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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    don't know what you are on about. Is there somewhere I can go it see it as you do, because I can't see where to look


      This is how you can see it as I do.

      Also, I just had to explain to my best friend why my brain is liquefied at the moment. And I giggled so much while explaining it Mind, I only explained what liquefies my own brain, didn't mention yours


        So how do I find that on my own, and am I supposed to answer the reviews?


          When you're at the settings page, where you'd change your location or stuff like that, you should see 'profile URL' and either of those links will take you where I just linked to

          And you don't -have- to answer reviews. I only do when someone asks a question specifically or says something I feel the need to respond to.


            ok, I will just say here, thanks for saying nice things!


              You're quite welcome, then


                It is after 2am, for goodness sake , go to sleep!
                You are making me feel tired!


                  I'm Galadriel, woo!

         couldn't sleep because this damn thing just sprang into my head and I had to write it down. You guys are a bad influence on me! Consider this an early Christmas present. I really AM going to bed now!

                  "An SGA Night Before Christmas"

                  “An SGA Night Before Christmas”

                  Twas the night before Christmas and all through the city
                  Not a creature was stirring, except in the infirm'ry.
                  The nurses hung stockings from IVs with care
                  In hopes to bring cheer to the sick patients there.

                  The patients were nestled all snug in their beds
                  While Carson did rounds and counted their meds.
                  He sighed as he took of his surgical cap
                  And wished he could settle right down for a nap.

                  When out from the hall there arose such a clatter
                  He sprang to the door to see what was the matter.
                  The doors slid right open, revealing a sight
                  That Carson would never forget of that night.

                  The moon coming through Ancient stained glass
                  Turned the hallway bright colors of Christmases past.
                  When, what to his wondering eyes should appear
                  But John and his gang, all drinking beer.

                  They'd piled up sofas and called it a sleigh.
                  Carson recalled there'd been a party that day.
                  Eight laughing Marines they'd hitched to the front.
                  Poor Carson feared that they were all drunk.

                  “On Michael, On Kolya, on Cowen, on Lucius
                  On Steve and on Todd...and whoever else hates us!
                  To the top of the roof, to the top of the wall!
                  Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!”

                  Yelled John as he stood on the couch like St. Nick.
                  Ronon was grinning, but Rodney looked sick.
                  The Marines then took off in every direction.
                  The couch tumbled over, aborting the mission.

                  Teyla flew one way as John took a leap.
                  The Marines were tangled up in a big heap.
                  Ronon had landed upright in a chair
                  And didn't mess up one bit of his hair.

                  Rodney went sideways and rolled to the floor
                  And stopped right by the infirmary door.
                  “Sheppard, you moron, that's not how it goes!”
                  Rodney said, whimpering as he rubbed his bumped nose.

                  “Sure it is, Rodney! At least it's for us.
                  'The Night Before Christmas' in the Pegasus!”
                  John said as his eyes over the mess roamed.
                  “Everything's weird here, including that poem.”

                  “What are ye doing?!” Carson asked with a shriek.
                  “It's the middle o' the night, ye right numpty freaks!”
                  All of John's team had looks of contrition.
                  They knew not to cross their Scottish physician.

                  They all looked so guilty, those Atlantean elfs
                  That he laughed when he saw them in spite of himself.
                  A wink of his eye and a nod of his head
                  Soon gave them to know they had nothing to dread.

                  “Away wi' ye all, ye mad drunken beasts.
                  My patients are sleeping, so leave them in peace.”
                  He shooed them away, that medical drover,
                  “Don't come cryin' to me when you've got a hangover!”

                  Down the hall they all went, John and his team
                  Followed by eight very drunken Marines
                  But they heard Carson say as he stepped out of sight,
                  “Happy Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!”
                  Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?!

                  "You can't afford to be afraid if you're going to succeed in this business. It's time to stop running and face what's been chasing you for so many years." I did and it's going to be amazing.

                  "I want to live! I want to explore the universe...and eat pie." -Urgo


                    Originally posted by HeatherOnTheHill View Post
                    I'm Galadriel, woo!

           couldn't sleep because this damn thing just sprang into my head and I had to write it down. You guys are a bad influence on me! Consider this an early Christmas present. I really AM going to bed now!

                    "An SGA Night Before Christmas"

                    “An SGA Night Before Christmas”

                    Twas the night before Christmas and all through the city
                    Not a creature was stirring, except in the infirm'ry.
                    The nurses hung stockings from IVs with care
                    In hopes to bring cheer to the sick patients there.

                    The patients were nestled all snug in their beds
                    While Carson did rounds and counted their meds.
                    He sighed as he took of his surgical cap
                    And wished he could settle right down for a nap.

                    When out from the hall there arose such a clatter
                    He sprang to the door to see what was the matter.
                    The doors slid right open, revealing a sight
                    That Carson would never forget of that night.

                    The moon coming through Ancient stained glass
                    Turned the hallway bright colors of Christmases past.
                    When, what to his wondering eyes should appear
                    But John and his gang, all drinking beer.

                    They'd piled up sofas and called it a sleigh.
                    Carson recalled there'd been a party that day.
                    Eight laughing Marines they'd hitched to the front.
                    Poor Carson feared that they were all drunk.

                    “On Michael, On Kolya, on Cowen, on Lucius
                    On Steve and on Todd...and whoever else hates us!
                    To the top of the roof, to the top of the wall!
                    Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!”

                    Yelled John as he stood on the couch like St. Nick.
                    Ronon was grinning, but Rodney looked sick.
                    The Marines then took off in every direction.
                    The couch tumbled over, aborting the mission.

                    Teyla flew one way as John took a leap.
                    The Marines were tangled up in a big heap.
                    Ronon had landed upright in a chair
                    And didn't mess up one bit of his hair.

                    Rodney went sideways and rolled to the floor
                    And stopped right by the infirmary door.
                    “Sheppard, you moron, that's not how it goes!”
                    Rodney said, whimpering as he rubbed his bumped nose.

                    “Sure it is, Rodney! At least it's for us.
                    'The Night Before Christmas' in the Pegasus!”
                    John said as his eyes over the mess roamed.
                    “Everything's weird here, including that poem.”

                    “What are ye doing?!” Carson asked with a shriek.
                    “It's the middle o' the night, ye right numpty freaks!”
                    All of John's team had looks of contrition.
                    They knew not to cross their Scottish physician.

                    They all looked so guilty, those Atlantean elfs
                    That he laughed when he saw them in spite of himself.
                    A wink of his eye and a nod of his head
                    Soon gave them to know they had nothing to dread.

                    “Away wi' ye all, ye mad drunken beasts.
                    My patients are sleeping, so leave them in peace.”
                    He shooed them away, that medical drover,
                    “Don't come cryin' to me when you've got a hangover!”

                    Down the hall they all went, John and his team
                    Followed by eight very drunken Marines
                    But they heard Carson say as he stepped out of sight,
                    “Happy Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!”
                    That was Brilliant! Thank you very much for not sleeping through it!


                      Well now, if I'd gone to sleep 'round 11pm my time, would you have had so much fun melting my mind?

                      Okay well I better actually get some sleep now...Good night!!!


                        Originally posted by HeatherOnTheHill View Post
                        I'm Galadriel, woo!

               couldn't sleep because this damn thing just sprang into my head and I had to write it down. You guys are a bad influence on me! Consider this an early Christmas present. I really AM going to bed now!

                        "An SGA Night Before Christmas"

                        “An SGA Night Before Christmas”

                        Twas the night before Christmas and all through the city
                        Not a creature was stirring, except in the infirm'ry.
                        The nurses hung stockings from IVs with care
                        In hopes to bring cheer to the sick patients there.

                        The patients were nestled all snug in their beds
                        While Carson did rounds and counted their meds.
                        He sighed as he took of his surgical cap
                        And wished he could settle right down for a nap.

                        When out from the hall there arose such a clatter
                        He sprang to the door to see what was the matter.
                        The doors slid right open, revealing a sight
                        That Carson would never forget of that night.

                        The moon coming through Ancient stained glass
                        Turned the hallway bright colors of Christmases past.
                        When, what to his wondering eyes should appear
                        But John and his gang, all drinking beer.

                        They'd piled up sofas and called it a sleigh.
                        Carson recalled there'd been a party that day.
                        Eight laughing Marines they'd hitched to the front.
                        Poor Carson feared that they were all drunk.

                        “On Michael, On Kolya, on Cowen, on Lucius
                        On Steve and on Todd...and whoever else hates us!
                        To the top of the roof, to the top of the wall!
                        Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!”

                        Yelled John as he stood on the couch like St. Nick.
                        Ronon was grinning, but Rodney looked sick.
                        The Marines then took off in every direction.
                        The couch tumbled over, aborting the mission.

                        Teyla flew one way as John took a leap.
                        The Marines were tangled up in a big heap.
                        Ronon had landed upright in a chair
                        And didn't mess up one bit of his hair.

                        Rodney went sideways and rolled to the floor
                        And stopped right by the infirmary door.
                        “Sheppard, you moron, that's not how it goes!”
                        Rodney said, whimpering as he rubbed his bumped nose.

                        “Sure it is, Rodney! At least it's for us.
                        'The Night Before Christmas' in the Pegasus!”
                        John said as his eyes over the mess roamed.
                        “Everything's weird here, including that poem.”

                        “What are ye doing?!” Carson asked with a shriek.
                        “It's the middle o' the night, ye right numpty freaks!”
                        All of John's team had looks of contrition.
                        They knew not to cross their Scottish physician.

                        They all looked so guilty, those Atlantean elfs
                        That he laughed when he saw them in spite of himself.
                        A wink of his eye and a nod of his head
                        Soon gave them to know they had nothing to dread.

                        “Away wi' ye all, ye mad drunken beasts.
                        My patients are sleeping, so leave them in peace.”
                        He shooed them away, that medical drover,
                        “Don't come cryin' to me when you've got a hangover!”

                        Down the hall they all went, John and his team
                        Followed by eight very drunken Marines
                        But they heard Carson say as he stepped out of sight,
                        “Happy Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!”
                        Oh jeez, I just cracked up so hard and had to explain it to my best friend. Thanks, Heather


                          *Wanders back in with Carson just behind*

                          Alright Carson, good night Love. *quick kiss*

                          Good night, Love. I will see ye in the mornin' right?

                          With a little luck, you should Good night! *runs off to bed*


                            *pops in*
                            Hi honey, I'm home!
                            Oh, so ye are! Hello love! Come ere *invites me for a hug & I rush up to him & squishy hugs him*

                            Originally posted by HeatherOnTheHill View Post
                            I'm Galadriel, woo!

                   couldn't sleep because this damn thing just sprang into my head and I had to write it down. You guys are a bad influence on me! Consider this an early Christmas present. I really AM going to bed now!

                            "An SGA Night Before Christmas"

                            “An SGA Night Before Christmas”

                            Twas the night before Christmas and all through the city
                            Not a creature was stirring, except in the infirm'ry.
                            The nurses hung stockings from IVs with care
                            In hopes to bring cheer to the sick patients there.

                            The patients were nestled all snug in their beds
                            While Carson did rounds and counted their meds.
                            He sighed as he took of his surgical cap
                            And wished he could settle right down for a nap.

                            When out from the hall there arose such a clatter
                            He sprang to the door to see what was the matter.
                            The doors slid right open, revealing a sight
                            That Carson would never forget of that night.

                            The moon coming through Ancient stained glass
                            Turned the hallway bright colors of Christmases past.
                            When, what to his wondering eyes should appear
                            But John and his gang, all drinking beer.

                            They'd piled up sofas and called it a sleigh.
                            Carson recalled there'd been a party that day.
                            Eight laughing Marines they'd hitched to the front.
                            Poor Carson feared that they were all drunk.

                            “On Michael, On Kolya, on Cowen, on Lucius
                            On Steve and on Todd...and whoever else hates us!
                            To the top of the roof, to the top of the wall!
                            Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!”

                            Yelled John as he stood on the couch like St. Nick.
                            Ronon was grinning, but Rodney looked sick.
                            The Marines then took off in every direction.
                            The couch tumbled over, aborting the mission.

                            Teyla flew one way as John took a leap.
                            The Marines were tangled up in a big heap.
                            Ronon had landed upright in a chair
                            And didn't mess up one bit of his hair.

                            Rodney went sideways and rolled to the floor
                            And stopped right by the infirmary door.
                            “Sheppard, you moron, that's not how it goes!”
                            Rodney said, whimpering as he rubbed his bumped nose.

                            “Sure it is, Rodney! At least it's for us.
                            'The Night Before Christmas' in the Pegasus!”
                            John said as his eyes over the mess roamed.
                            “Everything's weird here, including that poem.”

                            “What are ye doing?!” Carson asked with a shriek.
                            “It's the middle o' the night, ye right numpty freaks!”
                            All of John's team had looks of contrition.
                            They knew not to cross their Scottish physician.

                            They all looked so guilty, those Atlantean elfs
                            That he laughed when he saw them in spite of himself.
                            A wink of his eye and a nod of his head
                            Soon gave them to know they had nothing to dread.

                            “Away wi' ye all, ye mad drunken beasts.
                            My patients are sleeping, so leave them in peace.”
                            He shooed them away, that medical drover,
                            “Don't come cryin' to me when you've got a hangover!”

                            Down the hall they all went, John and his team
                            Followed by eight very drunken Marines
                            But they heard Carson say as he stepped out of sight,
                            “Happy Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!”
                            OMG! I love that! You are very talented Miss Hoth!
                            Aye ye are lass, very talented indeed! How's Gwiddion comin along? Would love te see it, when tis finished
                            Aye me too, what Carson said!
                            Last edited by McBecklover; 16 December 2012, 04:57 AM.
                            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                              *sneaks in* HIYA CARSON AND MCBECK!!!

                              *tacklehugs McBeck* HEYY! I -love- your location at the moment!


                                Originally posted by Aang View Post
                                *sneaks in* HIYA CARSON AND MCBECK!!!

                                *tacklehugs McBeck* HEYY!
                                *falls to ground as Aang tackle hugs me*

                                *sitting on the ground with Aang*
                                Hello Aang!

                                Originally posted by Aang View Post
                                I -love- your location at the moment!
                                Aye! I think Carson does too!

                                Ye alrigh my loves? *reaches out to pick both us up with an arm each*
                                We're fine love
                                *Aang & I look at each other with the same thought & then we each grab one of Carson's outstrected hands & pulls him to the floor*
                                Join us on the floor love!
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


