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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I'm hoping someone will be able to post a clip with Paul in it, 'cause I stupidly missed the very first few minutes.

    EDIT: Woo! It's coming on again at 1am... I should be able to catch it then.
    Last edited by Jersey13; 05 January 2008, 06:59 PM.


      I watched to see Paul.
      I think scifi has it in for Paul. Done in by exploding tumors and Nessie. Stopped watching after he was eaten.


        I did not watch it.... I was watching the football playoffs

        Proudly Supporting Team USA


          *peeks in* Hi everyone I've never posted on here despite falling in love with both Carson and Paul in 'Rising' *laughs* I just thought I'd pop in and say, wow I was so excited to tune in tonight for "Beyond Loch Ness" - I mean hello?! Two hour film featuring my man! Needless to say...
          I'm less than thrilled. I watched the first five minutes, realized the role he was given and gave the TV a good swearing too. How many times do I have to see that poor man die!


            Don't forget Rya'c was in the movie too. Yes I watched the whole thing.

            @ Jersey13. He looks so good, if a bit wet. So thunky. Oh, and look closely at his hair. *snicker* ...
            Not his usual do. It's flat!!! Heh, could be cause it's wet.

            Oh, and...

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!!!
            Sig by ME.


              Originally posted by phibi View Post
              Paul picspam:

              That picture is officially my favorite of Paul.....besides the smexy black shirt in Sunday of course


                I like the smexy black shirt...
                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


         was so misleading!!! "Starring: Paul Mcgillion, Don S. Davis"
                  sorry scifi but 5 Minutes and then being horribly eaten does not count as a starring role


                    Originally posted by erb View Post
                    I watched to see Paul.
                    I think scifi has it in for Paul. Done in by exploding tumors and Nessie. Stopped watching after he was eaten.
                    This is unbelievable!!!!


                      And on his birthday to!!!!!
                      BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                        Oh my, I can't believe I missed the big day. =O

                        A late Happy Birthday to MR. MCGILLION and MR. FLANIGAN!

                        Congratulations, *Oda*! I'll let out a high-pitched squeee for you. XD

                        Woo, 200 posts. o.o Only ~800 left until 1000. XD
                        ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

                        Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John


                          .:Ack! I've been gone for so long! *sniff* I miss my daily thunkage! *cries* T_T

                          .:I'm sorry I haven't been around. I thought I was back the last time I popped in to say hullo, but I've had to move since, and I have no internet in my apartment yet. I've been super busy packing and flailing and panicking for the last few months!

                          .:So, things that should be said while I have internet access:

                          .:1] cshawzye, your gifts were lovely! Thank you so much! I did indeed get them before Christmas. I love them! The necklace is very pretty; it matches my eyes and colouring really well, and the celtic cross jewellery box is beyond cool. The ornament is neat! I didn't get to use it this year as we never put up a tree, but I'll snap a photo next year. >w<

                          .:2] Twinny, you were my Secret Santa giftee, and I apologize that my life got turned upside down at such an inconvenient time. I was obviously unable to finish by Christmas. Not even most of my close friends have their gifts yet! If you're willing to wait (and I really, really hope you are, because your gift is extra-special), I'll still send it once it's finished.

                          .:3] leighanners, I'd love to do the Secret Santa again next year! I get the feeling that it was massively successful, even if I couldn't participate as fully during the Christmas season as I'd have liked.

                          .:4] HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAULIE!!! *huggles and love* OMG, he'll be "over the hill" next year, lol! *squees*

                          .:5] Welcome to all the newbies that arrived to worship our Scottish God of Love while I was away! I hope you enjoy your time here, and make many friends in our little community. We're a little crazy, but in a very good way. We won't bite. Hard. > : D

                          .:6] I hope this finds everyone on a good note. Whatever has befallen everyone, I wish you well, and send you lots of love.

                          .:I love all of you guys, and I hope I'll be able to come on more often now that I'm a bit more settled. I miss the camaraderie of the thread. I haven't even made a new wallpaper in months! O.O Goodbye for now, and drop me a line if you feel like it. <3


                            HALIYAH!!! You're alive!! I hope the move hasn't been to stressful, I'm moving in June or so, and I'm not looking forward to the packing and unpacking business. But, I'm really glad to see you back here again

                            Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                            Mind? Mind them? Are you nuts? OMG these caps are pure gold.
                            Well... then I guess you won't mind just a few more


                            Proudly Supporting Team USA


                              Originally posted by Emre View Post
                              Congratulations, *Oda*! I'll let out a high-pitched squeee for you. XD

                              Woo, 200 posts. o.o Only ~800 left until 1000. XD
                              Thanks Emre.

                              Congrats on 200 posts!!!

                              Nope, I don't mind at all. Great caps.

                              Haliyah I'm glad you could stop by for a short time. I actually forgot about you a bit. I hope you settle in soon and we can hear more from you.

                              Keep your fingers crossed for me, guys, I have an exam from Mechanics of flight for helicopters tomorrow. I sure could use all the help I can get.

                              "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                                Originally posted by phibi View Post
                                Paul picspam:

                                *sighs like a thirteen year old girl* What I wouldn't give to swap places with those teddybears. And the last picture is so extremely hot.

                                Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                                Congrats on 200 posts!!!

                                Keep your fingers crossed for me, guys, I have an exam from Mechanics of flight for helicopters tomorrow. I sure could use all the help I can get.
                                Thank you! =D And you even got my favorite shade of blue! XD

                                And I'll be sure to cross my fingers. I wish you the best of luck.

                                Here be some caps from The Eye!


                                ^ *ka-THUNK*

                                ^ This one is so...Paul.
                                ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

                                Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John

