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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Damn it isn't there all the time, but sometimes it is "sponsored by Dell"


      Well would you looky there!

      *is looking at it right now*


        Opps I "liked" it and now my face book page is covered in Shep pics!
        Bad Shep, I'm supposed to be hiding you from my RL!


          I don't hide Carson from my FB...But then I don't have anyone I particularly need to hide him from except my Mom and she doesn't have Facebook so...

          On the flipside I did consider making a wee bit of a fan-site for Carson just in my spare time, still am actually, just need to not be quite so busy with life. Heh.


            well my family and friends think I'm mad enough already with out added Shep to the mix!
            Ok, some of them know I'm writing, and some know it is scifi, but none know the extent of it!


              Oh Dell, Dell, Dell.

              Mine all know I am addicted to Dolly Parton. They know I collect Barbies and other dolls and have well over 250 dolls in my collection. They know I'm a total SciFi nerd and that I write Stargate fanfictions...and most even know about my obsession with the adorable Scottish doctor.

              ...Now who looks more insane? *giggle*


                I'm...a wee bit confused...the picture I used in my sig that I was going to re-use for my avatar real quick...I apparently did not save it to my laptop? I AM SO CONFUSED...


                  I still have my dolls from when I was a kid, and I won't let my girls play with them because they would hurt them!
                  Toys are still loved even if you don't play with them everyday!
                  (Oh no, maybe I had one to many wines, I'm letting secrets slip out)


                    Originally posted by Aang View Post
                    I'm...a wee bit confused...the picture I used in my sig that I was going to re-use for my avatar real quick...I apparently did not save it to my laptop? I AM SO CONFUSED...
                    Well you will just have to go looking for it again, or use a new one!
                    My sig and avatar have never matched apart from having Shep in them....opps not at the moment!


                      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                      I still have my dolls from when I was a kid, and I won't let my girls play with them because they would hurt them!
                      Toys are still loved even if you don't play with them everyday!
                      (Oh no, maybe I had one to many wines, I'm letting secrets slip out)
                      Don't worry, your secret's safe with me
                      I've still got my stuffed animals, all of these dolls...and I blame Toy Story! It made me believe my toys were real and I couldn't let them go! The third Toy Story movie made me cry because the poor toys that got left behind...*sniffle*
                      Well. Aren't I getting emotional now? Goodness, I think we're both losing it now.

                      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                      Well you will just have to go looking for it again, or use a new one!
                      My sig and avatar have never matched apart from having Shep in them....opps not at the moment!
                      I found it. And oddly enough, Carson wasn't the main reason I wanted the same pic. I needed the wall background...go figure!


                        I always new my toys had real lives, how else did they manage to get them selves in different places than I left them!
                        I am not emotional! am I?

                        She doesn't get drunk at all, she is to scared of getting a hangover!
                        a wee bit tipsy then is all!
                        That's it, it is cuppa time!


                          No, you're just being you. I'm the one being emotional. *facepalm*
                          I always believed my toys were real, because my stuffed animals. They have feelings. And I know my favorite one got a wee bit jealous when I started taking Cuddly Carson everyplace with me.

                          Also got my avatar sorted out. It matches my sig too. *happy* I'm a wee bit OCD about my av matching my sig... And darn it, forgot photoshop tries to make the files large and I need to save them differently to make them GateWorld friendly...Pft. Well got it anyway.


                            and very love hearty it is too!
                            How come Carson isn't on it as well?


                              Aw crap now I feel guilty for leaving Carson out! *races back to Photoshop*

                              I only did it this way 'cause those hearts were used in the pattern on the sig so I thought I could make it kind of match this way.

                              Darn it. See what I mean about me being all emotional? I'm actually sitting here feeling guilty for leaving Carson off my avatar!!!


                                Originally posted by Aang View Post
                                Aw crap now I feel guilty for leaving Carson out! *races back to Photoshop*

                                I only did it this way 'cause those hearts were used in the pattern on the sig so I thought I could make it kind of match this way.

                                Darn it. See what I mean about me being all emotional? I'm actually sitting here feeling guilty for leaving Carson off my avatar!!!
                                No don't worry about it, it is nice, I was just surprised is all!
                                What do you think?
                                It is very nice, and simple, I like that!
                                I agree with ye, I would only clutter it up!

