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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Never looking at Weir in the same way again, now. Those eyebrows are freaking me out!!

    Keep those 3x03 caps coming yummeh.


      idlewild has agreed that I should bring back the dive sequence...

      no spoilers just pics


      Run Carson Run!

      Arms up!








        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
        idlewild has agreed that I should bring back the dive sequence...

        no spoilers just pics


        Run Carson Run!

        Arms up!








        That scene is one of the best ever!!
        Haha, and I love the vid!!

        Proudly Supporting Team USA


          A smile a day won't send the doctor away!


            Smiles and dimples

            Proudly Supporting Team USA


              Squee, for all the mighty fine caps!
              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              Ahem so Kindred. I saw the promo and squeed with delight.
              AHERM, anyway. I keep thinking about that thunkable pose that Paul does in Misbegotten...the crouchy-lookitmypants pose. It's a shame we didn't get to see it properly in Duet.


              The pose alone could win awards.
              Yes, the promo for the back half of season four was great, I loved the moment with Beckett, so sweet and totally in character. That was actually the first time in months that I really felt excited about Atlantis again. I still can't get my mind around SGA without Carson.

              Yep, the pose is terrific. The man just knows how to make fangirls happy.

              Originally posted by Emre View Post
              I wish I could include one as well. But then I'd have to break all ties with the family.
              I'm sorry to hear that, Emre. It's really tough to know that your family would never accept something that would make YOU happy.
              Originally posted by Emre View Post
              It's my grandma's death anniversary today (she died 4 years ago, may her soul rest in peace), so I basically escaped from the house to get away from the tears and the constant religious talk. I feel a bit bad about it, but I really can't stand the whole thing.
              Now there you really don't have to twist my arm... more Hazmat Hotness aHead

              Originally posted by Emre View Post
              I'd give you all a massive early New Years green, but I'm to forced to spread the reputation or whatnot before I can green again. =( So...

              a MENTAL GREEN to you all.
              Thanks a bunch! Mental green is just as welcome.
              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              Meh...... OT unfunness....
              So we tromp outside and hello, there is water coming out of the wall!!!! The HOT water!!! Just great.... so, we've shut off the hot water in the house and now we are trying to find someone available to do work on a Saturday to get this fixed.

              Okay... gotta cheer myself with caps from Irresistible!!
              I liked this episode only for all the Carson smiles and dimples.....
              That's terrible! I hope you still got it fixed in a hurry. Maybe you should have bribed the handyman with a few Carson thunks...

              But the cheering sure did work for me! Excellent job with capping again, idlewild! There were also some dramatic moments in it that I adored but Carson smiling like a cheshire cat is always a special treat. Overall, I didn't care much for the episode 'Irresistible' if it wasn't for the last ten or so minutes. It really went up by a few degrees after Sheppard stepped through the Gate back to Atlantis and had to realize that even Rodney had "abandoned" him.

              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
              Y'all got Season 3 Box Sets! I have to be the only person that didn't - I was expecting it, but my mum said "Yah, it was in the ads this weekend but we didn't know if you wanted them because you've seen them all already." Nonetheless I was a bit ... irritated.
              I don't have the box set either, so you're not the only one. But it is still bitter that you didn't get it. If I want to have any DVD's, I always have to buy them myself because our parents despise of our liking for the SciFi genre (or hardrock and heavy metal for that matter). But it's okay, I don't like their taste in music or movies either. I guess that's the way of the world.
              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
              But on the bright side I did get the Bourne Ultimatum =] I love the theme song, and its stuck in my head now.
              I so know how you feel. A bit OT:
              Two weeks back I watched the episode 'Nightshifter' of Supernatural's second season; and totally fell for the score of that episode. Honestly, I didn't get the song out of my head for days. And StarTrek: Enterprise's theme song was the only title score ever that I never fastforwarded watching an episode because I liked it so much.

              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
              I can't watch episodes [see: Sunday] where a beloved character is going to die in front of anyone except my two closest friends because I'll start crying/screaming/condemning the writers. My mum wouldn't understand. She is very unsupportive of my coping with the death of fictional loved ones and would find the special bond I have with Carson rather absurd =[. My Dad on the other hand teases me about it - when Wash from Serenity died he bothered me all month about it.
              My twin really is the only person I can share things like that with. Everybody else, even our best friend looks at us like we've grown a third eye whenever we get upset over something as 'trivial' as fictional characters.
              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
              No argument there.
              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              idlewild has agreed that I should bring back the dive sequence...

              Love the dive! And the vid sequence...
              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              A smile a day won't send the doctor away!
              No, it's "For a thunk a day send the doctor my way!"

              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                That's terrible! I hope you still got it fixed in a hurry. Maybe you should have bribed the handyman with a few Carson thunks...
                Not a bad idea! lol!
                Though, someone is coming out tomorrow to fix it. We did a little 'sploring though this afternoon, and this is what we found

                After tearing out a chunk of the wall, the X marks the spot in the pipe where it burst... boy it's gonna be fun to get to that without either a) pulling out the tub or b) pulled off the outside wall

                And the split in the pipe itself.

                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                But the cheering sure did work for me! Excellent job with capping again, idlewild! There were also some dramatic moments in it that I adored but Carson smiling like a cheshire cat is always a special treat. Overall, I didn't care much for the episode 'Irresistible' if it wasn't for the last ten or so minutes. It really went up by a few degrees after Sheppard stepped through the Gate back to Atlantis and had to realize that even Rodney had "abandoned" him.
                Same here, I didn't really like the episode, the character of Lucius is probably the most annoying person ever. *shudders*
                But.... I couldn't miss capping it for all those wonderful pictures of Carson
                So.... it's been insanely cold here the past few days.
                Today it got up to a high of 4*F (that's roughly -18*C), so all I have been doing lately is staying home and drinking lots of hot coco... I really want to go ride my horse, but I'd rather NOT freeze my tush off. Since I have nothing better to do I've been capping season 3.

                My friends, I give you caps from Sateda

                Proudly Supporting Team USA


                  He's so cute when he's worried.


                  Mmmkay... life is good, time for bed

                  Proudly Supporting Team USA


                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                    Now there you really don't have to twist my arm... more Hazmat Hotness aHead




                    At least we know he uses protection.
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                      Yes, the promo for the back half of season four was great, I loved the moment with Beckett, so sweet and totally in character. That was actually the first time in months that I really felt excited about Atlantis again. I still can't get my mind around SGA without Carson.

                      Yep, the pose is terrific. The man just knows how to make fangirls happy.
                      idlewild was kind enough to lend me a couple of her Misbegotten caps, where the POSE OF THUNKINESS was in display. *sigh* Wish he'd done it more often!!!

                      The promo actually made me start watching season 4, and I've just done 4x05!!

                      Must say, extremely pissed off that they YET AGAIN fell back on the death crutch. Is that the only way they know to create drama?! Granted, I'd prefer Heightmeyer gone (I cheered...) but it was a signal of a much deeper and disturbing trend, beginning with Ford...

                      Love the dive! And the vid sequence...
                      It was too good to pass up.

                      No, it's "For a thunk a day send the doctor my way!"
                      Classic, now I just have to put that into a sig somehow, but I'm a bit out of practice. Haven't touched GIMP, or movie maker for that matter, much since...

                      Hahem, HAZMATS!!! You just know there's a storeroom in Atlantis with so many different Ancient-y hazmats. Different colours, different textures, different flavours...

                      oh my God did I really just go there...


                        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post

                        Hahem, HAZMATS!!! You just know there's a storeroom in Atlantis with so many different Ancient-y hazmats. Different colours, different textures, different flavours...

                        oh my God did I really just go there...
                        I love you. HAHAHA!

                        but are there creme filled?!?!
                        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                          Originally posted by Emre View Post
                          And this is how Emre learned about multi-qouting. XD
                          Didn't we all.

                          It's my grandma's death anniversary today (she died 4 years ago, may her soul rest in peace), so I basically escaped from the house to get away from the tears and the constant religious talk. I feel a bit bad about it, but I really can't stand the whole thing.
                          I understand you completely. *hugs*

                          Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                          Meh...... OT unfunness....
                          So, normally during the winter we have an issue with the pipes to the main bathtub freezing at night when temps drop below zero. But normally all we have to do is open the valve on the tub and in about an hour the pipes will thaw and we'll have the water running.

                          The reason for that is the dummy who installed the pipes when this house was build ran them along the outer wall without proper insulation. The pipes to the shower in the other bathroom are fine, it's just the tub
                          Anyway, last night it dropped to -23*F. The night before it got down to -19*F and we remembered to leave the valve open with a light stream of water, last night we forgot. So of course the lines froze, so today we try and take a shower, open the line and wait. We start getting cold water, alright, that's good, now for the hot. We turn the nob to the hot side, loose the cold water pressure, slight hot water. Alright, so we decide to wait a little longer.

                          About them my sister comes in the house, she was next door taking care of the neighboors pets. She comes in and goes "Hey Dad, there is something outside you need to see."

                          So we tromp outside and hello, there is water coming out of the wall!!!! The HOT water!!! Just great.... so, we've shut off the hot water in the house and now we are trying to find someone available to do work on a Saturday to get this fixed.

                          Glad I took my shower yesterday... we might not have one for a few days if we don't find anybody till Monday!!

                          And as of right now it's looking to be that way, all the plumbers in the area are swamped!! Nobody is free... *sigh*
                          Wow. That's just bad luck, I guess. I hope you'll get it fixed soon and then you can take a nice, hot and cosy bath with a certain doctor ..sorry, got a bit carried away.
                          Awesome caps from Irresistible and Sateda BTW.

                          That sequence always makes me smile.

                          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                          No, it's "For a thunk a day send the doctor my way!"
                          LOL, I like this new saying.

                          Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                          At least we know he uses protection.

                          I think I cracked my rib.

                          This is my 1000 post. It goes, of course to the one and only doctor I wouldn't mind seeing every day.
                          I guess a pic spam is in order.


                          Few caps from Instinct

                          Few from Sateda

                          Few from Michael

                          I'll be back.
                          "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                            As promised, here are some more caps to drool over


                            A few more from Michael

                            And just a few random ones from several episodes.

                            And my favourite of all times

                            And that's all for my celebration of 1000 posts. I hope you enjoyed as much as I did, lol.
                            "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                              Oda, this milestone calls for a speech!

                              (no spoilers, just hilarity)

                              *clears throat*

                              Umm, where to start?

                              I suppose I should mention how those pics you just posted sent me all the way to the floor and...uh...

                              CONGRATULATIONS! I would green you except it tells me I love you too much. Aw. Imaginary green!!

                              See, even Paul is excited for your 1000 posts!!


                                CONGRATS ON YOUR 1000TH POST ODA!!!!!!!!

                                Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                                Wow. That's just bad luck, I guess. I hope you'll get it fixed soon and then you can take a nice, hot and cosy bath with a certain doctor ..sorry, got a bit carried away.
                                Awesome caps from Irresistible and Sateda BTW.
                                Well, the plumber showed up today and it's fixed!! woohooo!!! Hot showers Well... ya know, after all, my Carson clone needs to take showers too, why not just share? *splashes happily in the gutter*

                                Proudly Supporting Team USA

