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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Jersey13
    Aww, you shouldn't delete it! If you feel so bad about it, have someone beta read it and then make suggestions. I'd be happy to do that for any of you guys. I love helping people write awesome fic, and I really can make constructive critisism out of just about anything.
    I totally agree, and would love to beta read. I'm going for a career in teaching English Liturature, so I'd love to help out in those situations, both of you . Also, Jersey I'll keep you in mind for when I start back up on fanfiction, it's been a couple years, but I might try my hand at it again.

    "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


      Originally posted by Miyth
      Ah now you've got me curious!! Tell, tell !

      Don't worry leighanners, I'm hyper too maybe not as much as you are though... lol! Have fun until the rush calms down and you get all cranky, hehe. At least that's what happens to me :/ , not calling you cranky or anything...

      I'm really only cranky when I first wake up...for about an hour or so. Not a morning person. Not all sunshine and giggles first thing in the morning.

      Okay, okay I'll tell. But I'm not spell/grammar checking so if I flub something up, get over it...haha!

      When I was writing about what you call people from Wales, I added in all those extra ones, and I know those aren't right. But my mom and I were talking about if you move to another country, we'll say Scotland to try and keep it close to the topic...haha, just because you live in the country, take up residence doens't mean you're Scottish. You'd still be American. But if a Scot came to America and took up residence, they'd become and American. Really weird how that works, we had a whole debate about it in one of my college classes, yada yada not the point. Anyway, I said that's true in the US if you're from, lets say Texas, and move to California. You're not a Californian, you're still a Texan. we got to talking about what you call people from other states, for example, Texas=Texan, California=Californian, Florida=Floridian, New York=New Yorker, etc. We got to the state of Michigan and we were like "What do you call people from Michigan?" So we were racking our brains and we were throwing things out there like Michiganites, Michigonians, Michiganish, there was another one, but I don't remember. It that happened with several I can't think of them because I'm having a senior moment. But yeah. What do you call people from Michigan? It's probably not as funny as I find it...but then again I'm me, and a lot of people don't find the things I find hilarious remotely funny.
      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


        Well, hey, if you're an English major, please tell me something, anything that's wrong with my fic. I'm trying to write something that I could see becoming an actual episode, so if you even read something that even just seems atypical of the characters, please let me know.

        OMG, I just saw that new checkers commercial with the "Rap Cat"... That's so hilarious!


          Beta readers are very important to have, because no one can help but be their own worse critic, and when you look through your own story, your first reaction it that it's all crap and you should trash it, but having someone else's opinion may help you make the writing better instead of getting rid of it completely.

          I usually never double post, but it seems when I go to edit my posts, someone posts in the middle of it and what I add becomes pointless ...
          Edit: See what I mean !

          "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


            Originally posted by Miyth
            I totally agree, and would love to beta read. I'm going for a career in teaching English Liturature, so I'd love to help out in those situations, both of you . Also, Jersey I'll keep you in mind for when I start back up on fanfiction, it's been a couple years, but I might try my hand at it again.
            Eng are far smarter than I. I never got English...correctly at least. My teachers throughout school just didn't really care I guess. I mean I passed, but I don't think I was ever pushed to further better myself.

            I might give it another go someday. One of my best friends and I were planning on writing a script. Because we thought it would be fun. Like a short movie...longer than SPLOOSH, but not as long as Titantic. Hasn't happened yet. I write better with a partner. I come up with the ideas, they make it sound good. I don't use SAT words well...but when I learn one, I use it all the time. That's what my sister's good for.

            I'll just stick to the PS thing for now...we'll see how far it takes me. Other than right now, because I'm stuck in the mud on ideas. GRR! I need more Paul pics. I think that's my problem. I don't have a good selection. But I also need ones with his eyes open! Why is that so hard? If I could cap...I'd be one happy Carson fan.

            I am awfully wordy tonight. I think I should shut up now. People are gonna start hating me.
            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


              leighanners: That's hilarious! I never thought of that... maybe Michiganers? Blah..!

              Jersey: Anytime I know what that's like, I think of my fics the same way. Though I can't really tell you what's normal and in character for SGA since I'm still relatively new to the show...

              "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                I always look forward to having more to read every time I refresh my browser. Don't shut up on my account.


                  Originally posted by Miyth

                  I usually never double post, but it seems when I go to edit my posts, someone posts in the middle of it and what I add becomes pointless ...
                  Edit: See what I mean !
                  That happens to me too! I try and edit very quickly or I just go ahead and double long as I say what needs to be said.
                  Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                    Originally posted by leighanners
                    Eng are far smarter than I. I never got English...correctly at least. My teachers throughout school just didn't really care I guess. I mean I passed, but I don't think I was ever pushed to further better myself.

                    I might give it another go someday. One of my best friends and I were planning on writing a script. Because we thought it would be fun. Like a short movie...longer than SPLOOSH, but not as long as Titantic. Hasn't happened yet. I write better with a partner. I come up with the ideas, they make it sound good. I don't use SAT words well...but when I learn one, I use it all the time. That's what my sister's good for.

                    I'll just stick to the PS thing for now...we'll see how far it takes me. Other than right now, because I'm stuck in the mud on ideas. GRR! I need more Paul pics. I think that's my problem. I don't have a good selection. But I also need ones with his eyes open! Why is that so hard? If I could cap...I'd be one happy Carson fan.

                    I am awfully wordy tonight. I think I should shut up now. People are gonna start hating me.
                    Blah! I'm always a post behind! lol, well, I'm not so good at writing an entire story. I'm pretty good with the middle or beginning, but I get stuck on the end and what not. I have a hard time finishing stuff, but I'm trying to get better at it.

                    "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                      I think your fic is great. And I know yall don't know me, but I'm one of those people that doesn't lie if it's bad. I'll will always tell you the truth. Honesty is the best policy! hahahahaha! Seriously, I expect honest opinions of me and my doings, etc., so I give my honest opinion. Even if it's not what you want to hear!
                      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                        I have trouble finishing my fics a lot, but mostly because I'll get so many ideas all at once that I start something else before I finish what I was working on. It's unfortunate that out of the dozen or so 'long' fics I've ever written, only three have ever been finished.

                        And I give honest opinions too. If your writing sucks, I'll usually say so, but don't take it hard! I always tell you why, and how to improve it. I always make my critisism constructive.


                          Well I made the mistake of posting chapters before I had even planned out the story... Sometimes that's okay, if you know where you're going or if the storyline is an easily writen one. I always wrote a few chapters, recieved a TON of reviews of people saying they loved me (I even became a bit known...) and then I got stuck and left everyone hanging. I stopped writing because I was horrified at what I was doing to my poor readers, and I'm thinking of taking my fics down (this is for a completely different show the Stargate, by the way). So next time, I'm going to write a story board first .

                          "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                            I could never plan out what I wanted. I knew what I wanted to happen in the long run...but the stuff that happens before it...I just made up as I went. That's how I wrote all my papers in hs & college.

                            So yeah...Yay for Dr. Carson Beckett played by the wonderfully talented Mr. Paul McGillion, on the equally as wonderful show Stargate: Atlantis, which is currently airing Friday nights on the SciFi channel. *crowd roars with excitement and applause*

                            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                              lol, feel the need to stay in subject to the thread?

                              "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                                I definitely know what you guys are talking about. I sometimes had that trouble too, but usually I'm pretty good at coming up with a beginning and and ending. As long as I have those, I do pretty well. It's the transitions between that always screwed with my head.

                                EDIT: I just now got an AWESOME idea for a transition between where I'm at and the end. See? It sometimes takes a while for it to come to me, but I usually manage somehow.

