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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by PJumper42 View Post
    Greetings All:

    By now I’m sure you have read all the horror stories about Dallas FedCon 2008 – what a disaster.

    In my opinion I think “greedy” is the key word here, and that’s exactly what happened with Tim Brazeal – he got very greedy.

    To the Paul fan with the yellow backpack – we got to talk briefly, but unfortunately I didn’t get your name. I felt so bad telling you Paul wasn’t going to make it. I could see the hurt on your face as you told me the trouble you had to go through to bring Paul a gift. Your tears broke my heart and I wish I could have said something to make you feel better.

    John Billingsley and Bonita Friedericy are my new heroes – they basically saved the convention. I knew Connor Trinneer seemed upset about something. I learned the next day that he showed up on his own because he wasn’t suppose to be on the guest list in the first place, and he wasn’t getting paid for his appearance.

    To Haliyah (one cool Canadian), Jersey 13, Seti-Fan, Kaylee, Michelle and the rest of the ladies…thank you for turning a nightmare into a memorable weekend. I can’t wait until all of us meet up again – I had a blast. We need to get everyone together for a chat room talk some time. I know everyone’s in a different time zone but we can do this.
    Thank you. You said everything I wanted to say. It was a blast hanging out with you and hope to do it again. Maybe we all could arrange a huge Thunker party for everyone


      Miss_kaylee and TJ!!! I missed you guys on the phone, when Seti called me you guys had already left! Bummer, I had wanted to chat with ya'll.

      That was quite the haul of junk food! Nice!

      Proudly Supporting Team USA


        OMG I love Pringles and I really understand Haliyah taking them with her Aww man, I wish we wouldn't live so many miles apart so we could make a party for every thunker.
        Last edited by Fainne; 17 June 2008, 09:24 AM.


          » Aww, guys that really sucks the way the con was cancelled and Paul didnt show up, but I'm glad you guys made a memorable time out of what could have been a disaster. That's the way to do it, girls

          » And I'll be partying from a remote distance in this thread


            Hello! Home safe, and back to a hectic day at work, since it was our prof's one day in before she's off to a conference in Canada for a week. I nearly destroyed our computer program somehow (how was I to know having more than one file open crashes everything?), but amazingly she didn't lose her temper with me, just calmly told me what was wrong and made me fix it.

            Then, I got home and, because I didn't get all my chores done yesterday, what with spending a few hours on the phone telling various family members about my con experience, I got a lecture on how this has been going on too long (forgetting to get things done), and how my mom and her partner are fed up and done with dealing with that. So, I'm now paying rent, utilities, cable, Internet, insurance, etc. that I had been given a pass on until I moved out on my own. Great surprise when I'm just back from an expensive convention. The bizarre thing, though is that I couldn't help feeling like I was buying my freedom with that pronouncement. No more chore lists, or feeling like I owe them anything. They can't tell me much of what to do anymore, all chores are shared out to whoever notices they need doing, and we each care for our own parts of the house. Not a bad deal, and actually a huge relief not to have them micromanaging me anymore.

            Anyway, I'll be writing up a detailed con report on my LJ and posting some of my pics soon. I got them all developed and the bulk of them came out really well. A few, I'm sad to notice, didn't or are missing entirely (my camera sometimes keeps acting like it's taking pictures at the end of the roll). So, I don't have my pic of getting arrested by the 501st (stormtroopers) that Garrett Wang took for me, and my pics of Gigi Edgley's Q&A and the opening ceremonies are all blurry (as happens when I can't use my flash), but the rest came out quite nicely. Haliyah, I don't know what it is, but you made some really funny expressions in a number of them. So, I'll post those soon.

            I do want to say how much fun I had and how thrilled I am to have met you guys this weekend. I'm really grateful that, when things went wrong, instead of sulking or complaining for the whole rest of the weekend, you threw a party. That's the way life should be. You guys helped keep the con alive and I'm so glad to have gone anyway.

            Idlewild, I'm so sorry I was lax on calling you. If I'd been thinking straight, I'd have called you during the party Saturday, but I let myself get distracted by all the goings-on and let you down. I'm sorry. I hope you had fun talking to at least a few of us during Sunday's marathon conversation. (We actually sat and talked for nine frakkin' hours! I've never done that before!) Which reminds me: the list I made of dirty, funny, or otherwise notable quotes from that conversation (the Fedcon: Uncut list) will be posted on my LJ around the same time. I don't know how well it reads when sober and back in RL, but I think it'll still be fun to see.

            I hope everyone has gotten home safely and enjoyed their weekend wherever they were! Thank you again, Paul, for giving us some of your time Saturday! What a lovely gesture. And I'm sure I'll be saying this for some time to come: John Billingsley and Bonita Friedericy are awesome. Huge thanks to them for salvaging the con.

            Missed you guys who weren't there! Must do a full thunker get-together someday.


            (edited because of the amusing auto-censor thing that wouldn't let me use a synonym for complaining that starts with a 'B')
            Last edited by SETI_fan; 17 June 2008, 08:29 PM.


              .:Well, girls, I'm not sure there's anything left to say that hasn't already been! You guys were wonderful and generous and otherwise lovely, and turning that horrible crapshoot into a memorable and full weekend is a feat unto itself. John and Bonita were absolutely fabulous, and are two of the loveliest people I've ever met. They're genuine, charismatic, passionate, unassuming, and very very real. It's like talking to your crazy neighbours. xD Oh, and we discovered that John is rather good at pool, and miss_kaylee and I suck at it quite epically. xP The green quesidilla was pretty darn good, though.

              .:*pokes SETI*

              .:I CAN HAS PICATUREZ NAOW? O=

              .:*huggles everyone she met, and those she didn't, and decides to make a thread for Lone Star Con*


                Close Up with Paul McGillion at MGM. Interview done when Paul was filming the episode before the hiatus. Minor season 5 spoilers for episode titles and episode themes. Maybe a costume spoiler in the photo.

                My kind of guy:
                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                  wow...he looks really different with his hair slicked over like that...
                  "I'm afraid the only bandaids we have are Ninja Turtles...that's the last time I let Colonel Sheppard help me with my medical supply list!!"

                  --Dr. Beckett "Real Life Atlantis" Fanfic


                    Originally posted by Silversi View Post
                    wow...he looks really different with his hair slicked over like that...
                    yes - it looks funny. let's tousle it

                    oh, and thank you watcher


                      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                      yes - it looks funny. let's tousle it
                      I volunteer to help with that!

                      Maybe we can wet him down a bit, too ...


                        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                        Hello! Home safe, and back to a hectic day at work, since it was our prof's one day in before she's off to a conference in Canada for a week. I nearly destroyed our computer program somehow (how was I to know having more than one file open crashes everything?), but amazingly she didn't lose her temper with me, just calmly told me what was wrong and made me fix it.

                        Then, I got home and, because I didn't get all my chores done yesterday, what with spending a few hours on the phone telling various family members about my con experience, I got a lecture on how this has been going on too long (forgetting to get things done), and how my mom and her partner are fed up and done with dealing with that. So, I'm now paying rent, utilities, cable, Internet, insurance, etc. that I had been given a pass on until I moved out on my own. Great surprise when I'm just back from an expensive convention. The bizarre thing, though is that I couldn't help feeling like I was buying my freedom with that pronouncement. No more chore lists, or feeling like I owe them anything. They can't tell me much of what to do anymore, all chores are shared out to whoever notices they need doing, and we each care for our own parts of the house. Not a bad deal, and actually a huge relief not to have them micromanaging me anymore.

                        Anyway, I'll be writing up a detailed con report on my LJ and posting some of my pics soon. I got them all developed and the bulk of them came out really well. A few, I'm sad to notice, didn't or are missing entirely (my camera sometimes keeps acting like it's taking pictures at the end of the roll). So, I don't have my pic of getting arrested by the 501st (stormtroopers) that Garrett Wang took for me, and my pics of Gigi Edgley's Q&A and the opening ceremonies are all blurry (as happens when I can't use my flash), but the rest came out quite nicely. Haliyah, I don't know what it is, but you made some really funny expressions in a number of them. So, I'll post those soon.

                        I do want to say how much fun I had and how thrilled I am to have met you guys this weekend. I'm really grateful that, when things went wrong, instead of sulking or complaining for the whole rest of the weekend, you threw a party. That's the way life should be. You guys helped keep the con alive and I'm so glad to have gone anyway.

                        Idlewild, I'm so sorry I was lax on calling you. If I'd been thinking straight, I'd have called you during the party Saturday, but I let myself get distracted by all the goings-on and let you down. I'm sorry. I hope you had fun talking to at least a few of us during Sunday's marathon conversation. (We actually sat and talked for nine frakkin' hours! I've never done that before!) Which reminds me: the list I made of dirty, funny, or otherwise notable quotes from that conversation (the Fedcon: Uncut list) will be posted on my LJ around the same time. I don't know how well it reads when sober and back in RL, but I think it'll still be fun to see.

                        I hope everyone has gotten home safely and enjoyed their weekend wherever they were! Thank you again, Paul, for giving us some of your time Saturday! What a lovely gesture. And I'm sure I'll be saying this for some time to come: John Billingsley and Bonita Friedericy are awesome. Huge thanks to them for salvaging the con.

                        Missed you guys who weren't there! Must do a full thunker get-together someday.


                        (edited because of the amusing auto-censor thing that wouldn't let me use a synonym for complaining that starts with a 'B')
                        Hey Seti:

                        Glad you made it home safely (as well as everyone else). I had a great weekend too...of course the drinking only made things even more fun

                        I so agree with you John Billingsley and Bonita Friedericy saved our con. I don't know a thing about Aaron but after this past weekend I have much respect for him for taking a stand.

                        FYI...the FedCon forum has been shut down due to abusive comments.
                        Last edited by PJumper42; 18 June 2008, 03:57 PM.


                          Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                          .:Well, girls, I'm not sure there's anything left to say that hasn't already been! You guys were wonderful and generous and otherwise lovely, and turning that horrible crapshoot into a memorable and full weekend is a feat unto itself. John and Bonita were absolutely fabulous, and are two of the loveliest people I've ever met. They're genuine, charismatic, passionate, unassuming, and very very real. It's like talking to your crazy neighbours. xD Oh, and we discovered that John is rather good at pool, and miss_kaylee and I suck at it quite epically. xP The green quesidilla was pretty darn good, though.

                          .:*pokes SETI*

                          .:I CAN HAS PICATUREZ NAOW? O=

                          .:*huggles everyone she met, and those she didn't, and decides to make a thread for Lone Star Con*
                          Hey Haliyah:
                          Next time you're in town I will personally take you out for some real Tex Mex. You never really got to experience it. Where I live there are several Tex Mex restaurants - so you have my word on it.


                            with the fedcon forums shut down, I'm trying to encourage everyone to gather in the one place to disucss any issues they have and to get advice for seeking refunds etc Click on the Message board link in the menu, the go to the Fedcon section of the forums (feel free to use other sections of the site/forums too though it's still brand new so short on info & partiicipation)


                              I'll start making a photo account soon. Been busy and short on cash right now, so didn't buy the photo CDs yet (4 rolls of film, after all), but you can bring your pics of choice in to Walgreens to scan and edit there and put on CD, so I may do that this weekend. Otherwise I'll scan on my own as time allows and start an account somewhere to put them.

                              I already liked Aaron from BSG and was amused to find out he and Paul were buddies. After reading his posts about the con, he's got my respect definitely. Look at his stuff on his blog about how he and his fans were treated at a Creation con if you get the chance. It's really nice to see someone get so protective of his fans and their rights. Good man. Wouldn't want to get on his bad side.

                              Very cool interview with Paul about the new season. While I miss the spiky hair, can't complain about the new look (though, yeah, I'd love to ruffle it up a bit). New episodes soon, and he's in the 2nd one!

                              I've said it already, but it was really lovely to meet you guys in person and I look forward to the next time we can pull something like that together again.



                                Thanks for posting the interview!!

