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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I'll make sure he understands that!

    Now I really have to leave!
    Last edited by Sparky She-Demon; 21 February 2013, 12:43 PM.
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      Originally posted by Nightmarepoet View Post
      Corey: it's my trurn then, I'll just get him friom the shadows and bring him here *vanishes and appears next to Carson again* just as easy as this I can sneak up behind Sheppard...he wouldn't even realize what happend Dell

      Gabriel: *smiles* that's a good idea Corey, isn't it Carson?....oh why not Dell?

      I would like to see that for sure But if Dell doesn't want to, hmm would have been funny

      Then he would not only be mad at me, but at you guys as well!
      and that would be one sure way to drive us apart!
      Please, just leave it to me, I'm sure once I give him a little time to calm down, and talk to him, it will be ok


        'Bye Sparky.

        I'm sitting in the laundry room on top of the washing machine with my clothes in it...And today the WiFi works in here!!! YAY.


          pm Aang...need to know the answer quick!


            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
            Then he would not only be mad at me, but at you guys as well!
            and that would be one sure way to drive us apart!
            Please, just leave it to me, I'm sure once I give him a little time to calm down, and talk to him, it will be ok
            That's why A-Carson was trying to tell them to leave him be. He knows Shep well, he knows what it takes to get Shep to come around. Although something tells me if he forgave Rodney for blowing up 3/4 of a solar system--

            It was 5/6!

            --Ahem, 5/6 of a solar system, then I think he can forgive you for accidentally kissing the clone.


              Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
              pm Aang...need to know the answer quick!
              *swearing at the WiFi*

              Sorry I thought it went through before! *face palm* Sent the PM again just now.


                Look I'll go talk to him soon, he will be out on one of his walk about now, I'll wait till later when he will be in his office doing paperwork.


                  Gabriel: Nevermind Dell, we won't do anythin, though I Poet thinks actually he would deserve it for being angry at you just because of one little mistake

                  N-Steve: he would deserve it for all the mistakes he did to us Wraith, but oh well, If heard he had lerand his lesson, thiough I still doubt it

                  I know it's hard but, Dell's my friend and I don't want to make her sad...he'sll get his paybeck once for sure anyway, if he doesn't start to treat anyone better. Wouldn't wonder if the one who created that clone, is sone who got treated badly by him and wanted to take revenge on him

                  Corey: Could be but I think we'll never know it, though it's most likely if he always behaves towards people like he did to me and Alex wehn he didn't even know us *frowns a bit*

                  *looks at Carson* I really really hope you could make that clone different from the real Shep in that parts otherwise I fear we'll all reget it soon to have given him a chance


                    Easy Sis, I'm not pushing you to talk to him before you're ready. I just hate seeing you two like this...especially when you didn't know you were doing anything wrong in the first place. A-Carson and I feel responsible, we should have told you it was the clone we were bringing out and we should have been more careful to be sure his memories were properly taken care of at the time. We...well, we feel like it's our fault Shep isn't speaking to you right now.

                    A- Aye, the clone is different alright. Like I said, 'e has no mem'ries of the Wraith except for of you Lads and only good ones a' that. Aang an' I were careful about tha' part...


                      I can't think straight!
                      It wasn't your fault Aang, around here, anything can happen, I mean just look we are friends with wraith of all people!
                      And Poet how many times! Shep only did what he thought he needed to do at the time, he knows better now, he does better now!
                      And lets not forget the wraith didn't exactly treat us humans with any respect back then either.
                      We have all changed...for goodness sake, I even sort of like Corey
                      I need to get some air!

                      *leaves the room at a run*


                        *A-Carson and I sort of just stand there, not knowing what to do, I don't feel like I should go after Dell this time, instead I feel like I've annoyed her, so I silently retreat to A-Carsons' & my bedroom alone, leaving A-Carson in the main room with Poet and her guys*


                          :...he still warns you to walk alone with us, though he knows we are my queen's friends and never would harm you....

                          N-Steve: I am close to starting to regret, I've helped him..You said he had changed but I still see him act with the same anger as ever

                          Oh Carson, can't you talk to Shep that he sees them as friends and not as someone who wants to stab you in the back as soon as you turn on them? You are a close friend of him and if he realises that you don't mistrust them he may not do that either *looks ar Carson sadly*
                          Last edited by DarkenLycht; 21 February 2013, 01:24 PM.


                            *I find myself on a balcony somewhere and I sit down with my back against the wall, my knees up arms wrapped around them. I drop my head to rest on my knees and cry.
                            I have been horrible to my friends and I feel really bad about it, but I am also worried about Shep, I worry that he won't forgive me, Now I have to wonder if Poet and her guys will ever forgive me as well.
                            Aang will forgive me, she's my sister, she has to doesn't she?*
                            Last edited by Dellruby; 21 February 2013, 04:50 PM.


                              A- *sighs* Lads, I don't wan' to end up in th' middle of what's goin' on 'ere. When 'e isn't angry with Dell anymore, then I may 'ave a chat with 'im. But I also know the Lad well enough ta know that when 'e is already angry is not th' time for me ta' be talkin' ta him about anythin'. *he looks at the Wraith guys, wishing he could do something right now but he doesn't want to get in the middle of everything right now*


                                *Corey appears next to Dell* don't worry about Poet don't worry about all of them, they are your frriends and they love and like you very much *sits down next to her* I have done bad bad very bad things, I was alone and never had anyone but Dante..with whom I didn't get along too well either...if I ever had have such friends as you have them, to care so much about you...I wouldn't have been the heartless monster I was. Such friends as you can call yours Dell, won't dislike or hate you for some stupid things you did, they never will because they know and like the person you are with all your faults *sits there in silence*
                                Last edited by DarkenLycht; 21 February 2013, 01:47 PM. Reason: poor spelling

