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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Ah so that's what happened. I missed the minutes. Well bein on my phone does not help my aversion to Maths...


      back is a smidge better, but I can't stand up straight....I look like a question mark!
      Sure hope I can stand a bit better when the men come to take the sofa away, or they will get a good view down my top!....didn'tknow I'd be broken when I picked out my clothes for the day, or I would put on trackies! Belts are no fun when you can't stand up to do them back up!


        Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
        back is a smidge better, but I can't stand up straight....I look like a question mark!
        Sure hope I can stand a bit better when the men come to take the sofa away, or they will get a good view down my top!....didn'tknow I'd be broken when I picked out my clothes for the day, or I would put on trackies! Belts are no fun when you can't stand up to do them back up!
        Good grief! If there wasn't that matter of the oceans between our locations, I'd treat you to the gentle version of my patented back massage to try to help loosen you up a's actually quite fun to walk up behind my friends and start massaging their backs and watch them sort of melt because I know all the right spots to catch I did it today to a friend at church, she was saying something and I started to massage her and she just looked over her shoulder at me and stopped talking until I finished...


          Sorry to hear you're in pain, Dell.
          Does in happen often or is this a one off? If the first, have you ever tried one of those heat pad things for back pain?
          "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
          "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
          "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
          "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

          >-- Czechs Rock! >--


            I wish you could, I have no idea how I am going to get to the door to answer it, let alone take them down to the other end to where the damn sofa is.....I hoe they come after school time, so I can get one of the kids to do it.
            I tried to go to the kitchen just before, thinking of lunch, but only got 2 steps. guess I'm skipping lunch today!


              Sparky doesn't like math and it doesn't like her either! I'm done with my homework for the day, and I can be on here for a while!
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Heat pad, that would be good. I have wheatbags, but they are at the other end of the house....might as well be the moon!
                I think once before it might have been this bad, but hard to tell at this point!
                Usually I have I only have twinges, but 5 mins sitting down and I'm fine.
                On the pian scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst...I'd put me at about 8.5


                  Originally posted by dellruby View Post
                  heat pad, that would be good. I have wheatbags, but they are at the other end of the house....might as well be the moon!
                  I think once before it might have been this bad, but hard to tell at this point!
                  Usually i have i only have twinges, but 5 mins sitting down and i'm fine.
                  On the pian scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst...i'd put me at about 8.5
                  sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
         Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                    Well since I can't (damn oceans getting in my way tonight, eh?) I suppose all I can do is wish the pain would go away for you then...I'm one of those people, like Carson I suppose, I feel a bit foolish when I can't do anything to help *shakes her head* Ah well


                      Poor you, Dell... I wish I could help...
                      "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                      "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                      "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                      "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                      >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                        Happy thoughts will make all the difference!
                        Thanks you guy!
                        Post your best picks for me!


                          Well, here's a hug for a start

                          "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                          "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                          "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                          "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                          >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                            And a couple of faves from my transisioning SG wallpaper

                            But now I gotta go to bed, 'night all! Feel better, Aang!
                            "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                            "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                            "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                            "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                            >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                              Looks like it is just me and you Carson.
                              Looks that way. What shell we do then?* cheeky grin*
                              got a deck of cards? we could start a poker game!
                              Hmmm, not a bad idea.
                              *finds cards,and joins me at the table*
                              5 card stud, aces high! *starts to deal*


                                You mean feel better, Dell

                                But good night anyhow Jae'a

                                Also love the Carson from Letters From Pegasus...adorable!!!

