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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    If I seem to take a while with my replies, it is because peeling spuds

    Must be getting close to dinner time in the Dell household.

    Wonder whats for tea tonight?

    Chicken kebabs, salad and potatoes, maybe some peas and beans as well.


      Mmm peeling spuds is a good reason in my book. The Irish girl in me loves potatoes. Yep, I'm around half Irish.

      Also, chicken kebabs sound amazing. I'm so freaking hungry. And the only place on campus to get food at night...just my timing is so failed. Oh well


        Want me to push some through the key board to you?

        Your keyboard would end up in here with me if you tried that!

        Yes, sorry lass, but unless you have something stashed in your desk you may have to settle for a glass of water!


          This cupboard is dark, I can see why no one likes it!

          At least Dell has us for company this time!


            I would, Dell, but I tried that with my best friend, involving watermelon and a did not work well...

            *digs around in her desk* I think I have another granola bar in here somewhere. When I'm in my dorm room, I seriously eat like an SGA team member on an off-world mission--prepackaged, non-cooking foods like granola bars and such.

            As long as y're getting all the proper nutrients, Love.

            'Course I am, I'm out of the room during the day, so I can get proper food for most of my meals

            (see as: Carson talking to me)

            I'm only concerned for your health, Love. I may be a doctor, but that doesn't mean I enjoy havin' ta treat ma friends' medical problems. Personally, I prefer it when they stop by my infirmary for a friendly visit rather than ending up in a hospital bed.

            I know, Carson. Don't worry, I'm doin' my best to take care of myself (aside from my sleep schedule being whacked out as usual)


              Sorry I left you in the cupboard--room mate came back & was telling me about how her friends had pulled a prank on her and I got distracted laughing at the bloody insanity of it all


                How many just come by for a chat Carson?

                Well lets see, there was one time he was visiting John. There was that time when Teyla came by, but I think she was visiting John really.
                No I don't think any of us come by solely to see you doc, it's more like you are a bonus attraction!


                  Well either way, I prefer to see ye all healthy than ill. As I recall, John, near the only times I see ye in my infirmary either you're visiting someone else or I'm bandaging up yet another hole y've gotten poked in yerself. And Rodney does come by when he's perfectly healthy, though usually he's whining on about some nonexistent symptom.

                  I appreciate your faith in me, Carson.

                  Oh Rodney, shut up. What would my day be without yer sorry face showin' up in my infirmary at least once? If ye didn't show up, I might think somethin' truly was wrong.



                    And now, it would appear, I'm the one locked in the cupboard. At least I do have Carson here though. *snuggles up next to Carson on the sofa* Mmm...comfy...


                      Sorry,trying to find a song on itunes. Problem, don't know who sings it or its name


                        If you know any of the lyrics, you could try a quick Google search of the lyrics to find it and then switch to iTunes to actually get for me most of the time I try to do it...


                          the word angel is in it

                          That is all you have?

                          I had more this morning, but a lot has happened between now and then!


                            BTW, did you feel a calm come over you about 10 1/2 hours ago?, I was trying to channel my Oxy class to you!


                              Well, the problem is that the word Angel is in a lot of songs. I usually end up with the chorus of a song stuck in my head and that's how I find it.

                              Sorry if I seem to be distracted or not responding quickly, I'm reading a bunch of Carson fanfictions. See, I was stalking the Shep Whump thread (hehe) and Flyboys where I saw the "challenges" and such going on and I remembered seeing some Carson Beckett challenges that had happened years ago before I found gateworld. I had a moment of sad when I realized nobody does Carson challenges anymore, and another moment of sad when I realized I could always start some but then I can't particularly participate if I start them...

                              [e] I kind of did, at the time I was on my way to my class and I remember meeting up with a close friend sort of by accident and it was like all my stress and worry of the day kinda melted away....then I had a massive giggle fit and almost lost my breath because I couldn't stop laughing. But I think the giggle fit had more to do with my friend mentioning kilts than anything...LOL


                                I found it!
                                I don't want to miss a thing, by Aerosmith.

                                See I found it!
                                I never doubted you!
                                Well I sure did!

