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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Aang View Post
    I can sing lead as long as I have some form of back-up
    me and the air guitar, we'll be a hit!


      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
      me and the air guitar, we'll be a hit!
      Where'd Sparky go? Also, can we take Carson and Shep along when we go on tour?


        And do you think our favourite Scotsman on the bagpipes?
        Oh for a book and a shady nook ~ Jules' Book Reviews - my book review site.


          Originally posted by bookwormjules View Post
          And do you think our favourite Scotsman on the bagpipes?
          How did I not think of that? Sounds like a wonderful idea to me


            They better come with us when we go on tour, other wise we would have no reason to be sappy!
            Shep plays the guitar!


              Originally posted by Aang View Post
              Where'd Sparky go?
              don't know, but maybe the same thing happened to her as just did to me, internet kicked me off and closed down, couldn't even get FB
              I'm back though, no need to panic! (that was scary!)


                Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                They better come with us when we go on tour, other wise we would have no reason to be sappy!
                Shep plays the guitar!
                Oh right! I temporarily forgot! I guess I was too wrapped up messing around with the Carson smilies I found xD
                He does? Oh right! So Shep on guitar, Carson on on back up and air singing where did Sparky get off to?


                  Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                  don't know, but maybe the same thing happened to her as just did to me, internet kicked me off and closed down, couldn't even get FB
                  I'm back though, no need to panic! (that was scary!)
                  Oh my! I've had that happen before--thankfully I can usually fix it though. Or I sit here cursing at my laptop until it starts co-operating again.


                    Originally posted by Aang View Post
                    Oh my! I've had that happen before--thankfully I can usually fix it though. Or I sit here cursing at my laptop until it starts co-operating again.
                    and that works does it?


                      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                      and that works does it?
                      Seems to work most of the time... *pets her laptop that is working perfectly right now aside from the fact that I can't type worth a darn tonight for some reason*


                        It's a little dead round here just now isn't it?


                          If you are looking for me, I'm just over at FB playing 40 thieves.


                            Sorry--Got to reading a fanfiction.

                            Also just a small rant on fanfictions that involve Carson as a main character. I love that people write Carson based fics, believe me, but I don't like how either it's the real Carson and he's so haunted by his past mistakes or badly injured or otherwise whumped or it's the clone Carson being whumped the same's like dude...I like some whump now and again but at least let my favorite Scottish doctor have ONE or TWO fics that are happy...and don't include Carson/Rodney slash...I don't ship those two. Nothing against anyone who does, but they're best friends, not lovers in my eyes :/


                              Just wait till mine is done. He has a pretty big roll as it is turning out, and he is the one in control it seems ! No whump or ship for him, can't say the same for the rest though.

                              he must have lost his razor!


                                Eeee! Scruffy Carson *thunk*

                                Also, I like the sound of that fic then Sounds like fun. Admittedly this one's turning slightly amusing. Clone Carson's just been through his first post-mission physical at the Infirmary and he's just made a bigger fuss over Keller doing a blood test on him than all of the other team members ever have! LOL! I knew there was a reason that the Carson(s) in my fiction had an aversion to needles...!

