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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Sorry forgot I quoted you there, I edited my reply into the post--I think I could do it, if you'd like me to.


      I would love that!
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Cool, let me just get out of class and do my History homework and then I'll do that


          Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
          "Mmm and have I ever told you what a damn fine a$$ you have? I could just sink my teeth into it"
          This one is my favorite of the bunch! Good luck in your history class!
          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


            Gabriel: I so often feel like she's much of a too good soul for this world, cares so much about others and few about herself *looks at Aang*If it wasn't healing you that had done this to her it would have been herself, becoming even weaker and sick for feeling guilty not to have helpt you....*glances at Carson* thanks this will give her a bit more time, those her spirit can get stonger but I am not sure if he will get stong enough if the time she has left...

            Corey: he better will...*he frowns* that thing just HAS to, wish it could hear me then I would tell him what I think of him, for allowing her to use their power until she couldn't takeit anymore

            *Poet starts glowing all over, then light shaped like a dragon with a flaming tail and wings rises from her, his sad eyes looking at Poet then at Corey*

            Kyran: You know sssshe would have forced me to do thisssss *turns is head to Carson* now doctor it'ssssss your turn...bring her back to life, I will reunite witttth her...if ssshe'sss awake again and take my time to resssst


              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                A- I will bring 'er back, y' can count on me. *he looks at Poet, checks for a pulse, and then looks at me* But I canna' do it alone. Aang, can ye help me?

                I...I will. I will help you bring her back. *I hug Corey and Gabriel one last time before I stand up and go to help Carson*

                A- 'M going to try to restart 'er heart, but I need ye to monitor 'er vital signs as I work. *he and I work, Carson working to get Poet to live again and me keeping an eye on her as he works and doing small tasks*

                *just a slight bit later, I am checking one last time, and I gasp in amazement* Carson! She is alive! You did it, My Love! *I give her one more dose of the special serum, hoping to get her energy up enough that she will wake, and then I sit holding her hand, tears dripping down my face*


                  *Hugs everyone, that poet is back!*
                  sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
         Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                    Kyran:*starts shining brighter, sending out sparks from his tail and wings then dives back into Poet*

                    *opens her eyes which are now sparking yellowish and is surrounded by a flame-like yellow light*

                    (I may need to think about if I put Carson into my story, just for his blue eyes But, no...I can't write his accent....don't even really have in my ears how it sounds)
                    Last edited by DarkenLycht; 26 February 2013, 07:20 AM.


                      *instinctively I pull my hand back and am watching Poet carefully, then I look over at Corey and Gabriel* She is alive...I am so happy she is alive. I would never forgive myself if she had died and Carson couldn't bring her back.


                        *breathes sigh of relief* Hello poet.
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          *sits up as the light is getteing weaker around her* Seems as if I am back again *hugs Aang, Sparky, Corey Gabriel and Carson* Aang you shouldn't feel guilty for it, it's my fault only that I let you make Gabriel drink from you *smiles at Aang and Carson* thanks again, now I even owe you my life the second time

                          Gabriel: *pulls his queen close to him* this was so horrible, pleas for give me I didn't realize it was Aang instead of you

                          Corey:*puts his arms around Poet and Gabriel* you better not do this again, Poet or I really need to talk to Dante, for us making you a vampire...such thhings wouldn't happen then anymore


                            I'm here too!

                            Gotta go, be back in an hour or two!
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              I would have been fine. Even if he hadn't realized and had finished drinking from me, I would have lived. Carson would have made sure of that. *I look up at him and he nods slightly* But you, almost didn't come back to us, and my fault.

                              A- Aang, Love, it was a very special thing for ye to do, ta let Gabriel drink from ye, but it was also th' stupidest thing y've ever done outside o' sneakin' along on tha' first mission. *he smiles, but shakes his head at the same time*

                              I am always saying that I will do anything for a friend if I truly do care about them...this was my way of proving that. It was my choice to let him drink from me, nobody else's. Nobody else is responsible for what happened.


                                (See you later Sparky)

                                *looks at Aang* yes it may have been your choce my friend but you also have someone who really loves and needs you *smiles at Carson*, and other friends here that would never want something bad to happen to you...I got just my boys and they would go with me *smies sadly* I know they would and then we'd be gone

                                Gabriiel: but I wouldn't want to leave here like that, if you would my queen of course I'd follow you

                                Corey: What are you talking about? no one is going anywhere from here, not Poet and not you Gabriel and stop talking about that I follow you if you'd be dead stuff, that's nonsense...since you can't even really die as she could and you know that

