back into the kitchen to wash it out*

                        (Sorry, had to go a while but I am back now )


                          Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                          This one is my favorite of the bunch! Good luck in your history class!
                          ok guys, I din't keep a list for my You will have to remind me of them....what eye-core-melt-prove, is that the best one then?

                          Originally posted by Aang View Post
                          They're your little monsters, yes. But they're my dear friends and so are you. Now mind, I am probably going to hear of this again from Dell when she comes, she's less likely to let me hear the end of it than any of you. Just know that there was nothing you could have done to stop me and we're all very much alive right now, so it all ended well anyway. *I reach over to hug Gabriel and smile up at him* And you, stop looking so guilty, I wouldn't have let you drink if I didn't want you to.

                          (Right see you when you return)
                          to right, yoiu wouldn't let me help when I wanted too!
                          you got some splaining to do girl!

                          I don't know, I go to work and this place goes to hell in a hand basket!

                          Well if you want me I'm With Shep over on his thread!


                            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                            ok guys, I din't keep a list for my You will have to remind me of them....what eye-core-melt-prove, is that the best one then?
                            That was my favorite aside from the last one in the list...something about his bare chest and kissing all over?

                            to right, yoiu wouldn't let me help when I wanted too!
                            you got some splaining to do girl!

                            I don't know, I go to work and this place goes to hell in a hand basket!

                            Well if you want me I'm With Shep over on his thread!
                            Yup I predicted it. Sis, I have no excuse for what I did. Other than that Poet was so weak, I didn't see any other way...I'm sorry I didn't let you help when you wanted to, alright? Look, you know your little sister. Tender hearted and stubborn as anything.


                              *cross my arms and turn my back, going to have to do better than know where to find me*



                                You want the whole story?

                                Gabriel was sick, I was taking care of him. A-Carson thought he might need a proper "drink", but when Corey brought Poet, she was so weak and tired that I thought it would do HER more harm than it would do me. So I let Gabriel drink from me. Believe me, I thought about it while he was drinking and realized I would never hear the end of it from you because I didn't let you help when you wanted to.

                                I don't know what you want me to tell you, Sis. I'm sorry, alright? I really am. *I stare at her back as she turns away, realizing that I hate the thought of my sister being upset with me at all*

                                *A-Carson comes up behind me and puts an arm around me, and I look at him*

                                Was it really such a bad thing I did?

                                A- It wasn't so much bad' love, if Gabriel had no' noticed it was you, it could 'ave been much worse.

                                ...I was trying to help. That's all. *I feel two large hot tears squeeze out of my eyes and drip down my cheeks silently*

