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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by LJR02 View Post
    Oooo...pretty pretty pretty pics...more please!

    Thanks, Scifan!


      Originally posted by girljumper1 View Post
      I'm new to this and I'm a big SGA and Sg-1 fan, Carsen is one of my fav! The pictures are awesome!
      Welcome probie!!
      Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


        Hi guys! *waves* I've been a long-time lurker here, and finally decided to get an account..... XD
        Been re-watching all my SGA DVDs this holiday (avoiding work) so the Carson fangirling has returned D: lol. I also finally got A dogs breakfast and managed to watch See grace fly..... Wierd film, but hot Paul scenes, so it was worth it lol.
        Anywho, just wanted to say 'hi'

        PS anyone got any awesomely epic pics they want to share?


          Nice con pics LJR02!! Paul looks dashing as always (duh!!) and it's nice to hear he's got himself a lovely lady too. Thanks for the kilted Paul pic that blew up my brain Jenny. Welcome girljumper!! Pull up a chair (or dive into the gutter) with the rest of us nutters. Wooohoooo!! hehe }:O


            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
            Pull up a chair (or dive into the gutter) with the rest of us nutters. Wooohoooo!! hehe }:O
            Sorry, there is no chairs in the gutter...We do, however, supply plenty of waders and towels tho...people such as myself...and Raven..never emerge from the gutter...

            Aye, she's telling the truth...I have that effect on thunkers

            Thanks, Scifan!


              *big cheeky grin* Jenny, ya know me so well. True,no chairs in the gutter-for the life guard maybe but not for us gutter divers. Isn't the gutter lovely this time of night? hehe *does cannon ball into the deep end of the gutter* Wooooohoooooo!!! hehe }:O


                Chairs? Where we're going, we don't need chairs...

                A fishtank, however...

                (slightly bigish pic)



                  Nice Wexford pic HyperCaz. Chairs...we don't need no stinking chairs. hehe }:O


                    I'm here. I'm back. Hi.

                    So glad you all got fantastic pics because mine aren't that great! I'll go through them but I don't think any of them are post-worthy.
                    However, I can talk endlessly about Paul if you want me to. His wonderful, hilarious presentation with Rachel. His five minutes at the breakfast table. He has the bluest eyes! OMG! And we had eye contact for several seconds!
                    My own impressions of the man. And he made quite the impression on me as I had never met him before!
                    And yes, he told us that he just got engaged! Sorry, girls.
                    So let me know. I don't want to repeat things if others have informed you about his lovely talk.


                      Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                      So glad you all got fantastic pics because mine aren't that great! I'll go through them but I don't think any of them are post-worthy.
                      However, I can talk endlessly about Paul if you want me to. His wonderful, hilarious presentation with Rachel. His five minutes at the breakfast table. He has the bluest eyes! OMG! And we had eye contact for several seconds!
                      My own impressions of the man. And he made quite the impression on me as I had never met him before!
                      And yes, he told us that he just got engaged! Sorry, girls.
                      So let me know. I don't want to repeat things if others have informed you about his lovely talk.
                      *waves* Paul does have the bluest eyes...I got a little giddy when it came time for my photo with him. and sorry, but did we meet over the weekend? I met so many people that I have trouble putting names to faces... (if not then I was the person who asked Paul about the house in Dog's Breakfast and yelled out that he was cooler than Joe...which he is in my book. )

                      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                        Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                        and yes, he told us that he just got engaged! Sorry, girls. :d
                        so let me know. I don't want to repeat things if others have informed you about his lovely talk.

                        ... seriously the first thing I said out loud just then.


                          Ok working on getting pics uploaded....most likely will be able to post some tomorrow...or well later today


                            WOOO the Caz is alive!! Guyz... you ain't seen capping until you've seen a Cazcappingspree, TRUST me!

                            I think I also spied a Haliyah! *waves*

                            Just poked my head in here real quick, just enough to read the news about Paul's engagement!! How awesome!! Ooooh man I'm so happy for him He definitely deserves it, I wish him and his future bride a long and happy life together

                            Proudly Supporting Team USA


                              idlewild! long time no thunk! I must admit I have a wandering eye, but for some bizarre reason they're all born in 1969. Beats me why!! I seem to have a thing for guys twice my age. o_O

                              As for a Cazcappingspree, look out for an upcoming Supernatural episode. I'm going to go to TOWN on that one.

                              *is insanely curious to know how Paul proposed?*


                                I knooooow! Life has really rather dragged me away from GW. Mostly cuz I have a real life irish/scotish thunk who I've fallen head over heels for Hate to say it, but as a result Paul rather pales in comparison... I don't have the desire to pop in here like I did. I mostly just come in here bout once a month to catch up with friends and stuff It's good to see you back in here!

                                LOL 1969... that's funny!

                                *wants to know how Paul proposed as well ^^*

                                Proudly Supporting Team USA

