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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Here is a McKay/Beckett for RodneyIsGodney


      .: More Rodney/Carson DOUBLETHUNAKAGE from moi:



        Whenever I see that Duet pic, I have the uncontrollable urge to materialise in it and tackle Carson. Although that pic is actually CANON hahah, so who took it? Could only be Cadman.

        Here's a lil pic.


          Ahh, the Duet photo.... It's really cool


            Hmm well I'll bet no one believes me, but during the latter part of season 2, I had a very strange dream that I was looking over McKay's shoulder and he was holding that photo in a frame. I got a terrible shock seeing that scene in Sunday. o_O Have, since then, been trying to dream future episodes, but alas. FLUKE!

            (or huge coincidence?)


              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              PSYCHIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or possible one with the Force...


              Joining the ancient Jedi order of The Beckett.

              (and enjoy those caps!)
              Hmm... yes, yes, one with the force am I. My powder flows from the order of the Beckett

              Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
              YAYYYY! idlewild's back!

              Here, have a piccie:


              ETA: Oh my ... I just noticed I reached 500 posts! When did that happen?
              YUUSSS! Me back
              And boy oh boy... that's the kind of welcome back I'm talking about *drools*

              Oh, and congrats on 500 posts!!

              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              Hmm well I'll bet no one believes me, but during the latter part of season 2, I had a very strange dream that I was looking over McKay's shoulder and he was holding that photo in a frame. I got a terrible shock seeing that scene in Sunday. o_O Have, since then, been trying to dream future episodes, but alas. FLUKE!

              (or huge coincidence?)
              You're psychic too!!!!

              Proudly Supporting Team USA


                Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                Whenever I see that Duet pic, I have the uncontrollable urge to materialise in it and tackle Carson. Although that pic is actually CANON hahah, so who took it? Could only be Cadman.
                .: I thinks it was Cadman too - and yes, that piccie definately makes me drool

                Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                Hmm well I'll bet no one believes me, but during the latter part of season 2, I had a very strange dream that I was looking over McKay's shoulder and he was holding that photo in a frame. I got a terrible shock seeing that scene in Sunday. o_O Have, since then, been trying to dream future episodes, but alas. FLUKE!
                .: Creeepy... I've had similar Sunday-premonitions, but I forgot what they were

                .: On anti-K thread someone was talking about a Scottish band's rendition of Sunday Bloody Sunday ... I see SIGNS


                  hey guys, guess what?? Joe Mallozzi has a pic of Paul in his blog for the ep 'whispers'!!!! How cool is that?? He looks in high spirits. I spoiler-tagged it, cuz its a big pic!

                  "I'm afraid the only bandaids we have are Ninja Turtles...that's the last time I let Colonel Sheppard help me with my medical supply list!!"

                  --Dr. Beckett "Real Life Atlantis" Fanfic


                    Originally posted by Silversi View Post
                    hey guys, guess what?? Joe Mallozzi has a pic of Paul in his blog for the ep 'whispers'!!!! How cool is that?? He looks in high spirits. I spoiler-tagged it, cuz its a big pic!

                    LOL! You beat me to it, Silversi! I love that photo - I cracked up when I saw it.

                    Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                    LOL, I also propose we create a petition for Paul to wear his kilt to FedConUSA. It's simply NOT FAIR for the gals in europe to have gotten the chance to see him in his kilt, but not us American gals!
                    Oh, YES! Where do I sign?


                      They're showing the first "SG Atlantis" season on German TV again.
                      And of course I watched it. Carson! *yay*
                      Didn't see any of the first season episodes for a while.

                      Jersey and I talked about his fear using the chair and his odd expressions on his face, if he's just asked to use it. And I remembered the first scene as he almost killed Jack and John. And then the first conversation of John and carson!



                        WOW! Caz is back in full force; I love it!
                        Thank you so much for all the capping you've done over the past week! And of course for the timetable. I'm so excited for the party to start! (Even though I don't know yet whether I have time to participate on every day my boss is really getting strange lately.)

                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        Okay, I'm trying this again but with a different font that actually is a zipped file. I right clicked on the icon and click on extract all then it asks to select a folder to extract files to. And I have no clue which one I'm supposed to use. I tried using the fonts folder but it didn't work. What do I do? Can someone help me?

                        I'm glad to hear you finally succeeded importing fonts.

                        FYI, I just wanted to add that you always have to copy the (extracted) files of the fonts someplace else on your computer (whereto is irrelevant); since the fonts folder is such a delicate part of the system, it won't allow for direct copying.
                        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                        Hmm well I'll bet no one believes me, but during the latter part of season 2, I had a very strange dream that I was looking over McKay's shoulder and he was holding that photo in a frame. I got a terrible shock seeing that scene in Sunday. o_O Have, since then, been trying to dream future episodes, but alas. FLUKE!

                        (or huge coincidence?)
                        You are such a nut-job, Caz! In a good way of course.
                        Originally posted by Silversi View Post
                        hey guys, guess what?? Joe Mallozzi has a pic of Paul in his blog for the ep 'whispers'!!!! How cool is that?? He looks in high spirits. I spoiler-tagged it, cuz its a big pic!
                        Great, thanks a lot for the pic, Silversi. And also thanks to TJ, the intentions are what counts, right?!

                        BTW, congratulations on 500 posts, TJ! It doesn't matter how much time you needed for reaching that post count, we're glad you're here, BASTA!

                        And while I'm at it, also dearest congrats on 2000 posts, Reiko!

                        Sorry, I'm busy to no end but I certainly won't leave without a pic...

                        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                          Originally posted by Silversi View Post
                          hey guys, guess what?? Joe Mallozzi has a pic of Paul in his blog for the ep 'whispers'!!!! How cool is that?? He looks in high spirits. I spoiler-tagged it, cuz its a big pic!

                          I love it. Is it me or does his hair have a red tint to it?


                            You just say what I think.
                            I wanted to ask the same.

                            I'm not it just the light or what?


                              Attempt at a multi-quote post.

                              Oh my goodness. Seti!
                              I'm to tired to read all you wrote!

                              My bed is calling for me!
                              Good to see you again, Luciana! Hope you're feeling better rested now! A good night's sleep is a welcome thing. Cute pic of Carson too!

                              Great to see you again, Idlewild! It's so exciting to be talking about con logistics. Makes it all real, you know? I'm gonna see Paul, and my Thunker friends, and other cool actors from other shows! (I see Aaron Douglass is going now, so Paul with have his buddy there to hang out with. ) Gotta get that hotel room squared away.

                              BTW, anyone else notice the first day of the con is a Friday the 13th? So cool!

                              Congrats on 500 posts, TJ! I think you got there faster than I will, at this rate!

                              Speaking of that, does anybody have the article/interview with Paul saying he thought he would cry on his last last, and told Rachel first on set then called David when he got home? I think it's pretty heartbreaking - I can't find it, can someone please link/post it if it was a scan? Thanks
                              I remember that was in a fairly recent magazine, wasn't it? Was it Stargate Magazine itself or something like Cult Times or Starwatch? Maybe my local bookstore still has it, unless new issues have come out since then. Very touching read, how Rachel had a hard time making it through their next scene together without breaking into tears. That's one of the things that has moved me the most with the passing of Carson is how deeply it affected the cast. Their interviews sound like someone actually died, bless them. I think David Hewlett said in one interview that he got a little teary watching "Sunday" and Jane had to remind him Paul was still okay and they could see each other that weekend. Their friendships and investment in the characters just give the show that extra level and depth that draws me to it even more.

                              HAHAHAHAHA I love that pic...that may have been during the Q i asked him at p3..i got a great responce 'describe all of your atlantis costars in one word...and the reason why you chose that word'

                              .: Care to tell us what the response was?
                              Is that the one that's up on YouTube? Something like "Joe: Hair, why? gel. David: Creepy, because he kissed me." It doesn't have all the co-stars' descriptions, though, just those two.

                              Which reminds me, must see if I can bring a video camera for Fedcon USA. (I also expressed interest in the con DVD, so that might cover parts of it too.) Or, maybe I can keep up a journal the way I did for a little FS con I went to years ago. I actually remembered a lot of quotes from events then. I might be able to do that again here, if time allows.

                              Any FedCon going to be in Dallas that Thursday. I am going to get there then and wanted to know if anyone want to go hang out and eat that Thursday night?
                              miss_kaylee: I had planned on getting there the 13th, Idlewild too, I think, but I don't know what Haliyah's plans are, and if you were looking to split our room with us anyway (which I think I heard you were), then I can probably fly in the 12th, even if just you and I split the cost. If so, then we can hang out all you want (as long as someone provides rides if we leave the hotel since I'm not planning to rent a car). Just let me know soon so I can reserve a room ASAP.

                              To legalise...


                              Now those two just look like mischief... Very sexy and debonair, almost like a promo pic for some kind of bond movie or Mr. and Mrs. Smith sort of thing. Thanks for posting, RodneyIsGodney! (love your handle, too.)

                              Hmm well I'll bet no one believes me, but during the latter part of season 2, I had a very strange dream that I was looking over McKay's shoulder and he was holding that photo in a frame. I got a terrible shock seeing that scene in Sunday. o_O Have, since then, been trying to dream future episodes, but alas. FLUKE!

                              (or huge coincidence?)
                              Whoa, that's creepy! I thought I had some kind of thing like that happen, but I don't remember if it did now. I don't think suggesting they check Carson's telomeres in "Kindred 2" counts as psychic stuff since I've spent the last few years in and out of molecular bio-type classes. Yours is freaky cool!

                              BTW, anyone else think McKay kept that picture after packing up Carson's room? I mean, could they give it back to his family if it shows them on a mission? I guess it doesn't show aliens or anything, but still...

                              Love the pic of Paul from JM's blog! lol! He's gonna have too much fun this episode, I think. Can't wait to see the rest of the behind-the-scenes pics from this one!

                              Is it me or does his hair have a red tint to it?
                              It does look distinctly lighter, doesn't it? Huh. Just a trick of the light or shifting his look for another role? Or a side effect of their cure for his condition from the end of season 4?



                                Originally posted by Silversi View Post
                                hey guys, guess what?? Joe Mallozzi has a pic of Paul in his blog for the ep 'whispers'!!!! How cool is that?? He looks in high spirits. I spoiler-tagged it, cuz its a big pic!

                                --> for the photo

