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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    The Big Reveal moment of ADB.....


    *Cue wolfwhistles....*


    (This whole scene always has me in stitches )

    *Cue Patrick freak-out when he recognises Ryan*

    "No Patrick, I'm not dead."

    And possibly my most favourite line from Patrick....(David Hewlett is so awesome)
    ".....UNNNN dead!!!!!!!!!!.........."

    ...and then, we find out The Truth:

    "She was hiding in the backyard putting on my make-up..."

    But Patrick buried Ryan!
    Didn't he?

    "...No, you buried him..."

    Patrick, worried: "You...saw me naked?"
    Ryan, evil grin: "Oh yeah."

    Patrick, to Marilyn: "You are so evil!"
    Turns to Ryan: "...and you, you're like SCOTTISH EVIL!"


      I love that movie!! Great humour, great chemistry between the actors. I was in tears of laughter after about 2 minutes, and it didn't stop for at least an hour afterwards. David is a hoot, and Paul is just hilarious!!


        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
        Finally had a chance to watch 'The Traveler'....
        Anyway, if you want to see it, PM me.
        Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
        Oooh! Yes please, I'm very keen to see it! I've PM'd you.
        So, is your offer still valid, Jersey13? I PM'd you & you haven't responded. I really want to see Pauly's horror-acting in a movie.

        Feel the love.
        Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


          I'm burning it to disc now, so I can watch it in all its glory on my telly, rather than have to sit at the computer....
          (Hope it works, our player doesn't always play burnt stuff )


            Sorry dolfyn... I tried to send a reply to your PM days ago but it's not showing in my outbox for some reason, so I'll just blame the hiccup on GW! If anybody else wants more info about 'The Traveler' and hasn't PMed me yet, please do so.


              It's been ages since I've been in here, probably because my heart's taken me in a different direction - but I thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is because I still want to know what you've been up to
              Newly liberated multi-thunker
              Julia xx


                Originally posted by Mirela View Post
                It's been ages since I've been in here, probably because my heart's taken me in a different direction - but I thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is because I still want to know what you've been up to
                Where's your heart gone? Not to some other Atlantis personell, I hope!


                  *waves tiredly* S'up gang? Wicked Hot Scot shots...gonna be AWOL for a few days moving into my new apartment. These lovely pix will motivate me to climb 2 flights of stairs carrying tons of boxes. I'll need the doc to stop by and rub down my aching muscles...what a lovely thought. More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                    2 flights of stairs? Damn, that sucks. Good luck!

                    ...put on yer favourite ep with Beckett as a reward, once you're done- the television is one of the first things to be set up, right? ;-)

                    I'm off to fold laundry and watch The Traveller, which I successfully got onto a disc- woohoo!


                      Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                      Sorry dolfyn... I tried to send a reply to your PM days ago but it's not showing in my outbox for some reason, so I'll just blame the hiccup on GW! If anybody else wants more info about 'The Traveler' and hasn't PMed me yet, please do so.
                      No worries, m'dear. All fixed.

                      Originally posted by Mirela View Post
                      It's been ages since I've been in here, probably because my heart's taken me in a different direction - but I thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is because I still want to know what you've been up to
                      You allowed your heart to stray from lovely Pauly?! How could you?!

                      Feel the love.
                      Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                        Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                        Where's your heart gone? Not to some other Atlantis personell, I hope!
                        Nope, Peter Facinelli - he just came right out of nowhere (it all started when I saw Twilight - then Nurse Jackie, which he's in too - for the first time this year) and I'm so in love with him now! Put it this way, if I could have a wish granted to me then it would be to be with him. I can't help it, sometimes someone just comes along like that - no matter if they're an actor or not - and takes you completely by surprise and that's what's happened to me. I still like Paul, but when you're in love with someone then that kinda takes precedence... Sorry if that upsets anyone but that's what's happened and can I not still like Paul even though I'm not in love with him?

                        I'm on Twitter so feel free to Follow me there if you want: I'm @scifijules
                        Newly liberated multi-thunker
                        Julia xx


                          ^^ ewwww, he's got nothing on Pauly.
                          And minus points for coming from Twilight.

                          Now, I need to comment on Pauly's movie "The Traveller" (or Traveler, if you're American)
                          I'm spoilering it so as not to give away the plot to those who haven't seen it yet....

                          - Hopkins, the 'ethnic' policeman- he smokes Morleys!! Like, what CancerMan in XFiles did! I thought they were a fictional brand invented for that show?
                          - Golloy(sp?), the fat policeman with glasses- he's played by the café owner from Eureka!! I've seen that dude in two other shows, and both times he always had his wavy hair and muttonchops- this time 'round, he was harder to spot; slicked hair, no 'chops, and coke-bottle glasses.)
                          - The tune that Mr. Nobody whistles....XFiles theme, anyone? I'm sorry, it reminds me of it....

                          So far, Mr. Nobody has committed two murders, and I'm assuming, just assuming, that there will be more.
                          It's quite sub-par with its 'dramatic' pauses, and waaaaay too much F-word for my liking (from Pauly!), but otherwise, not bad. Interesting idea.
                          Oh, and Pauly's 'shocked' face when they found Hopkins- I'm sorry, I laughed- I gotta try to get a screencap of that, it was priceless.


                            *smirks tiredly from the floor* I'd like to order a Hot Scot massage please,my aching muscles hate me. *kicks stupid boxes* hehe }:O


                              Originally posted by Mirela View Post
                              Nope, Peter Facinelli - he just came right out of nowhere (it all started when I saw Twilight - then Nurse Jackie, which he's in too - for the first time this year) and I'm so in love with him now!
                              hehehehee! The first movie I ever saw him in was Can't Hardly Wait. He played a macho high school jock. Very funny movie; I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. Seth Green & Jennifer Love Hewitt are also in it.
                              And I have to agree with scaperfan, he's got nothing on our lovely Pauly. But then, each to their own, hey?

                              Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                              Now, I need to comment on Pauly's movie "The Traveller" (or Traveler, if you're American)
                              I'm spoilering it so as not to give away the plot to those who haven't seen it yet....

                              - Hopkins, the 'ethnic' policeman- he smokes Morleys!! Like, what CancerMan in XFiles did! I thought they were a fictional brand invented for that show?
                              - Golloy(sp?), the fat policeman with glasses- he's played by the café owner from Eureka!! I've seen that dude in two other shows, and both times he always had his wavy hair and muttonchops- this time 'round, he was harder to spot; slicked hair, no 'chops, and coke-bottle glasses.)
                              - The tune that Mr. Nobody whistles....XFiles theme, anyone? I'm sorry, it reminds me of it....
                              So far, Mr. Nobody has committed two murders, and I'm assuming, just assuming, that there will be more.
                              It's quite sub-par with its 'dramatic' pauses, and waaaaay too much F-word for my liking (from Pauly!), but otherwise, not bad. Interesting idea.
                              Oh, and Pauly's 'shocked' face when they found Hopkins- I'm sorry, I laughed- I gotta try to get a screencap of that, it was priceless.
                              Here's my response:
                              Yeah, Pauly's shocked face was a classic.
                              Most of the murder scenes were a bit too drawn out, but the flying blood & guts made it kind of comical. Except for the tongue-cutting bit, that was too graphic & gross for me. *shudder*
                              As soon as Paul's character said "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", I just knew he was going to have at least one of his lovely eyes cut out!
                              I agree with the comment that the f-word was over-used throughout the movie; maybe it's to make it seem cool or tough or something, but mostly it's just distracting. Although, it's fair enough during the highly dramatic scenes.
                              Overall, it's a run-of-the-mill cheesy slasher flick. But it's fun to watch just for Pauly.

                              Feel the love.
                              Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                                ....and now, I've finished the movie! Here's my reply to your thoughts.
                                Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                                Yeah, Pauly's shocked face was a classic.
                                You mean......this one?

                                Most of the murder scenes were a bit too drawn out, but the flying blood & guts made it kind of comical. Except for the tongue-cutting bit, that was too graphic & gross for me. *shudder*
                                Yeah, I was squirming during the car-asphyxiation scene, it just went on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnn...and then, scissors!! Argh.
                                Flying chunks of meat were a bit overdone, I thought. Would have been fun to film, though. But yes, they made it a bit ridiculous, after the umpteenth time!
                                Mm, I looked away during the tongue-scene. Ick. Nasty scissors sound.

                                As soon as Paul's character said "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", I just knew he was going to have at least one of his lovely eyes cut out!
                                Yeah, shame. This guy really had it in for his tormentors...

                                I agree with the comment that the f-word was over-used throughout the movie; maybe it's to make it seem cool or tough or something, but mostly it's just distracting. Although, it's fair enough during the highly dramatic scenes.
                                Overall, it's a run-of-the-mill cheesy slasher flick. But it's fun to watch just for Pauly.
                                Maybe all American policemen swear like that? Dunno, never met one...
                                Maybe I should watch a nice Pauly flick next. If only I had one!

                                Last edited by scaperfan; 11 October 2010, 03:23 AM. Reason: Fixed the mess someone made of my image tags- thanks, now the pics are viewable.

